Hi, please read through this and the fIle down below for the instructions and re

Hi, please read through this and the fIle down below for the instructions and re

Hi, please read through this and the fIle down below for the instructions and requirements, thank you!
Find ways to edit your chosen recipe to make it more nutrient dense, have less fat, more protein, lower sugar, more fiber, (whatever is directed) in order to reach the given GOALS for one you choose. Your assignment is to do THREE RECIPES.
1. Use the Recipe Analyzer in VeryWellFit Tools to enter in a new version of the recipe that you adapt. Use this link for quick access.
2. Keep making changes until you reach a good balance. If you cannot achieve these goals, explain why you think that might be.
The micronutrient options (like calcium and iron) are optional “bonus” nutrients.
3. Take a screen shot or use Snipping Tool to take a screen shot of the nutrition label
AND ingredients list you entered. Place these in a Word document. Don’t forget to take a screen shot of the label AND the ingredients you entered.
4. Type out a few sentences explaining changes you made, why you chose those changes, and any. challenges you had. Do you think the recipe is still similar to the original flavors or is it now so different that you would have to sell it as a new menu item completely? You do not need to write out an essay, just a few sentences about it. We may be sharing our results in class so be prepared to talk briefly about: how you altered the recipe, what surprised you about the nutrient profile, what was difficult or easy, did you have to make many changes or just a few, etc.
5. Recipes you can choose from are in the Word Doc in Module 7 under the class slides. Try to keep the flavor or texture profiles similar while meeting the goals.
Orange Smoothie. GOALS:
Increase fiber to at least 6 grams (no more than 13g)
Protein 11 – 20 grams
Decrease total sugars to less than 30g
Keep calcium above 15% of daily needs, iron to more than 10%
Loaded Baked Potato. GOALS:
Reduce cholesterol to 15 mg at most or 0 grams
Increase fiber to a minimum of 7
Protein goal 15-22 grams
Increase Iron to at least 8%
Rice Bowl GOALS:
Decrease total carbohydrates to 50g or less
Increase fiber to more than 7 grams
Decrease cholesterol to less than 15 m
Protein of 16-28 grams

Brain Health- I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain healt

Brain Health-
I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain healt

Brain Health-
I’m doing menu planning for a customer associated with brain health. Down below are the description and requirements, and I will need to get full scores on this assignment, thank you!
EXAMPLE of an almost-completed PROJECT + FULL INFORMATION SHEET attached to Weeks 8 + 9 Module – USE THE EXAMPLE of this project to follow for your guideline!
https://www.verywellfit.com/recipe-nutrition-analyzer-4157076 (use this for the recipe adaptations link)
Present a meal plan for a customer that is 100% plant-based. Include 3 main meals and snack or dessert ideas that will support the needs of your customer. Include a written recipe and a nutrition label with the ingredients you entered (taking screen shots just like in the Recipe Analysis homework) from VeryWellFit.com Recipe Analyzer for the one of the main meals.
Think about what your customer needs and what nutrients will support their health concerns.
What food/nutrient considerations will you consider in order to choose a nutrient-dense recipe based on the needs of your customer?Do they need more iron, lower cholesterol, higher amounts of anti-inflammatory fats, extra b-vitamins, calcium, more digestive spices? Do they need to balance carbohydrate intake, increase fats, decrease sodium?
Include screen shots of ingredients entered and the nutrition data for the main recipe to show you’ve met the basic needs for your customer (in terms of getting enough protein, fats, and what other key 3 nutrients you need for your customer like calcium, iron, etc.). Include a screenshot of your entered recipe along with the nutrient label so that I can see if/where mistakes were made.You will not get nutrition data for most micronutrients and that is OKAY! All I need to know from your written work is that you know which foods are excellent sources of these nutrients and you used them in your menu planning.
Be prepared to answer questions about your customer, ingredients, and meal plan.
Basic nutrient goals:
– General adult goal of 60g protein per day or around 20 grams protein per mealunless your customer needs higher protein content in which you will increase it appropriately.
–choose 3 key micronutrients to focus on for your customer based on their health status.Do you want to focus on B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium, other vitamins or minerals? State WHY?
– EVERYONE will need to meet a minimum fiber goal of 30 grams per day but not more than 60 grams.Example, if your customer needs to reduce cholesterol, excessive weight, excess hormones, or has Diabetes, increasing fiber is appropriate. You won’t get extra points for having75+ grams of fiber. This usually means that you made a mistake entering your recipe ingredients (like not changing the auto-entered raw beans) or made a mistake in figuring out what an appropriate serving size for the meal would be. If your customer needs Less fiber, explain why.
Unless it is important for your customer plan, you don’t need to calculate out total calorie breakdowns (50% cho, 20% pro, 30% fat). Just think about the Healthy Plate Model: 50% vegetable, 25-30% protein, 20-25% carbohydrate. (Note: For meat-centered plates the protein portion size decreases but plant proteins can be much larger). Check the fat grams, in comparison to the protein and carbohydrates, is it an appropriate amount?
The Basic Grading Plan. Total Points = 40
— 6 pts — Overall Nutrition (did you meet your customers basic needs for protein and fiber as well have an appropriate balance of fat and carbohydrates?) If you have a Diabetes menu did you make sure that the total carbohydrates was under 60grams per meal?
— 12 points — Micronutrients: List the 3 micronutrients you needed for your customers special needs. Give a minimum of 3 examples of high food sources for each of these micronutrients. whfoods.org and/or linus pauling institute will help you with appropriate lists. You should be using these ingredients in the recipe you provide along with ideas for a snack using more of these nutrients.
— 6 pts — Write out a brief description of why you chose each of the 3 micronutrients. For example, if you chose a customer who has Diabetes, you might choose Chromium because it helps make insulin more effective.
— 9 pts — Nutrition Labels and basic recipes (did you include a nutrition label for each main recipe including the ingredients list?) Were the ingredients used appropriate and entered in correctly?
— 1 pts — Creativity in the menu. Will your customer be happy and want to hire you for more or would it be something they would make on their own for less money?
— 2 pts — Did you include a probiotic-rich food source?
— 2 pts — Are Serving Sizes appropriate? (1-2 servings CHO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving, 1 serving PRO of 1/2 cup cooked per serving or 3-6 ounces of tofu or veg “meats”, 2-4 servings of veg or fruit with 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked as each serving)
— 2 pts — Is everything plant based?

