Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my f

Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my f

Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my final grade. Please DO NOT plagiarize. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. I uploaded the journal club template and the article “Early or Delayed Cardioversion in Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation” you should read the article first and then complete the journal club template. follow the instructions sharply. I also provided you with an example of a complete journal club as to follow as reference as well as the lecture slides. Please pay a specific attention to the introduction because it worth 5% of the paper and it needs to have the following Disease State Background
-Risk Factors
Medication Background
-Mechanism of Action
-Pharmacokinetics/ Pharmacodynamics
-Drug Interactions
-Adverse Effects
** see the example journal club 🙂
Thank you!
I hope I get excellent mark on it. it’s really important.