ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educ

 ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educ

 ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educational environments today. Answer the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research (at least 2 references; no older than 5 years)
What non-pharmacological treatment has been useful in treating children with ADHD?
What are the long-term effects on the brain of children who have used medication for ADHD? What are the possible long-term benefits and negative impact of those medications?

  Discuss how biological contributions, social influences, and cultural varia

Discuss how biological contributions, social influences, and cultural varia

Discuss how biological contributions, social influences, and cultural variations influence the expression of Psychological disorders.
What do you feel is being done to reduce the effects of mental health stigmas?
What else needs to be done to reduce mental health stigma?  Provide at least 2 possible solutions.

Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of

Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of

Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

  Respond  to the following: Chapter Read Chapters 15 and 16 in book:    Title

  Respond  to the following: Chapter Read Chapters 15 and 16 in book:

  Respond  to the following: Chapter Read Chapters 15 and 16 in book:
From trauma to healing: A social worker’s guide to   working with survivors
Goelitz, A. and Stewart-Kahn, A.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis
Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Your journal entries are required to be thoughtful and are to be as different as you can make them from week to week. Please review the following questions to help prompt your weekly journal readings and reflections.
Is      what you are currently reading/viewing or studying challenging you in any      way? In what way?
What      is puzzling you as you are reading at present? (About the author, ideas,      etc.) What specific questions are being raised by what you are reading?
Can      you make any connections between what you are reading/viewing and everyday      life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are      studying, or your own life?
What      are you learning about yourself from what you are      reading/viewing/studying? (Your own values, attitudes, and beliefs)

  IOP Part 7: Final Submission Final Submission This project served as an intro

IOP Part 7: Final Submission
Final Submission
This project served as an intro

IOP Part 7: Final Submission
Final Submission
This project served as an introduction to scholarly writing and was designed to guide you through the process of writing an informed opinion work utilizing critical thinking. Throughout your college career, you will be asked to write time and time again and hopefully this experience will provide a foundation to assist you with those assignments.
While specific requirements of a work might differ, the core of scholarly writing and the steps you follow do not. Understanding the assignment; selecting a topic and developing a thesis statement; researching and evaluating sources as credible; and creating an outline provide the template for writing an initial draft and ultimately submitting the final version.
You will also encounter different types of writing depending on the discipline and the level of your education. Regardless, the basis of all scholarly writing is to foster critical thinking skills, and ultimately its purpose is to develop critical communication skills (Edmunds & Waldrop, 2018).  Remember, each time you practice scholarly writing in your classes, you are developing critical thinking and communication skills, both of which are vital workforce skills.
It is time to put it all together for your final submission. At this point, you’ll be making those final edits based on the feedback you received from the professor. Take the time to review your work and look for spelling or grammar errors. Make sure your work is organized and in the correct format. Lastly, double-check references and ensure that if you have a source cited in the reference list, it has also been cited within the body of the work.
Assignment Instructions:
1.      Review: feedback from your professor and make necessary changes.
2.      Submit: Once you have completed incorporating feedback from your professor and made final revisions, submit your work for grading.
Final Submission Grading Rubric:
Did not write in own words and used excessive quotes to convey ideas.
Did not use appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.
Significant spelling and grammatical errors.
Did not utilize APA format.
Did not incorporate feedback into final version.
Reference citations not included in-text or in the reference list.
Wrote in own words but utilized a significant amount of quoted material to covey ideas.
Used some appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.
Minor spelling and grammatical errors.
Used APA format but had errors.
Incorporated feedback and made some corrections to final version.
Reference citations incomplete or with significant errors.
Wrote in own words and used quoted material sparingly.
Used appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.
Used correct spelling and grammar.
Used correct APA format.
Incorporated feedback throughout the course and made relevant changes to final version.
Reference citations included both in-text and in the reference list with minimal or no errors.
Edmunds, M.W. & Waldrop, J. (2018). What is scholarly writing? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(8), 11-12.
Grading criteria
RubricUse of own words.No submission0 pointsDid not write in own words and used excessive quotes to convey ideas1 pointsx2 pointsWrote in own words but utilized a significant amount of quoted material to covey ideas3 pointsx4 pointsWrote in own words and used quoted material sparingly.5 pointsUse of appropriate terms and concepts.No submission0 pointsDid not use appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.1 pointsx2 pointsUsed some appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.3 pointsx4 pointsUsed appropriate terms and concepts from course and websites.5 pointsSpelling and GrammarNo submission0 pointsSignificant spelling and grammatical errors.1 pointsx2 pointsUsed correct spelling and grammar.3 pointsx4 pointsUsed correct spelling and grammar.5 pointsAPA formatNo submission0 pointsDid not utilize APA format.1 pointsx2 pointsUsed APA format but had errors.3 pointsx4 pointsUsed correct APA format.5 pointsCitation of sourcesNo submission0 pointsReference citations not included in-text or in the reference list.1 pointsx2 pointsReference citations incomplete or with significant errors.3 pointsx4 pointsReference citations included both in-text and in the reference list with minimal or no errors.5 pointsIncorporated Instructor FeedbackNo submission0 pointsx1 pointsx2 pointsDid not incorporate feedback into final version.3 pointsx4 pointsx5 pointsIncorporated feedback and made some corrections to final version.6 pointsx7 pointsx8 pointsx9 pointsIncorporated feedback throughout the course and made relevant changes to final version.10 points 

