MLA format and work cited page Intro:Essay needs to be on any live concert on Y

MLA format and work cited page
Intro:Essay needs to be on any live concert on Y

MLA format and work cited page
Intro:Essay needs to be on any live concert on YouTube. Narrative essay. Describe the concert including introducing the artist, describe the venue. Culture is important, descriiption of concert
Body of paper describe two songs in composition in detail, title of song, describe melody and harmony, timbre, instruments, texture, dynamics rhythm,
Describe performance as a whole, describe why u chose song. Feel free to express what lyrics mean to you.
How was the experience over all
Explain why u like or dislike the experience and why

Students are required to come up with a solid idea, question, argument based on

Students are required to come up with a solid idea, question, argument based on

Students are required to come up with a solid idea, question, argument based on the course theme and materials and write a 1-page outline, not including citations, quotations, or bibliography. Paper proposal will require a working bibliography of at least ten sources, five of which should be academic (whether on Korean popular music, theories of music, comparative works, or other). Using readings from the course is encouraged. There is no limit on the number of course readings or proportion of total sources for the Outline or the Final Paper. This means that you could theoretically have 5 academic works, all from the course, and another hundred media sources. However, you should use media sources, blogs, and other sources with extreme care, as these will often not have been subjected to any form of blinded or peer reviews. The Outline will be due on March 27, 3:30PM. The Instructor will provide written feedback for each.

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs Descriiption This assignment feat

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs
This assignment feat

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs
This assignment features examples of Romantic German Lieder (songs), and its counterpart the French Melodie. Setting poetry to music was very popular in the Romantic era. These types of music became pioneers for today’s popular music speaking of love, life, heartbreak, and death.
Read pages 1 and 2 of the featured article, and listen once again to the excerpt from Schubert’s “Erlkonig.” Visit the Favorite Classical Composers website and read the article about Brahms’ “Wiegenlied” (Lullaby). Read the poetic translation; however, you will need to listen to the song here.
Read the short article introducing French melodie and some of its early composers.
Listen to Berlioz’s song “Le spectre de la rose” (The Ghost of the Rose).
Listen to Berlioz’s song “Sur les lagunes” (On the Lagoons).
Use the musical examples and the articles to respond to the following prompts:
How are the lied and the melodie similar? How are they different? Which came first?
Two specific composers are mentioned in regard to developing this type of song; one German, and one French. Who are these two composers and how did their contributions to lied/melodie help to popularize the genre?
In general, what do you think about the songs presented here? Does the combination of voice and piano reflect the poetry in each different song?
In your opinion, does the piano accompaniment serve as a partner to the voice, or does it take a background position? Which seems more important to you in the delivery of the emotion the poetry describes; the piano or the voice? Or do both sounds provide an equal contribution to describing the poetic emotions?
“Erlkonig,” “Le spectre de la rose,” and “Sur les lagunes” all speak of death. Describe your impression of each song. How do you feel that the representations of death are similar and/or different? Do any of these songs give you a positive feeling?
Describe your feelings toward the Brahms “Wiegenlied.” What do you hear in the piano and voice parts? Have you heard this song before? Where and when?
Which of these songs was your favorite? Why? What makes you like or dislike this music?
Remember: Please continue to take your analysis to deeper levels. You should be building upon the ideas you have explored earlier in the course; try to tie in comparisons to other music previously explored, if relevant.

You may watch a concert any time during the first half of our session and then w

You may watch a concert any time during the first half of our session and then w

You may watch a concert any time during the first half of our session and then write it up before or on the due date. Concerts you have watched or attended before the start of our session cannot be used for this assignment. Instead, listen and watch through fresh ears using what we have learned about musical elements so far this session!Instructions
Part 1 (50 points): Concert information, and either a photo of the concert, a photo of the concert program, or a URL to the concert you watched online. Concert must be at least 45 minutes in length.
Summary of who played and what they played. Observations of how the performers such as how they carried themselves, how they dressed for the concert, how they acknowledged each other and the audience. Observations of the audience such as how did they react to the performers, their relative noise level, when did they clap, how were they generally dressed.
Opinions such as did you like the pieces played, did you like the way the performers carried themselves, and did you like how the audience behaved.
Part 2 (40 points): Composer or performer research.Choose two composers or performers from the concert you watched and write about each including their biographical information, their musical education, and their major contributions to music.Part 3 (20 points):
ResourcesMLA format bibliography of the resources used in the composer research section.

