Basic information about microbiology to help you understand and remember what th

Basic information about microbiology to help you understand and remember what th

Basic information about microbiology to help you understand and remember what this study is, Let’s break your curiosity! For this study, we will let you know what is behind Microbiology. First of all, we have to identify what is the meaning of Microbiology and why it is important to know. Microbiology is the study of small living organisms, that can’t be seen by the naked eye but if we use Microscope that will help us see what is going on with these living organisms. Microbiology studies such as Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, and Protozoa. We also have in our body what we call Microbiota, and for the plants, we call it Nitrogen Fixation. Do you want to dig deeper? Sure, we also need to study bacteria and categorize them as well. Let us find out what are the things that we need to learn from it. Each Living organism is categorized under it, For bacteria we call it gram stains and we categorize it as positive and negative. For Viruses, it is DS DNA/RNA and SS ( Single-stranded) DNA/RNA. For fungi, it is we have Mold which is Multicellular, and yeast Unicellular. We also have a hierarchy classification in Microbiology or for small living organisms, and we call it or categorize it such as Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Genus, and Species.
Now let me see if you understand the small discussion we had: What is microbiology? What are the small organisms studied in this course? and what are the categories you’ll find in each small organism? and What is the hierarchy to classify the small organisms? Let me know if you did remember this lesson and if you have learn from these course. Thank you

Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses SAVE SLIDES

Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses

Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses
SAVE SLIDES IN YOUR SLIDE BOX BUT DO NOT TURN THEM IN. Enter your Unknown Number____________. I. Slant characteristics (highlight your choice): Consistency (1.0 pt.): Dry Mucoid
Pigment (2.0 pts): Yes No
If yes, then describe color_______________________ If yes, highlight your choice: Intracellular / Extracellular
UPLOAD A PICTURE OF YOUR SLANT HERE (image must display unknown number) Must take pictures of all stained slides. Do not discard any slides but do not turn them in.
II. Staining (highlight and justify your choice): (1.5 pts) Gram Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image (at 100X under oil) here and justify your choice above:
(1.5 pts) Spore Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image here and justify your choice above: (1.5 pts) Acid-Fast Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image here and justify your choice above: III. (1.5 pts) Staining Morphology (highlight your choice): Rod Coccus Spiral
(1.5 pts) Observed Predominant Arrangement (highlight your choice): Single Clusters Chains
(2.0 pts) Bonus Which organism does your unknown resemble? ______________________ _____________________
(Must be a logical guess based on all characteristics.) (Genus) (species)

As you watch television, scroll through social media sites, listen to your frien

As you watch television, scroll through social media sites, listen to your frien

As you watch television, scroll through social media sites, listen to your friends and family, read blogs and the news, you’re probably exposed to different stories about microbiology.  Now, more than ever, you will likely hear about viruses, bacteria, or other microbes as topics of discussion.
Write three to four paragraphs about any of these microbiological topics that you encounter: 
Please use your own words. This journal is to discuss your learning, opinions, and things that maybe you would have missed or not understood without this class.
Absolutely do NOT just post an article you find, or a summary of an article. If you journal is ABOUT an article, you can include a brief summary, but most of the content should be your feelings and thoughts.
While the topic can be about disease, it does not have to be.  Remember that microbes are a part of our lives in many other ways other than disease causing agents. 
If this was a discussion you were participating in, tell a little about what you contributed to the topic.
State what you have learned in class that made this topic stand out to you.