summary of the article titled “The Use of Task Clarification and Self-Monitoring

summary of the article titled “The Use of Task Clarification and Self-Monitoring

summary of the article titled “The Use of Task Clarification and Self-Monitoring to Increase Affirmative to Constructive Feedback Ratios in Supervisory Relationships.” Focus on the main points, including the strategies discussed for improving the balance of positive and constructive feedback in supervisory settings. Highlight the key findings and how these methods can be applied in real-world supervisory relationships to enhance communication and professional development.

  Select one of the following prompts to begin your discussion post this week:

Select one of the following prompts to begin your discussion post this week:

Select one of the following prompts to begin your discussion post this week:
Speak with a leader at your organization about ethical issues that occur with the use of technology in clinical practice. Describe at least one of the ethical dilemmas you learned about and at least one method of preventing ethical problems in relation to use of technology in practice.
Share your definition of clinical supervision. Explain what you would feel comfortable speaking with a clinical supervisor about, what you would not be comfortable speaking with a clinical supervisor about, and what you hope to learn from a clinical supervisor.
Reflect on your professional skills of conducting clinical interviews. What are your strengths and how could you improve?
Speak with a leader at your agency about common ethical dilemmas that occur in practice. Describe what you learned and share the agency’s policies and procedures for addressing ethical dilemmas or ethical violations.

Respond to at least two colleagues:   Compare your thoughts with theirs regar

Respond to at least two colleagues:  
Compare your thoughts with theirs regar

Respond to at least two colleagues:  
Compare your thoughts with theirs regarding why self-care has been added to the Code of Ethics.
Provide feedback and/or suggestions related to their chosen self-care activity. 
Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.  

  Overview: For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (min

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (min

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of seven (7) slides) on a pychotic disorder. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow A    PA for
In Module 6, we learned about psychotic disorders, including characteristics, symptoms and treatment options.
For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of seven (7) slides) that communicates the information below.  

Research a Psychotic Disorder.
Describe the disorder’s:


Provide treatment suggestions for your selected disorder.
Reference at least three (3) external resoUR, making sure to cite them appropriately. 

   Respond to the following: Chapter 13, 14, & 17 in book:    Title From trauma

Respond to the following: Chapter 13, 14, & 17 in book:
From trauma

Respond to the following: Chapter 13, 14, & 17 in book:
From trauma to healing: A social worker’s guide to   working with survivors
Goelitz, A. and Stewart-Kahn, A.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis
Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Your journal entries are required to be thoughtful and are to be as different as you can make them from week to week. Please review the following questions to help prompt your weekly journal readings and reflections.
Is what you are currently reading/viewing or studying challenging you in any way? In what way?
What is puzzling you as you are reading at present? (About the author, ideas, etc.) What specific questions are being raised by what you are reading?
Can you make any connections between what you are reading/viewing and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying, or your own life?
What      are you learning about yourself from what you are reading/viewing/studying? (Your own values, attitudes, and beliefs)

What helps you relieve stress and how effective is your method? There are a var

What helps you relieve stress and how effective is your method? There are a var

What helps you relieve stress and how effective is your method? There are a variety of reasons individuals select the stress management techniques they use. However, an effective stress management technique allows you lessen the physiological impact of the stress you are experiencing. In addition, it helps you to assess your situation, recognize your emotional response, and support your thought processes regarding a stressor. There are many stress management techniques and selecting ones that might be most effective depends on the individual, the stressor, and the stress response. If you enjoy the calm that comes from communing with nature, you might recognize its effectiveness in how the peaceful nature of the outdoors makes you feel less frantic. One stress management technique cannot serve everyone and all the stressors they face. Therefore, evaluating a variety of stress management techniques is important to reducing stress and its influence on the development of illness. Barriers to effective stress management include lack of adherence to the use of stress management techniques, inadequate or inappropriate support of family and friends, and an unwillingness to forgo unhealthy stress management practices.
For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select a stress management technique from your Week 5 Final Project assignment. Then consider how you might measure the effectiveness of the stress management technique. Reflect on the benefit stress sufferers might derive from using multiple stress management techniques. Finally, consider two barriers to effective stress management.
With these thoughts in mind: 
Post by Day 4 a brief description of the stress management technique you selected. Then explain a measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the stress management technique. Next, explain benefits of providing multiple stress management techniques to stress sufferers. Finally, explain two barriers to effective stress management. Be specific.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on self-care and reflect on self-ca

To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources on self-care and reflect on self-ca

To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources on self-care and reflect on self-care as an ethical responsibility outlined in the NASW Code of Ethics. 
Consider the six domains of self-care and your practices and habits related to those domains, as well as future habits you want to initiate.   
Post an explanation of why you think self-care has been officially added to the NASW Code of Ethics. What circumstances have led to this change? Then, describe the six domains of self-care. Identify your past self-care practices relative to each domain and the extent to which you consistently engage in these practices. Finally, explain at least one self-care activity that you will deliberately and consistently implement for the remainder of the course.