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs Descriiption This assignment feat

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs
This assignment feat

Writing Assignment 5: Poetry in Romantic Songs
This assignment features examples of Romantic German Lieder (songs), and its counterpart the French Melodie. Setting poetry to music was very popular in the Romantic era. These types of music became pioneers for today’s popular music speaking of love, life, heartbreak, and death.
Read pages 1 and 2 of the featured article, and listen once again to the excerpt from Schubert’s “Erlkonig.” Visit the Favorite Classical Composers website and read the article about Brahms’ “Wiegenlied” (Lullaby). Read the poetic translation; however, you will need to listen to the song here.
Read the short article introducing French melodie and some of its early composers.
Listen to Berlioz’s song “Le spectre de la rose” (The Ghost of the Rose).
Listen to Berlioz’s song “Sur les lagunes” (On the Lagoons).
Use the musical examples and the articles to respond to the following prompts:
How are the lied and the melodie similar? How are they different? Which came first?
Two specific composers are mentioned in regard to developing this type of song; one German, and one French. Who are these two composers and how did their contributions to lied/melodie help to popularize the genre?
In general, what do you think about the songs presented here? Does the combination of voice and piano reflect the poetry in each different song?
In your opinion, does the piano accompaniment serve as a partner to the voice, or does it take a background position? Which seems more important to you in the delivery of the emotion the poetry describes; the piano or the voice? Or do both sounds provide an equal contribution to describing the poetic emotions?
“Erlkonig,” “Le spectre de la rose,” and “Sur les lagunes” all speak of death. Describe your impression of each song. How do you feel that the representations of death are similar and/or different? Do any of these songs give you a positive feeling?
Describe your feelings toward the Brahms “Wiegenlied.” What do you hear in the piano and voice parts? Have you heard this song before? Where and when?
Which of these songs was your favorite? Why? What makes you like or dislike this music?
Remember: Please continue to take your analysis to deeper levels. You should be building upon the ideas you have explored earlier in the course; try to tie in comparisons to other music previously explored, if relevant.

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from their earliest successes to their greatest triumphs to the end of the group.
After they broke up, John at first worked the hardest to destroy the Beatles mythology. Paul, of all of them, has worked the hardest to cherish, burnish, preserve, and promote their legacy. George seemed to have had the least interest in being an ex-Beatle and Ringo, by the 1970s had a successful career as a recording artist and actor, then, in his touring life, has become the cheerful ambassador of “Peace and Love.”
Regardless of all they accomplished, they never could fully be themselves; they were always seen as ex-Beatles. Sometimes, that frustrated them. Mostly, they learned to live with it. Paul eventually embraced it. John was murdered by a deranged fan. George was assaulted as he slept.
The Final Project
During their time together, the Beatles were the subject of two Cinema Verite documentaries, The Beatles 1st Visit and Let It Be. They made two narrative features, A Hard Days Night and Help. Their self-directed project, Magical Mystery Tour & the animated Yellow Submarine were released while they were still together.
We’ve seen the Beatles live on television, in promotional films, in press conferences, in interviews. Numerous documentaries.
The Beatles Anthology, broadcast in late 1995, was a look back at that time through the Beatles perspective.
Get Back offered an intense view of one month in their lives, very different from what we saw in Let It Be. You’ve heard from Michael Lindsay-Hogg, who directed all of the footage in both projects as well as the interviews with Paul and Ringo when it came out.
Part 1)In 2,000 words:
This is the centerpiece of Part 1: Discuss how the Beatles as they were seen and experienced by the public in the 1960s is different from what is in the Anthology and Get Back. What do you think of the way the Beatles tell their story?
What do you think is significant in their story that was omitted, and why do you think it was left out?
What were the three most surprising revelations? What did you learn about the Beatles personal relationships from the projects.
Give specific examples throughout, please.
Part 2)In 500 words: Discuss the differences and similarities in the two projects (The Anthology and Get Back) and which one you think is more authentic based on everything you’ve seen and heard throughout the course.
Part 3)In 250 words: Based on everything you saw and heard in class before you saw The Anthology and Get Back, please give three important examples of what you had learned about the Beatles in those projects that were unexpected. Be specific, please.
I will add files as needed

