Submit your results for your data analysis. Include Descriptive Statistics for t

Submit your results for your data analysis. Include
Descriptive Statistics for t

Submit your results for your data analysis. Include
Descriptive Statistics for the variables: Child Age, Youth Anxiety (mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, minimum, maximum)
Frequencies: Gender, School, Intervention Type
Histogram: Youth Anxiety
T-Test: Dependent variable: Youth Anxiety, Grouping by: Intervention Type (with effect size, descriptives, plots, assumptions (homogeneity, normality)), Hypothesis (NULL)
Interpret the T-test (was it significant or not) and effect size (weak, moderate, or strong)

  Industrial-Organizational (IO) testing is an important aspect of workplace as

Industrial-Organizational (IO) testing is an important aspect of workplace as

Industrial-Organizational (IO) testing is an important aspect of workplace assessment, often used to evaluate job performance, potential, and fit. Find an example of a type of IO assessment found in scholarly literature.
What does this test assess?
Is this test reliable and valid?  Why or why not?
What are some potential biases or ethical concerns that can arise when using IO tests, particularly in relation to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Please see attached for the reading required for this assignment  which are:   

Please see attached for the reading required for this assignment  which are: 

Please see attached for the reading required for this assignment  which are: 
 Chatraw, J. D., & Prior, K. S. (2019). Cultural Engagement. HarperCollins Christian. 
 Hook, J. N., Davis, D., Owen, J., & DeBlaere, C. (2017). Cultural Humility. American Psychological Association. 
the article that is attached and please incorporate reference Bible versions that you quote).