ask 1- Choose a Recipe Choose a recipe, either a personal favorite or one that l

ask 1- Choose a Recipe
Choose a recipe, either a personal favorite or one that l

ask 1- Choose a Recipe
Choose a recipe, either a personal favorite or one that looks interesting, that you would like to modify. Choose one or more of the following modifications that you would like to make to the recipe:
Reduce calories
Replace saturated fat with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat
Reduce fat
Increase fiber
Replace simple carbohydrate with complex carbohydrate
Replace animal protein with plant protein
Increase protein
Or something else! Message me for approval.
Task 2- Modify and Share
In the discussion forum you will provide us with the following:
A link to the recipe or copy/paste the recipe. (1 point)
Tell us what kind of modification you are making. (1 point)
Explain how you would modify the recipe. (1.5 points)
Provide us with a comparison of the nutrition information from the original recipe versus the modified recipe. (1.5 points)You only have to share the component that you are changing. For instance, if you are trying to decrease the total fat you would provide the total fat from the original recipe and the estimated total fat for the modified one.
https://www.servingdumplings.com/recipes/baked-meatballs-with-orzo-in-roasted-pepper-sauce/Links to an external site.
I will be reducing the total amount of saturated fat for this Baked Meatball and Orzo recipe. I would first modify the recipe by switching the meat from ground beef to ground turkey. Next, I would use flaxseed instead of egg (flaxseed is a great egg alternative in cooking and baking!). Then, I would opt for nonfat mozzarella and low fat ricotta. The original recipe had approximately 75 grams of saturated fat for the entire dish (18.75 g/serving). With my modifications, the saturated fat would be reduced to 11 grams of saturated fat for the entire dish (2.75 g/serving)!

