rior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapters 14 and 18 of the c

rior to beginning work on this assignment,
Read Chapters 14 and 18 of the c

rior to beginning work on this assignment,
Read Chapters 14 and 18 of the course textbook, Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Read Supply Chain Risk, Measured and AddressedLinks to an external site..
Review The Effect of Top Management Involvement on Supply Chain Risk Management Through Buyer-Supplier RelationshipLinks to an external site..
Assume the role of a supply chain manager within an organization of your choice. Executive management has requested from you a presentation on supply chain risks associated with the organization and an action plan to mitigate those risks. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to present your plan to the higher-level executives.
In your presentation,
Identify three types of supply chain risks (one slide).
Develop an action plan to mitigate the risks (two to three slides).
Review how you will use technology to understand the voice of the customer (one to two slides).
Define what type of performance measures you will be use to monitor the risks or when the customer’s expectations change (one to two slides).
Explain how the supply chain manager will use the basic lean tools and approaches to provide a quality product on time and at the lowest cost (two to three slides).
For this class, the Supply Chain Risk Management final presentation will apply toward your Folio account. Be sure to upload your PowerPoint presentation to Folio once you have completed it and share a link in your submission when you upload it to Waypoint to be graded. If you are not already familiar with Folio, please review the Folio Quick Start GuideLinks to an external site..
The Supply Chain Risk Management final presentation
must be seven to 11 slides in length (not including title and references slides) and 100–125 words of speaker notes and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationLinks to an external site. resource.
must include a separate title slide with the following in title case:

title of presentation in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name
name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
due date

must utilize academic voice. Review the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. and Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

must use at least six scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, review this Quick and Easy Library ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips, including this Company Research in the UAGC LibraryLinks to an external site. resource.

must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide.
must include a separate slide for references that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. Review the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

  Choose one of the two following open-ended questions to answer:  Can you di

Choose one of the two following open-ended questions to answer: 
Can you di

Choose one of the two following open-ended questions to answer: 
Can you discern a causal relationship between your experience of receiving love and your ability to express love to others? Does that surprise you? How will you prioritize activities and relationships that fill up your love reservoir? 150 words 

 Quantitative Analysis: ANOVA and Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Test Assignment 

 Quantitative Analysis: ANOVA and Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Test Assignment 

 Quantitative Analysis: ANOVA and Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Test Assignment 
Pageof 2ZOOM
SPSS Questions
Chapter 9
Using the CollegeStudentData.sav file, do the following problems. Print your outputs after
typing your interpretations on them. Please circle the key parts of the output that you use for
your interpretation.
Identify an example of a variable measured at the scale/normally distributed level for which
there is a statistically significant overall difference (F) between the three marital status groups.
Complete the analysis and interpret the results. Do appropriate post hoc tests.
9.5 Identify an example of a variable measured at the scale/normally distributed level for which
there is a statistically significant overall difference (F) between the three marital status groups.
Complete the analysis and interpret the results. Do appropriate post hoc tests.
9.6 Use the Kruskal–Wallis test, with Mann‒Whitney post hoc follow-up tests if needed, to run
the same problem as 9.1. Compare the results.
9.7 Do students’ heights differ depending on academic track and marital status, and do
academic track and marital status interact? Run the appropriate analysis and interpret the
9.8 Do academic track and having children interact and does either seem to affect current GPA?
Make Sure to:
1. Attach your word document for review and grading. Other file formats are not
accepted and will not be graded. Use the following filename format:
2. Include an APA title block with your name, class title, date, and the assignment number.
3. Include a table of contents and a reference section. Number your pages in the footer
along with the date. Include a header starting on page 2 with the Course and
assignment number.
4. Write the problem number and the problem title as a level one heading (Example ‐
A.1.1: Chapter 2, Problem 2.1, and then provide your response.
5. Use level two headings with short titles for multi part questions (Example ‐ A1.1.a,
Short Title, A1.1.b, Short Title II, etc.)
6. Use appropriate level headings for key elements of your discussion such as Research
Questions, Hypotheses, Descriptive Statistics, Assumptions & Conditions,
Interpretation, Results, and others. Your goal is to make your analysis easy to follow
and logical.7. Ensure that all tables and graphs are legible and include a figure number.
8. Carefully review your document prior to submission for formatting, flow, and
readability. Keep in mind that running the statistical tests is only the first half of the 
challenge; you must be able to clearly communicate your findings to the reader.