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from

“The Fab Four,” “The Mop Tops.” Then, we saw how “the lads” slowly changed from their earliest successes to their greatest triumphs to the end of the group.
After they broke up, John at first worked the hardest to destroy the Beatles mythology. Paul, of all of them, has worked the hardest to cherish, burnish, preserve, and promote their legacy. George seemed to have had the least interest in being an ex-Beatle and Ringo, by the 1970s had a successful career as a recording artist and actor, then, in his touring life, has become the cheerful ambassador of “Peace and Love.”
Regardless of all they accomplished, they never could fully be themselves; they were always seen as ex-Beatles. Sometimes, that frustrated them. Mostly, they learned to live with it. Paul eventually embraced it. John was murdered by a deranged fan. George was assaulted as he slept.
The Final Project
During their time together, the Beatles were the subject of two Cinema Verite documentaries, The Beatles 1st Visit and Let It Be. They made two narrative features, A Hard Days Night and Help. Their self-directed project, Magical Mystery Tour & the animated Yellow Submarine were released while they were still together.
We’ve seen the Beatles live on television, in promotional films, in press conferences, in interviews. Numerous documentaries.
The Beatles Anthology, broadcast in late 1995, was a look back at that time through the Beatles perspective.
Get Back offered an intense view of one month in their lives, very different from what we saw in Let It Be. You’ve heard from Michael Lindsay-Hogg, who directed all of the footage in both projects as well as the interviews with Paul and Ringo when it came out.
Part 1)In 2,000 words:
This is the centerpiece of Part 1: Discuss how the Beatles as they were seen and experienced by the public in the 1960s is different from what is in the Anthology and Get Back. What do you think of the way the Beatles tell their story?
What do you think is significant in their story that was omitted, and why do you think it was left out?
What were the three most surprising revelations? What did you learn about the Beatles personal relationships from the projects.
Give specific examples throughout, please.
Part 2)In 500 words: Discuss the differences and similarities in the two projects (The Anthology and Get Back) and which one you think is more authentic based on everything you’ve seen and heard throughout the course.
Part 3)In 250 words: Based on everything you saw and heard in class before you saw The Anthology and Get Back, please give three important examples of what you had learned about the Beatles in those projects that were unexpected. Be specific, please.
I will add files as needed

Instructions and Grading This short essay assignment is designed to help cultiv

Instructions and Grading
This short essay assignment is designed to help cultiv

Instructions and Grading
This short essay assignment is designed to help cultivate your listening skills as well as your writing skills. Include at least one paragraph for each of the two song selections. Address one song at a time.
You will be graded on your understanding of rhythm and the depth of your answers through thoughtfully expressed paragraphs. An example is available in the Week 2 Content Folder.
Please note that assignments change from class to class. Song selections may vary from what is discussed in the lecture video.
Submit to iLearn as a document, NOT in the comment section of the assignment.
Up to 10% will be deducted for poor grammar. Another 10% will be deducted for poor formatting and organization.

Please submit this assignment with the following information at the top of the document:
MUSC 130 – B25
Helpful Terminology
Beat/Pulse The “heartbeat” of a musical work, the pulse of a rhythmic sequence. The beat is usually steady and clear enough for one to bob their head along.
Rhythm A string of note values that produce a rhythmic sequence. This may be predictable and even, unpredictable and chaotic, or somewhere in between.
Tempo How fast or slow the pulse of a song is. This can be specified by BPM, or beats-per-minute, and tempo markings such as andante, grave, happily, relaxed, and a plethora more.
Arrangement Specific instrumentation (what instruments are used), tempo, solos, key signatures, etc chosen to create a song. An arrangement can be original or a cover. In this course, “arrangement” mostly refers to what instruments and/or voices (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass) are used.
A cappella A style of music that is produced using only voices. Sometimes a group is so skilled it can sound like instruments are being used, like drums, guitar, keyboard, or more. But the unique quality about a cappella music is that everything you hear is being done with the voice.
Assignment Questions
1. Listening for the Beat
What is your impression of the beat? You might describe the beat as steady or very free, or that the tempo is speeding up or slowing down.
2. Listening for Rhythm
How complex is the rhythm? What are some indicators of your answer? Use time-stamps for specificity.
Some ways of determining rhythmic complexity are:
• Identifying if the rhythm is repetitive and predictable. This is typically not a very complex rhythm and you will be able to follow along pretty easily
• Identifying if the rhythm is unpredictable. This typically indicates that it’s a more complex, irregular rhythm.
• Listening for active (short) notes versus inactive (longer, sustained) notes.

3. Rhythm within Instrumentation and Voices
Listen for the arrangement of the selections. Perhaps it’s a cappella, perhaps an instrumentation, or solo, etc. Within the arrangement, do the different parts move together or separately in terms of rhythm? Which parts are more active rhythmically than the other parts? Does it change throughout?
Back-up your answer using time-stamps.