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignm

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignm

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignment on the next page.
For this assignment, you will write approximately a two-page paper focusing on the foods that are “taboo” in two different cultures. These cultures can be based on geography, religion, or other clearly defined aspects. You are also to support your discussion with cited sources other than the textbook.
Particulars of the Assignment:
Paper will be written should include title page, headings, and citations. Your paper should be roughly two pages, double spaced, 10 or 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri) and no more than 1-inch margins.
Use proper grammar, spelling, and generally good writing
Sections should include:
Introduction: Define what a “taboo” is and how it would relate to food. In this section you should identify at least one food taboo from two separate cultures (for a total of two *different* taboos).
Taboo 1: Discuss the first taboo you chose and answer the following related questions.
Define and discuss your taboo. Why are these foods off limits? Is it for religious or cultural reasons? Is there another reason they believe that food should not be eaten? Do they believe that there will be a consequence if that particular food is eaten? Is it forbidden all the time or only on special occasions? You must cite at least one external reference (not text) for this taboo, although you are allowed to cite the text as well.
Taboo 2: Discuss the second taboo you chose and answer the following related questions.
Define and discuss your taboo. Why are these foods off limits? Is it for religious or cultural reasons? Is there another reason they believe that food should not be eaten? Do they believe that there will be a consequence if that particular food is eaten? Is it forbidden all the time or only on special occasions? You must cite at least one external reference (not text) for this taboo, although you are allowed to cite the text as well.
Conclusion:Here you will discuss any similarities or differences in the taboos from the two cultures that you discussed in your paper. You should include geographical, cultural, and religious differences if appropriate. If you have a more personal reflection regarding any food taboos that you might have relate, you may include those also.
You are required to use section headings (taboo one, taboo two and conclusion are fine for this) to outline your paper and clarify your thoughts.
For this paper, end of paper citations are required. You must include a minimum of two references other than the course textbook.
Please use the Chicago Style, which is what the American Anthropological Association uses for your references and citations.
American Anthropological Association Citation format
Chicago Citation guide
Food taboos can be very intriguing or uncomfortable, so have fun with this assignment and discuss taboos that you find interesting.
This activity correlates to the objective:
Describe the factors that relate to the anthropology of food through the introduction to the origins of human diets, including traditional and modern subsistence patterns and diets of selected societies.

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignm

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignm

Below are directions how to complete the assignment. You will submit the assignment on the next page.
For this assignment, you will write approximately a two-page paper focusing on the foods that are “taboo” in two different cultures. These cultures can be based on geography, religion, or other clearly defined aspects. You are also to support your discussion with cited sources other than the textbook.
Particulars of the Assignment:
Paper will be written should include title page, headings, and citations. Your paper should be roughly two pages, double spaced, 10 or 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri) and no more than 1-inch margins. Use proper grammar, spelling, and generally good writing
Sections should include:
Introduction: Define what a “taboo” is and how it would relate to food. In this section you should identify at least one food taboo from two separate cultures (for a total of two *different* taboos).
Taboo 1: Discuss the first taboo you chose and answer the following related questions.
Define and discuss your taboo. Why are these foods off limits? Is it for religious or cultural reasons? Is there another reason they believe that food should not be eaten? Do they believe that there will be a consequence if that particular food is eaten? Is it forbidden all the time or only on special occasions? You must cite at least one external reference (not text) for this taboo, although you are allowed to cite the text as well.
Taboo 2: Discuss the second taboo you chose and answer the following related questions.
Define and discuss your taboo. Why are these foods off limits? Is it for religious or cultural reasons? Is there another reason they believe that food should not be eaten? Do they believe that there will be a consequence if that particular food is eaten? Is it forbidden all the time or only on special occasions? You must cite at least one external reference (not text) for this taboo, although you are allowed to cite the text as well.
Conclusion:Here you will discuss any similarities or differences in the taboos from the two cultures that you discussed in your paper. You should include geographical, cultural, and religious differences if appropriate. If you have a more personal reflection regarding any food taboos that you might have relate, you may include those also.
You are required to use section headings (taboo one, taboo two and conclusion are fine for this) to outline your paper and clarify your thoughts.
For this paper, end of paper citations are required. You must include a minimum of two references other than the course textbook.
Please use the Chicago Style, which is what the American Anthropological Association uses for your references and citations.
American Anthropological Association Citation format
Chicago Citation guide
Food taboos can be very intriguing or uncomfortable, so have fun with this assignment and discuss taboos that you find interesting.
This activity correlates to the objective: Describe the factors that relate to the anthropology of food through the introduction to the origins of human diets, including traditional and modern subsistence patterns and diets of selected societies.

