Providing anticipatory guidance is an important part of caring for adolescent cl

Providing anticipatory guidance is an important part of caring for adolescent cl

Providing anticipatory guidance is an important part of caring for adolescent clients with depression.
Using the Bright Futures Adolescence Visits as a guide, identify 2 topics to include as anticipatory guidance for this client visit with depression and explain why.
The topics I identified is healthy coping strategies and building supportive relationships.
How would your topic selection or guidance change if the client disclosed that she was bisexual?

Make a three -slide power point with references and nursing notes Summarizing th

Make a three -slide power point with references and nursing notes Summarizing th

Make a three -slide power point with references and nursing notes Summarizing the validity of qualitative and quantitative evidence. It will be based on the PICOT Question and 4 articles refence below
PICOT Question: In adults with type 1 diabetes(P), how does the implementation of continuous glucose monitoring systems (I) compare to standard fingerstick blood glucose monitoring (C) affect
improvement of patient-reported quality of life and satisfaction with diabetes management
(O) within NA (T

What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Throug

What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Throug

What are significant social needs in your community and how can you help? Through your professional role as a nurse and personal interactions as a community member, you likely have insight into issues that impact certain populations. Chances are you also see from your daily interaction with patients how lack of information or information that is not easily accessible or understandable prevents patients from making changes or getting resources and support that would improve their lives.
Using your knowledge of the social determinants of health and the needs of particular groups, you can be a significant advocate for a healthier community. Think of yourself as a bridge that connects those who need resources with those who can provide them. Every organization can use another voice to spread the word on what they do and offer. And vulnerable populations will benefit from an advocate who is aware of potential barriers, such as language or literacy levels, in recommending community resources.
For this Assignment, you will identify a particular population in your community and research to understand their specific characteristics and needs, and then match them to organizations and services in your community. You will organize your research using a PowerPoint presentation. Think of your presentation as a place to start in determining how best to reach and inform your focus population and in filling your role as a social change agent with the information you gather.
To complete the Assignment:
Using the PPT template provided, create the plans for educational resources to inform your focus population. Your completed PowerPoint presentation of 8–10 slides should include the following:
Title Slide
Focus Population for Advocacy: Identify the specific population for whom you are advocating as a social change agent in your community and describe key characteristics of this population (e.g., age, language, culture). Be specific with examples.
Focus Population’s Needs: Identify the focus population’s specific needs based on the social determinants of health (SDoH). Include examples to explain these needs.
Community Resources: Present resources (i.e., organizations and services) in your community you would recommend to your focus population to address specific needs and improve health and well-being as defined by the SDoH. Include:
at least three community resources or three slides of resources;
all information your focus population would need (e.g., location, hours, special services, free services/materials, online links) to access and benefit from each resource;
strategies that you demonstrate or describe to make the information easy to understand, use, and encourage action by the focus population.
Reaching the Focus Population: Describe strategies for reaching your focus population with the community resource information you have identified and that align with characteristics of this population. Be specific with examples.
Reference Slide: Include a reference slide with resources in APA format that support your research in creating the presentation.
Gerber, L. (2018). Understanding the nurse’s role as a patient advocateLinks to an external site.. Nursing, 48(4), 55–58.
Note: Review from Week 2.
Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Social determinants of healthLinks to an external site.. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
National Wellness Institute. (n.d.). NWI’s six dimensions of wellnessLinks to an external site..
Note: Review from Module 1.
Walden University Center for Social Change. (n.d.). Connecting people, resources, and opportunities for positive social changeLinks to an external site..
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Social determinants of healthLinks to an external site..
Foundations for Social Change. (n.d.). Take bold action to advance social changeLinks to an external site.. Links to an external site.
Note: Review this resource for an example of innovation in addressing a social need.