8 Introduction Overview You will explore analysis of variance (ANOVA) including

8 Introduction
You will explore analysis of variance (ANOVA) including

8 Introduction
You will explore analysis of variance (ANOVA) including a two-way or factorial ANOVA. Also, post hoc tests to determine which groups have statistically significant differences will also be explored.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Understand the assumptions and conditions for ANOVA.
Analyze and interpret a one-way (single factor) ANOVA.
Evaluate appropriate post-hoc tests for a statistically significant one-way ANOVA.
Analyze and interpret post-hoc tests to determine which pairs of means from the one-way ANOVA are significantly different.
Evaluate the results of the statistics performed in this module.
Read Article: Larson, M. (2008) Analysis of Variance. Circulation. AHA Journal.
Watch: One-Way ANOVA vs. Two-Way ANOVA

Discussion Thread: Comparing Groups
Respond to the following short answer questions from Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett textbook:
D.8.9.6 In Output 9.6: (a) Describe the F, df, and p values for each dependent variable as you would in an article. (b) Describe the results in nontechnical terms for visualization and grades. Use the group means in your description.
D.8.9.7 In Outputs 9.7 a and b, what pairs of means were significantly different?
D.8.9.8 In Output 9.8, interpret the meaning of the sig. values for math achievement and competence. What would you conclude, based on this information, about differences between groups on each of these variables?
D.8.9.9 Compare Outputs 9.6 and 9.8 with regard to math achievement. What are the most important differences and similarities?
D.8.9.10 In Output 9.9: (a) Is the interaction significant? (b) Examine the profile plot of the cell means that illustrates the interaction. Describe it in words. (c) Is the main effect of academic track significant? Interpret the eta squared. (d) How about the “effect” of math grades? (e) Why did we put the word effect in quotes? (f) Under what conditions would focusing on the main effects be misleading?
The student will complete 8 short-answer discussions in this course and 1 long-answer
Integrating Faith and Learning discussion. In the thread for each short-answer discussion the
student will post short answers to the prompted questions. The answers must demonstrate
course-related knowledge and support their assertions with scholarly citations in the latest APA
format. Minimum word count for all short answers cumulatively is 200 words. The minimum
word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion is 600 words. For each thread the
student must include a title block with your name, class title, date, and the discussion forum
number; write the question number and the question title as a level one heading (e.g. D1.1
Variables) and then provide your response; use Level Two headings for multi part questions (e.g.
D1.1 & D1.1.a, D1.1.b, etc.), and include a reference section.
The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must summarize the
student’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be
supported with scholarly citations in the latest APA format and corresponding list of references.
The minimum word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion reply is 250 words.

  Discussion Reply: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Mode

Discussion Reply: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Mode

Discussion Reply: Strategy Development, Strategy Decisions, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread.
Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.
Use bolded headings below in the reply.
Current APA format must be used.
Use the following Outline:
• Summary – Sumarize the author’s original thread in no less than 125 words.
• Critique – Discuss what you agreed with, did not agree with and why in no less than 125
Support your factual assertions with citations.