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks milk and eats dairy foods in sufficient quantity each day; however, she recently had a DEXA scan, which revealed osteopenia in her femur and lumbar spine. She is experiencing signs and symptoms of menopause. Laura is 5 ft. 0 in. tall and weighs 110 lb. She has the following questions for you, her nutrition counselor:
1. Will diet make any difference for Laura? Should she start taking supplements of vitamin D and calcium? If so, how much?
2. She walks 3 miles a week. Should she increase her activity level?
3. What else do you need to know before you make any recommendations?
In addition to answering the questions above, please be sure to include all criteria covered in the rubric:
-Chief concern (identify the problem)
-History of present concern (What is the history of the problem? What might be happening physiologically or psychologically?)
-Evaluations and observations (What is your assessment of the situation? What additional questions might you ask? -What physical observations might you see in a client like this?)
-Support plan (What is your plan for the client?)
-Outcomes (How will you know your plan is working? What will be your follow-up with the client?)
Please see attached documents for further clarification and grading rubric.
Marian, M. J. & Mullin, G. (2021). Integrating nutrition into practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 9781032242729
Stephenson, T. & Schiff, W. (2022). Human nutrition: Science for healthy living (3rd ed). McGraw Hill.

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks

Laura is a 50-year-old white woman who had a hysterectomy last year. She drinks milk and eats dairy foods in sufficient quantity each day; however, she recently had a DEXA scan, which revealed osteopenia in her femur and lumbar spine. She is experiencing signs and symptoms of menopause. Laura is 5 ft. 0 in. tall and weighs 110 lb. She has the following questions for you, her nutrition counselor:
1. Will diet make any difference for Laura? Should she start taking supplements of vitamin D and calcium? If so, how much?
2. She walks 3 miles a week. Should she increase her activity level?
3. What else do you need to know before you make any recommendations?
In addition to answering the questions above, please be sure to include all criteria covered in the rubric:
-Chief concern (identify the problem)
-History of present concern (What is the history of the problem? What might be happening physiologically or psychologically?)
-Evaluations and observations (What is your assessment of the situation? What additional questions might you ask? -What physical observations might you see in a client like this?)
-Support plan (What is your plan for the client?)
-Outcomes (How will you know your plan is working? What will be your follow-up with the client?)
Please see attached documents for further clarification and grading rubric. Marian, M. J. & Mullin, G. (2021). Integrating nutrition into practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 9781032242729
Stephenson, T. & Schiff, W. (2022). Human nutrition: Science for healthy living (3rd ed). McGraw Hill. (CHAPTER 18)

TASK 1- FOOD LOG You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks, along with their nutrients, that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document.
This week’s focus: water, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, and iron.
You may record carbohydrates, fat, and protein; however, they are not required for this week. Please see the Everything You Need to Know About- DIETARY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTS page for more specific details on this process. TASK 2- ANALYSIS
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
In regard to last week’s’challenge’-Did you try your protein/fat additions or replacements? If so, how did it go?
In regard to water-Did you meet the recommendations for water intake? What are considerations that a person needs to make when determining water needs?
What drinks do you mainly drink to meet fluid needs? Do you think that those are healthy choices (caffeine, alcohol, sugar)?
In regard to micronutrients-What is your fruit and vegetable consumption like? Are you meeting recommendations? What are ways that you can increase your consumption?
What were your averages for salt, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, and iron? Were these values above, below, or at the recommended values? Did these averages surprise you?
Were you taking a multivitamin prior to this course? After seeing these values, do you think you will continue taking the multivitamin or will you start taking a multivitamin? Why or why not?
Looking forward-What are foods that you can start eating in order to increase the above micronutrients (except salt!) in your diet?
What are ways that you can cut back on salt in your diet?

Create your own detailed case study involving a disease that affects your projec

Create your own detailed case study involving a disease that affects your projec

Create your own detailed case study involving a disease that affects your project organ system. This disease should be different from the one you described in Benchmark 2 discussion. It should focus on the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, and present the case in an engaging style that encourages your classmates to think critically. You would present enough information to guide your reader in his/her research, but you do not tell them what disease your case study is about.
NOTE: If you choose an infectious disease, your case study should NOT include the name of the pathogen that causes it. It is best NOT to reveal the name of the disease you are writing about in your case study.
Create at least 5 follow up questions. The first one should ask, “What is the disease?”

Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performa

Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performa

Athletes commonly manipulate their diets in hopes of improving athletic performance. Many turn to dietary supplements and substances referred to as “ergogenic” (= “work-producing”) aids. As you can imagine, this area is ripe for quackery, although some legitimate products do exist and are backed by scientific research. Many products are useless or downright dangerous. Athletes should be skeptical of any substance until its ergogenic effect is scientifically verified.
You will be researching one of these types of product. In your posting, please comment on why athletes might use this particular ergogenic aid, its possible benefits and dangers of misuse, and if you found any scientific evidence re: its use. Please note if there may be banned substances or ingredients contained in the product.
You can look for information in your nutrition textbook, or you can search the Internet using some of the web sites listed earlier in this module.