Week 7 Case Study (4 cases) with Template: Please follow the instructions writte

Week 7 Case Study (4 cases) with Template:
Please follow the instructions writte

Week 7 Case Study (4 cases) with Template:
Please follow the instructions written, as per the grading rubric.
3.For each of the scenarios below, answer A, B, C, D & E using Clinical
Practice guidelines where applicable.
4.If any parts of the rubric (A, B, C, D & E) do not have an answer, for example, no prescriptions can be written, please leave the answer blank. (Say N/A means Not Applicable)
5.List the drugs (not just the drug class) in discussion (B). This is Advanced Pharm Course!
6.Explain the problem and how you would address the problem (in Rationale, C).
7.When prescribing a new drug, write a complete medication order (D) as you would write a prescription order. For example, if you’re prescribing a beta blocker, say ‘metoprolol 25 mg once daily.’ Spell out the drug names, not just the drug class.
8.List the three references (E)
9.Written expression and formatting, proper English writing standards, correct grammar and mechanics, and proper punctuation are required.
10.Please provide the answer under Rationale (C) if any additional/specific information is asked in the question.
Question 1. Mary is a 35-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Her labs today show a TSH of 20, MCV 78, MCHD 26, Ferritin 9, and TIBC 418. She has a history of iron deficiency anemia for two months. Current medications include Kelp tablets daily, ibuprofen 400 mg daily as needed, and ethinyl
Estradiol/norgestrel one tablet daily. What medication would you start this patient
on for her hypothyroidism? How would you monitor this patient’s response to the
medication? What education would you provide regarding her medications and
their interactions?
A. Patient history considered in making the medication selection:
B. Medication prescribed or changed (Spell out the names of drugs):
C. Rationale provided to include ‘WHY’ the decision using Clinical Guidelines:
D. Written medication orders with all 5 aspects required for a valid prescription order (your prescription order:
E. At least 3 References for the scenario scholarly, peer-reviewed, the past 5 years to include the appropriate clinical practice guidelines if applicable:
Question 2. Joe is a 48-year-old male diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus for a year. He has controlled his blood glucose through dietary changes. He has
hypertension and is currently on Lisinopril 20 mg po daily. He has no known
allergies. His lab work includes these results: fasting BG is 225 mg/dL; HgA1C =
7.5%. Basic Metabolic Profile (BMP) is normal except for a Cr of 2.0 and eGRF
of 28. What treatment plan would you implement for Joe? What medications
would you prescribe and how would you monitor them? What education would
you provide regarding his treatment plan?
A. Patient history considered in making the medication selection:
B. Medication prescribed or changed:
C. Rationale provided to include Current literature to support the rationale with Clinical Guidelines:
D. Written medication orders with all 5 aspects required for a valid prescription order.
E. References for the scenario scholarly, peer-reviewed, the past 5 years to include the appropriate clinical practice guidelines if applicable. Use at least 3 sources for each scenario and cite sources using APA format:
Question 3. Jose is a 55-year-old truck driver being evaluated for his commercial driver’s license. He has a known history of diabetes mellitus type II. Current medications include Metformin 1000 mg Bid, Glipizide 20 mg PO daily. Diltiazem 120 mg po BID. He is allergic to sulfa. Lab results show a fasting blood glucose of 325
mg/dL, HgA1C = 10.6%. Basic metabolic Profile is normal. What treatment plan
would you implement for Jose? What medications would you prescribe, and how
would you monitor them? What education would you provide regarding his
treatment plan?
A. Patient history considered in making the medication selection:
B. Medication prescribed or changed:
C. Rationale provided to include Current literature to support the rationale with Clinical Guidelines:
D. Written medication orders with all five aspects required for a valid prescription order.
E. References for the scenario scholarly, peer-reviewed, the past five years to include the appropriate clinical practice guidelines if applicable. Use at least three sources for each scenario and cite sources using APA format:
Question 4. Jenny is a 63-year-old woman with complaints of heartburn 4 to 5 times a week over the past 3 months. Her symptoms are worse at night after going to bed. Her
heartburn is worse, and she coughs a lot at night. She has tried OTC Lansoprazole (Prevacid) 24-hour once daily for the past 2 weeks. This has helped some symptoms, but she is still bothered by them. Current medications include Diltiazem CD 120 mg PO once daily, Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg PO once daily, Metformin 500 mg PO
twice daily, Aspirin 81 mg PO daily, Fluticasone/salmeterol DPI 100 mcg/50 mcg
one inhalation twice daily. Your working diagnosis for this patient is GERD. What treatment plan would you implement for Jenny? What medications would you
prescribe and how would you monitor them? What education would you provide
regarding her treatment plan?
A. Patient history considered in making the medication selection:
B. Medication prescribed or changed:
C. Rationale provided to include Current literature to support the rationale with Clinical Guidelines:
D. Written medication orders with all 5 aspects required for a valid prescription order.
E. References for the scenario scholarly, peer-reviewed, the past 5 years to include the appropriate clinical practice guidelines if applicable. Use at least 3 sources for each scenario and cite sources using APA format:

Library Assignment Instructions for Nursing Students Purpose: The purpose of thi

Library Assignment Instructions for Nursing Students
The purpose of thi

Library Assignment Instructions for Nursing Students
The purpose of this library assignment is to help nursing students to develop their research skills and to become familiar with different credible data sources available through the Library page at the website. In addition, this assignment will help students to apply the PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time) question format to develop a research question and to locate and evaluate scholarly sources.
Topic Selection: Select a topic that interests you and that is relevant to nursing Psychiatric practice. Your topic should be broad enough to allow for an in-depth exploration but narrow enough to be manageable within the scope of an 250-500-word (1 page) research paper. You may select a topic related to patient care, nursing education, health promotion, or any other area of nursing practice that interests you in the realm of psych.
Searching for Literature: Use the Library page at the website to search for scholarly sources related to your topic. You must utilize at least 3 scholarly sources that have been published within the last 5 years. You may use databases such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, Clinical Key, The Cochrane Library. Be sure to use appropriate keywords and to apply search filters to limit your search to scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
Evaluating Sources: Once you have identified potential sources, use the CRAAP test (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) to evaluate their credibility and relevance to your research question. Be sure to select sources that are relevant to your topic, written by credible authors, and based on rigorous research methods.
Writing the Paper: Your research paper should follow APA 7 guidelines and include the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Be sure to use in-text citations and to include a reference list at the end of your paper.
Please keep in mind that the paper will be checked for plagiarism, and similarity above 25% will not be accepted for submission.

