Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses SAVE SLIDES

Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses

Please use a distinct color/font/highlight/underline your responses
SAVE SLIDES IN YOUR SLIDE BOX BUT DO NOT TURN THEM IN. Enter your Unknown Number____________. I. Slant characteristics (highlight your choice): Consistency (1.0 pt.): Dry Mucoid
Pigment (2.0 pts): Yes No
If yes, then describe color_______________________ If yes, highlight your choice: Intracellular / Extracellular
UPLOAD A PICTURE OF YOUR SLANT HERE (image must display unknown number) Must take pictures of all stained slides. Do not discard any slides but do not turn them in.
II. Staining (highlight and justify your choice): (1.5 pts) Gram Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image (at 100X under oil) here and justify your choice above:
(1.5 pts) Spore Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image here and justify your choice above: (1.5 pts) Acid-Fast Stain result Positive Negative
(1.5 pts) Include your stained slide image here and justify your choice above: III. (1.5 pts) Staining Morphology (highlight your choice): Rod Coccus Spiral
(1.5 pts) Observed Predominant Arrangement (highlight your choice): Single Clusters Chains
(2.0 pts) Bonus Which organism does your unknown resemble? ______________________ _____________________
(Must be a logical guess based on all characteristics.) (Genus) (species)