 Quantitative Analysis: T-Tests and Group Comparison Assignment  QUANTITATIVE A

 Quantitative Analysis: T-Tests and Group Comparison Assignment 

 Quantitative Analysis: T-Tests and Group Comparison Assignment 
SPSS Questions
Chapter 9
Using the CollegeStudentData.sav file, do the following problems. Print your outputs after
typing your interpretations on them. Please circle the key parts of the output that you use for
your interpretation.
9.1 Is there a significant difference between the academic tracks on average student height?
Explain. Provide a full interpretation of the results.
9.2 Is there a difference between the number of hours students study and the hours they work?
Also, is there an association between the two?
9.3 Write another question that can be answered from the data using a paired sample t test. Run
the t test and provide a full interpretation.
9.4 Are there differences between fast track and regular track students in regard to the average
number of hours they (a) study, (b) work, and (c) watch TV? Hours of study is quite skewed so
compute an appropriate nonparametric statistic.
Make Sure to:
1. Attach your word document for review and grading. Other file formats are not
accepted and will not be graded. Use the following filename format:
2. Include an APA title block with your name, class title, date, and the assignment number.
3. Include a table of contents and a reference section. Number your pages in the footer
along with the date. Include a header starting on page 2 with the Course and
assignment number.
4. Write the problem number and the problem title as a level one heading (Example ‐
A.1.1: Chapter 2, Problem 2.1, and then provide your response.
5. Use level two headings with short titles for multi part questions (Example ‐ A1.1.a,
Short Title, A1.1.b, Short Title II, etc.)
6. Use appropriate level headings for key elements of your discussion such as Research
Questions, Hypotheses, Descriptive Statistics, Assumptions & Conditions,
Interpretation, Results, and others. Your goal is to make your analysis easy to follow
and logical.
7. Ensure that all tables and graphs are legible and include a figure number.
8. Carefully review your document prior to submission for formatting, flow, and
readability. Keep in mind that running the statistical tests is only the first half of the
challenge; you must be able to clearly communicate your findings to the reader.

   7 Introduction Overview You will explore methods for evaluating the differen

7 Introduction
You will explore methods for evaluating the differen

7 Introduction
You will explore methods for evaluating the difference between variables. Comparing two groups of data using a range of t-tests will also be explored. Integration of Faith and Learning will be presented in a way that examines quantitative analysis in light of God’s plan for how you should handle challenging work.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Analyze the appropriate inferential statistic to compare groups.
Evaluate and interpret a one-sample t-test to compare one group or sample to a hypothesized population mean.
Understand the assumptions and conditions for use of the independent samples t test.
Analyze and interpret a paired samples t test to check the reliability of a repeated measure.
Understand your view of God’s perspective on the work involved in conducting meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis.
Read: Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett: Chapter 9
Watch: Student’s t-Test

Discussion Thread: Comparing Groups
Respond to the following short answer questions from Chapter 9 of the Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett textbook:
D7.9.1 (a) Under what conditions would you use a one-sample t test? (b) Provide another possible example of its use from the HSB data.
D7.9.2 In Output 9.2: (a) Are the variances equal or significantly different for the three dependent variables? (b) List the appropriate t, df, and p (significance level) for each t test as you would in an article. (c) Which t tests are statistically significant? (d) Write sentences interpreting the academic track difference between the means of grades in high school and also visualization. (e) Interpret the 95% confidence interval for these two variables. (f) Comment on the effect sizes.
D7.9.3 (a) Compare the results of Outputs 9.2 and 9.3. (b) When would you use the Mann–Whitney U test?
D7.9.4 In Output 9.4: (a) What does the paired samples correlation for mother’s and father’s education mean? (b) Interpret/explain the results for the t test. (c) Explain how the correlation and the t test differ in what information they provide. (d) Describe the results if the r was .90 and the t was zero. (e) What if r was zero and t was 5.0?
D7.9.5 (a) Compare the results of Output 9.4 with Output 9.5. (b) When would you use the Wilcoxon test?
The student will complete 8 short-answer discussions in this course and 1 long-answer
Integrating Faith and Learning discussion. In the thread for each short-answer discussion the
student will post short answers to the prompted questions. The answers must demonstrate
course-related knowledge and support their assertions with scholarly citations in the latest APA
format. Minimum word count for all short answers cumulatively is 200 words. The minimum
word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion is 600 words. For each thread the
student must include a title block with your name, class title, date, and the discussion forum
number; write the question number and the question title as a level one heading (e.g. D1.1
Variables) and then provide your response; use Level Two headings for multi part questions (e.g.
D1.1 & D1.1.a, D1.1.b, etc.), and include a reference section.
The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must summarize the
student’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be
supported with scholarly citations in the latest APA format and corresponding list of references.
The minimum word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion reply is 250 words. 

  The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must

The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must

The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must summarize the
student’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be
supported with scholarly citations in the latest APA format and corresponding list of references.
The minimum word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion reply is 250 words.

Discussion Replies: Integrating Faith and Learning   The student must then post

Discussion Replies: Integrating Faith and Learning
The student must then post

Discussion Replies: Integrating Faith and Learning
The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must summarize the
student’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be
supported with scholarly citations in the latest APA format and corresponding list of references.
The minimum word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion reply is 250 words.