The final assignment is Module #2 Current Issues in Health Policy, which is wort

The final assignment is Module #2 Current Issues in Health Policy, which is wort

The final assignment is Module #2 Current Issues in Health Policy, which is worth a maximum of 50 points. It is important to understand that Module #2 Current Issues in Health Policy is the first assignment in a series of assignments that will you complete over the next five weeks on the same healthcare issue / topic that you select (in subsequent weeks, you will discuss the state and federal policy actions implemented to address the issue/problem). Therefore, I suggest you select a healthcare issue / problem that interests you.
To start, you need to choose a specific healthcare challenge / topic faced by your local level government that has prompted the implementation of a policy by the local level government. Once you selected a specific healthcare challenge / topic, complete the assignment that contains the following elements:
Define the Problem in your Local Area: Describe the specific issue or problem within your local community that has prompted the implementation of a policy.Word limit: 200 words
You are free to choose any current issue / problem related to health policy that has an impact at your local level
Provide background information on the problem, including its causes and potential consequences.
As a reminder, the focal point of this assignment is on the local level, not the state or nationwide level
To clarify, local level is defined as a city (such as Orlando or Nashville, for example), a county (such as Orange County or Davidson County, for example) or a region (Central Florida or Middle Tennessee, for example)
To receive maximum points, the issue / problem must be clearly defined and include relevant context, statistics, and stakeholders, such that a deep understanding of the local issue is demonstrated
State the Policy: Identify 1 to 3 specific policy actions that have been implemented by the local government to address the identified issue / problem.Word limit: 200 words
To receive maximum points, clearly identify 1 to 3 specific policy actions, provide a concise explanation of each policy and its key components, and how each policy action is intended to mitigate the issue. Well research the policy actions and make sure they are directly related to the defined issue / problem.
Make Your Case: Analyze and present arguments in favor of the selected policy actions taken by the local government.Word limit: 300 words
Consider the stakeholders involved, the political and social context, and any supporting evidence or data.To receive maximum points, make a compelling argument for why these policies were deemed necessary, using critical thinking skills, and incorporate well researched evidence, expert opinions, and / or relevant case studies. The rationale should be clear, persuasive, and effectively support the policy choices implemented
Discuss the Impact of the Policy on Your Local Area: Evaluate the effectiveness and consequences of the implemented policy actions on your local community.Word limit: 300 words
Discuss any notable improvements or drawbacks resulting from the policies.
Consider the perspectives of various stakeholders and provide evidence to support your analysis.To receive maximum points, thoroughly discuss the impact of the policy actions implemented on the local level, including both intended and unintended consequences. The analysis should demonstrate critical thinking and supported by relevant data or examples.
Proofread your paper before submission and ensure that the assignment is well-organized, coherent, and free from grammatical errors. Even though the United States does not have a centrally controlled system of health care delivery, it does have a history of federal, state, and local government involvement in health care and health policy. The formation and implementation of health policy occurs in a policy cycle comprising five components:
Issue raising
Policy design
Public support building
Legislative decision making & policy support building
Legislative decision making and policy implementation
These activities are likely to be shared with Congress and interest groups in varying degrees.
Below are few examples of current issues in health policy but you are not limited to these few. You are free to choose any current issues related to health policy that has an impact at their local, state and federal levels.
Prescription Drug Costs – A quarter of Americans can’t afford necessary prescriptions and may skip doses or otherwise not take medication as prescribed.
High Costs of Healthcare – The United States has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world.
Availability of Skilled Workforce – The United States needs more than 17,000 additional primary care practitioners, 12,000 dental health practitioners and 8,200 mental health practitioners, according to data from the Health Resources & Services Administration. Those numbers are based on data that HRSA receives from state offices and health departments.
Fee-for-Service Healthcare – FFS means that medical staff bill for each service provided, using established billing codes. The more care a physician provides, the more they’re paid, this can lead to unnecessary tests and treatments.
Health Equity – Why are there disparities in health care outcomes between different populations?
The process establishing new health policy includes defining a problem, collecting data, researching solutions, choosing a course of action, implementing the plan, and evaluating the results. During each step, policymakers must weigh economic, political, social, legal, ethical, and administrative factors.
Minimum of 4 references
Organizational Websites
Health Policy Institute of OhioLinks to an external site.
The Urban Institute – Health Policy CenterLinks to an external site.
Brookings – Center for Health PolicyLinks to an external site.
National Academy for State Health PolicyLinks to an external site.
Kaiser Family FoundationLinks to an external site.
Robert Wood Johnson FoundationLinks to an external site.

CO 3: Demonstrates effective communication with patients, colleagues, and other

CO 3: Demonstrates effective communication with patients, colleagues, and other

CO 3: Demonstrates effective communication with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare providers in managing safe/quality healthcare processes using evidence-based practices. (PO 3)
CO 4: Integrates clinical nursing judgment using effective communication strategies with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare providers. (PO 4)
CO 7: Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO 7)
CO 8: Selects evidence for best practices when planning professional nursing care involving systems, processes, and devices for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO 8)