Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond 4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 replies.

Write a short essay (300 words minimum) about the content that we covered this week–the readings, the music, the videos, the lecture, etc.
Focus on the things that you learned that surprised you, bothered you, what are you taking away from this week?
This short essay will serve as your initial post. Copy and paste it into the submission box. Once you’ve submitted your initial post, you’ll be able to see what others have written.
Then, read over the essays of your peers, and respond to at least three* people before Sunday at midnight.
In order to fulfill the grade covenant, you need to hit the minimum length requirement for your initial post, and respond (substantively) to at least THREE people.
In order to exceed the grade covenant, you’re going to want to engage deeply with the discussion–go above and beyond

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond 4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 replies.

Write a short essay (300 words minimum) about the content that we covered this week–the readings, the music, the videos, the lecture, etc.
Focus on the things that you learned that surprised you, bothered you, what are you taking away from this week?
This short essay will serve as your initial post. Copy and paste it into the submission box. Once you’ve submitted your initial post, you’ll be able to see what others have written.
Then, read over the essays of your peers, and respond to at least three* people before Sunday at midnight.
In order to fulfill the grade covenant, you need to hit the minimum length requirement for your initial post, and respond (substantively) to at least THREE people.
In order to exceed the grade covenant, you’re going to want to engage deeply with the discussion–go above and beyond

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond 4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 repli

Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond
4747 unread replies.4747 replies.

Write a short essay (300 words minimum) about the content that we covered this week–the readings, the music, the videos, the lecture, etc.
Focus on the things that you learned that surprised you, bothered you, what are you taking away from this week?
This short essay will serve as your initial post. Copy and paste it into the submission box. Once you’ve submitted your initial post, you’ll be able to see what others have written.
Then, read over the essays of your peers, and respond to at least three* people before Sunday at midnight.
In order to fulfill the grade covenant, you need to hit the minimum length requirement for your initial post, and respond (substantively) to at least THREE people.
In order to exceed the grade covenant, you’re going to want to engage deeply with the discussion–go above and beyond

this is the instructions in the dropbox and the doc i attached has the sources o

this is the instructions in the dropbox and the doc i attached has the sources o

this is the instructions in the dropbox and the doc i attached has the sources on the bottom an dmy proposal The History of Everything (PAPER): 1300 words doubled spaced. (40 points of total grade)
You will complete and submit a five (5) page history paper on a topic (that you proposed) that is related to your discipline. The bibliography counts as one page / and words. Your will write a paper on the background, significance and legacy of an event or personality that impacted your field or area of study. For example, if you are a Behavior Analysis major, write a brief history or biography of a major event or figure that shaped Sociology. If you are an Africana Studies major write a brief history or biography of a major figure that shaped Africana Studies. And so on to each major… Everything must be stated in your own words and in an academic format. See section on plagiarism. Write in the third person and refrain from using “I”, “You”, “We”, “In my opinion”, etc. There are more instructions in D2L.
“A Brief History/Biography of ________________________”

Desсrіption of personality/event and how it relates to music eduaction:

Background and development of personality/event:

Significant achievement/s of personality/event:

Legacy of personality/event:

For your final, you will make a performance patch for a 1-3 minute live performa

For your final, you will make a performance patch for a 1-3 minute live performa

For your final, you will make a performance patch for a 1-3 minute live performance that will occur during class time in our final class. You′re welcome to bring friends to witness your projects!
Your performance should run off your laptop and run out of the 8th inch output of your laptop. If you are using an audio interface and intend to send a different audio signal to the mixer, please let me know in advance. Let me know in advance if you require a MIDI keyboard, USB dongle, or other specialized technology.
– Your project must be sound-based but could also include video.
– You must sculpt or record every sound, including any samples you intend to use; General MIDI sounds are not permitted.
Consider: What constitutes performance while working on a laptop? How can sequencers, randomizers, and algorithmic elements create separate layers on which you perform or interact with?

INSTRUCTIONS: You will be comparing and contrasting three songs: Ani DiFranco: N

You will be comparing and contrasting three songs:
Ani DiFranco: N

You will be comparing and contrasting three songs:
Ani DiFranco: Not a Pretty Girl, written and recorded by Ani DiFranco, 1995
Lauren Hill: Doo Wop (That Thing), written and recorded by Lauryn Hill, 1998
k.d. Lang: Nowhere to Stand, written and recorded by k.d. lang and the Reclines, 1989
Write a total of 500 words for each question 1-5 combined (You can answer with 100 words per question). The links to the songs are listed below:

These three singers have all been referred to as alternative artists in their respective genres. In each case, explain why you agree or disagree with this statement and give reasons.
Describe the important social issue raised in each of these songs, and the writer’s position on that issue.
Do you believe that social commentary is important in popular music, or that popular music’s main function should be entertainment? Why?
Which of the three songs most effectively makes its point?
Which of these three artists would you be most likely to listen to more of?
Then, answer question 6 with a total of 150 to 200 words:
6. What makes alternative music so unique and stand out from other genres? A long time ago, before I knew too much about music genres, etc., I thought alternative was just rock music. What do you think, in your opinion, makes alternative music stand out from rock along with the other genres? Do you find it hard to classify an artist as an alternative? If so, what makes it hard to pinpoint? If not, what stands out to you knowing it is in fact alternative music?
7. Then, come up with your own original, open-ended question that students can respond to and briefly elaborate on your question. Your open-ended question can be anything related to the “Alternative Styles” Discussion Assignment. (Question 6 above is an example of another peer’s open-ended question.)

I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance,

I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance,

I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance, painting, cinema, theater, or poetry) in its relationship to a revolutionary social movement in the Algerian Revolution. Here is what I want the essay to have;
So first need you to outline your understanding of Tunisia and the Jasmine Revolution case study, drawing on the 2 readings “Emel Mathlouthi: Voice Of The Tunisian Revolution” and “Music of Dissent and Revolution.Middle East Critique by Kerim Bouzouita”
Then analyze one artistic genre or artist as it applies to the case study, giving concrete examples.
Lastly, I want you to demonstrate how the artistic genre or artist contributed to the social movement in your case study.
Make sure that you draw on social movement theory as well where relevant. When applying the theory to the case study, provide a coherent analysis of your argument. Pay attention to the syntax and overall writing style, punctuation, grammar, in the essay.
When writing the essay start with how a genre of artistic practice chose one (music, dance, painting, cinema, theater, or poetry) has been a tool to strat revolutions and then dive into what I have requested above.
For citation and in text citation use MLA format, make sure that you write the page of where you found the information from if the page is available.
For the readings:
“Emel Mathlouthi: Voice of The Tunisian Revolution” NPR Music. online at: http://www.npr.org/2013/01/05/168627909/emel-mathlouthi-voiceof-the- tunisian- revolution
Kerim Bouzouita. 2013.“Music of Dissent and Revolution.”Middle East Critique (I have attached this in the attachments in Sources to be used)
Other than those if you can find online about 2 readings that talks about social movement theory and the role of art in it it will be perfect
Comments from Customer
I made a small mistake in the description/instruction about the paper. So its all about the Tunisian Revolution ” jasmine revolution” not the Algerian revolution. No need to add any documents as the document I added is about Tunisia, but the oversight I forgot to change Algeria in the instruction to Tunisia. So the essay is all about Tunisia and the role of music in the jasmine revolution.