Format Requirements: Submission: Upload as a PDF. Length: 2 pages, double-spaced

Format Requirements:
Submission: Upload as a PDF.
Length: 2 pages, double-spaced.
Font: 12-point, Times New Roman.
Purpose: This reflective journal is intended to help you analyze your performance during the movement exam, providing an opportunity to assess your technical execution, artistry, and areas for improvement. This reflection will also encourage you to connect your performance with the advanced techniques and concepts studied in class.
Briefly describe how you prepared for the movement exam. What strategies did you use to practice and refine your technique? Were there any specific exercises or methods that helped you prepare?
Performance Reflection:
How did you feel during the exam? Were you able to stay focused, and how did you manage any nerves?
Analyze the technical aspects of your performance. Consider your execution of complex steps, turns, extensions, and your ability to maintain proper alignment, turnout, and control.
Reflect on your musicality and expression. How well did you incorporate artistry into your performance? Did you feel connected to the music and the movement?
Identify any areas where you felt particularly strong, as well as areas where you encountered challenges.
Feedback & Improvement:
Reflect on any feedback you received from your instructor or peers. How does this feedback align with your own observations?
What specific areas do you want to focus on for improvement in your future ballet practice?
Summarize your overall experience with the movement exam. How has this experience helped you grow as a dancer?
How will you apply what you’ve learned from this exam to your continued ballet training, and what are your goals moving forward?
Save your reflection as a PDF and upload it to Canvas.

Write a 2-3 page paper (500-750 words, page count does not include the title and

Write a 2-3 page paper (500-750 words, page count does not include the title and reference pages) discussing at least 2 professional career opportunities in health, wellness, fitness and human performance. For each professional career option you have selected, include information about: Education: the educational requirements and any certifications that are needed, Job Specifics: the job responsibilities, potential salaries, job availability or job growth potential. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page. The websites listed under required readings will be a good starting point. You may also want to search for jobs in this field for more information. At the end of your paper, on a separate page, be sure to cite all sources you use.

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which t

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which to process the concepts within the course. To ensure an interesting and respectful discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build on the points made by your peers. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies, as discussed in the Module One Overview. It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion. This week’s discussion asks you to consider how understanding bias and intersectionality affects your perceptions of diversity. Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. For your initial post: How does the exploration of bias in the module overview and resources influence your thoughts about diversity? How does thinking about intersectionality bring you to a new awareness of bias? For your response posts, address the following: What insight do you appreciate in your peer’s discussion of bias and/or intersectionality? What contribution can you make to your peer’s discussion regarding bias and/or intersectionality? Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. The intention of this discussion is to reflect on the content within this module. You are not expected to write a research paper. However, if you refer to any sources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource.

Competency Identify common psychological diagnoses, therapies, and treatments. S

Identify common psychological diagnoses, therapies, and treatments.
For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of the Keynote Speaker at Rasmussen University’s “Mental Health Matters” Conference. As a presenter, you will discuss the importance of mental health literacy—caring for one’s mental health. To accompany the presentation, you will create a PowerPoint highlighting the main ideas. The goal of your presentation is to bring awareness to mental health issues and encourage your fellow classmates and professors to do things that will help them improve their mental health and quality of life.
Students will create a PowerPoint for this assignment. The PowerPoint will address the following topics:
Define mental health literacy and discuss its importance. Include the benefits of good mental health literacy, and effects of poor mental health literacy.
Discuss how social stigma affects mental health using examples.
Offer strategies to improve our mental health (i.e., self-care).
Provide resources for those struggling with mental health issues (i.e., national hotlines, governmental agencies, online sources, etc.)
Assessment/Submission Requirements
PowerPoint Presentation

Just to make you think outside your current situation, you are a Customs officer

Just to make you think outside your current situation, you are a Customs officer stationed at a land border crossing in a South East Asian country.
Please answer the following questions.
*Question 1
Do you think that every vehicle coming through your border crossing has the same degree of risk for smuggling?
*Question 2
Based on the limited information below, do you consider each of the vehicles to be an equal risk for smuggling? Choose one
A truck that crosses the border daily
A truck carrying vegetables
A tanker truck carrying petrol
A truck carrying bulk used clothing of low value
A car carrying a family
A motorcycle
*Question 3
You have now been given additional information on each vehicle as follows:
The truck had been examined 8 previous times with negative results
Truck driver previously found in possession of contraband
Tanker truck is owned by a large petrol company
Truck carrying used clothing came from a area known for production of counterfeit clothing or goods
The father of the family in the car is a well-known, respected local businessman
The operator of the motorcycle is not carrying any baggage
Based upon this additional material, are these vehicles of equal risk?
*Question 4
Which transport conveyance/ cargo/persons are you going to look at?
*Question 5
Have you changed your initial assessment from above and why?

The most important sentence you will write in this course is your thesis. The th

The most important sentence you will write in this course is your thesis.
The thesis must be clear, direct and supportable statement. The thesis outlines the purpose of the paper you are writing. The thesis answers ” what purpose do these deities serve? Connect to our shared human experience. For example, what human needs or aspects of human civilization do these deities represent. Formatted MLA 8th or 9th. Use the academic sources from the previous assignment. Annotated bibliography.

Part 1 – Participating providers Discuss participating provider contracts, inc

Part 1 – Participating providers
Discuss participating provider contracts, including contracted fee schedules as shown in Kinn’s, The Administrative Medical Assistant, 15th ed., pages 325-330.
In your submission be sure to identify why it is important for the Medical Administrative Assistant to know which insurance companies the provider is contracted with.
What is the difference between contracted and non contracted providers? What is the impact to the patient if the provider is non contracted with their insurance company?
Make sure the first part is minimum of 150 words
Part two — The Affordable Care Act changed the way healthcare was managed in the early 2000s, as discussed on page 331 of Kinn’s, The Administrative Medical Assistant, 15th ed.
Define the impacts of this Act, list at list the (3) changes and how they impact the role of the Administrative Medical Assistant’s role in the office.
Part 3 – List and discuss three (3) examples of governmental health insurance plans as discussed in Chapter 15, of Kinn’s The Administrative Medical Assistant, 15th ed., Chapter 15, Pages 320-334.

I have already wrote in detail 3 experiences and why they are meaningful to me.

I have already wrote in detail 3 experiences and why they are meaningful to me. Thing is, were only allowed 300 characters (not words!) for each experience.
I have attached what i wrote. Please cut each experience to 300 characters and modify the language to make it sound better while not diluting the experience. As these excerpts will go right under the title of the experience, I believe we can get rid of the statements like “My work as_____’

2 Questions must be answered- QUESTION 1- CSB Investigation + contractors Essent

2 Questions must be answered-
QUESTION 1- CSB Investigation + contractors
Essential content for your initial post
– Discuss a CSB investigation which involves a contractor-involved chemical process-related incident.
1. Locate a CSB report on the CSB website which involves a contractor-involved chemical process-related incident. You post should focus how the contractor “fit” into the incident.
QUESTION 2- OSHA Interpretation of 1910.119
Essential content for your initial post
– Discuss an OSHA Letter of Interpretation (“interp” or “LOI”) related to 1910.119(g), (h), (o), or (p).
1. Locate an OSHA Letter of Interpretation (“interp” or “LOI”) related to 1910.119(g), (h), (o), or (p) on OSHA’s webpage (