4. Your Impression of the Music
Now, rather than focusing on just one element – rhythm – return to listening to the piece as a whole. What is your impression of the selection you are hearing? Since you may be hearing this type of music for the first time, approach your listening with an open mind.
Listening Examples
Important note: Assignment songs change from bi-term to bi-term and may not be the same as what is mentioned in the lecture video. Be sure to use the songs given below!
“Can’t Help Falling in Love” by VoicePlay

Duration: 4:41
The best Beatboxer Ever – Father VS Daughter

Duration: 3:38
Artists: Ed Cage and Nicole Paris

Instructions and Grading This short essay assignment is designed to help cultiv

Instructions and Grading
This short essay assignment is designed to help cultiv

Instructions and Grading
This short essay assignment is designed to help cultivate your listening skills as well as your writing skills. Include at least one paragraph for each of the two song selections. Address one song at a time. You will be graded on your understanding of rhythm and the depth of your answers through thoughtfully expressed paragraphs. An example is available in the Week 2 Content Folder.
Please note that assignments change from class to class. Song selections may vary from what is discussed in the lecture video.
Submit to iLearn as a document, NOT in the comment section of the assignment. Up to 10% will be deducted for poor grammar. Another 10% will be deducted for poor formatting and organization.
Please submit this assignment with the following information at the top of the document:
MUSC 130 – B25
Helpful Terminology
Beat/Pulse The “heartbeat” of a musical work, the pulse of a rhythmic sequence. The beat is usually steady and clear enough for one to bob their head along. Rhythm A string of note values that produce a rhythmic sequence. This may be predictable and even, unpredictable and chaotic, or somewhere in between. Tempo How fast or slow the pulse of a song is. This can be specified by BPM, or beats-per-minute, and tempo markings such as andante, grave, happily, relaxed, and a plethora more. Arrangement Specific instrumentation (what instruments are used), tempo, solos, key signatures, etc chosen to create a song. An arrangement can be original or a cover. In this course, “arrangement” mostly refers to what instruments and/or voices (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass) are used.
A cappella A style of music that is produced using only voices. Sometimes a group is so skilled it can sound like instruments are being used, like drums, guitar, keyboard, or more. But the unique quality about a cappella music is that everything you hear is being done with the voice.
Assignment Questions
1. Listening for the Beat
What is your impression of the beat? You might describe the beat as steady or very free, or that the tempo is speeding up or slowing down. 2. Listening for Rhythm
How complex is the rhythm? What are some indicators of your answer? Use time-stamps for specificity. Some ways of determining rhythmic complexity are: • Identifying if the rhythm is repetitive and predictable. This is typically not a very complex rhythm and you will be able to follow along pretty easily
• Identifying if the rhythm is unpredictable. This typically indicates that it’s a more complex, irregular rhythm. • Listening for active (short) notes versus inactive (longer, sustained) notes. 3. Rhythm within Instrumentation and Voices Listen for the arrangement of the selections. Perhaps it’s a cappella, perhaps an instrumentation, or solo, etc. Within the arrangement, do the different parts move together or separately in terms of rhythm? Which parts are more active rhythmically than the other parts? Does it change throughout?
Back-up your answer using time-stamps.
4. Your Impression of the Music
Now, rather than focusing on just one element – rhythm – return to listening to the piece as a whole. What is your impression of the selection you are hearing? Since you may be hearing this type of music for the first time, approach your listening with an open mind.
Listening Examples
Important note: Assignment songs change from bi-term to bi-term and may not be the same as what is mentioned in the lecture video. Be sure to use the songs given below! “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by VoicePlay
Duration: 4:41
The best Beatboxer Ever – Father VS Daughter

Duration: 3:38
Artists: Ed Cage and Nicole Paris

Video Link below Watch and develop a minimum 10 sl

Video Link below

Watch and
develop a minimum 10 sl

Video Link below

Watch and
develop a minimum 10 slide power point presentation that shows what you’ve learned from the
documentary. Provide thorough information for each bullet point. Make your presentation is
colorful, include pictures, music, or anything you can think of to make your presentation look
Below is the criteria that must be in the PowerPoint to get full credit.
Slide that includes the title of the Documentary, student’s name, course, etc.
Brief background on the artist/music
Discussion on the origins of the music
Discussion on the early originators of the music.
Who were they? What they doo of significance in advancing the music’s popularity? What years were they active?
What significant set of events made the style of music popular?
During what decade(s) was the music popular?
What are some of the most popular songs of the genre? Who recorded them? Are there any interesting facts that emerged from the song’s popularity (ex: Grammy awards, radio ranking, future covers by other artists)?
When did the music begin to decline in popularity? Why?
Who are some of the most popular male and female musicians of the genre?
What challenges/obstacles did the music/musicians face?