1.Describe your implementation of kindness: what you did, where you implemented

1.Describe your implementation of kindness: what you did, where you implemented

1.Describe your implementation of kindness: what you did, where you implemented it, and to whom. What reactions did you receive from others? How did those reactions make you feel?
2.Consider your own motivations for prosocial behavior.  How does social exchange theory explain the ways in which you choose to help others? How do social norms and reciprocal altruism predict how and when you help others?
3.Per the Chapter 9 readings, there are two opposing theories of why we help others- the negative state relief model and the empathy-altruism model. Compare these two models, and explain which you most agree with and why. Offer examples illustrating these models at work in your own life.
4.If you are a faith-based person, explain how your faith helped you implement your helping behavior. If you are not a faith-based person, explain what philosophy, belief system, or values you connected to helping behavior. How might the concept of social responsibility norms play a role here? 
5.Review the Topic 8 resources on Servant Leadership. What elements of servant leadership relate to what you learned about prosocial behavior? How might you use the tenants of Servant Leadership and the concepts from your readings to be a better servant

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes

For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes

For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes symptoms and compares treatment options for depressive and bipolar disorders. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP
In Module 5, we learned about depressive and bipolar disorders. 
For this assignment, you will create an infographic that communicates the information below. Review the attached handout for infographic resources and options. 

Describe symptoms of Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.
Compare treatment options for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.

Need a total of 20 mini soap notes. Example provided:  72 y/o W Male CC: Follow

Need a total of 20 mini soap notes.
Example provided: 
72 y/o W Male
CC: Follow

Need a total of 20 mini soap notes.
Example provided: 
72 y/o W Male
CC: Follow up after medication changes. 
S: Patient reports that he is having some anxiety due to his health issues. He also worries about his living situation as he has been living in a hotel. He reports that he does not have any family but has a friend that is trying to help him get a mobile home. He has difficulty sleeping and has taken OTC sleep aids at home. He states he is sleeping an average of 5 hours at night. He states his appetite has been good. He reports that he is motivated and hopeful. Patient is participating in therapy and is cooperative with care in the rehab facility. He denies any suicidal ideation or hallucinations. Patient is tolerating current psych meds without complications noted or reported. NKDA
Current Medications: Buspirone 10mg PO TID, Sertraline 100mg PO daily, Alprazolam 0.5mg PO BID prn for anxiety and Melatonin 5mg PO QHS prn for insomnia.
O: Vitals: Temp – 97.5 BP – 105-67 HR – 81 RR – 18 02 Sat – 100. 
A: Insomnia- F51.01
Adjustment disorder with anxiety – F43.22
P: Continue all current psychotropic medications at current dosages and monitor for changes in behavior and/or adverse reactions. Continue journaling as coping mechanisms as patient states it helps with anxiety symptoms. Continue outpatient counseling. Keep track of physical symptoms of anxiety and triggers associated. Follow-up: in 2 weeks or earlier if symptoms worsen.

  following:  Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below.

Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below.

Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below. 
What do you see in this video related to depressive disorders?
What symptoms/characteristics would a diagnosing physician look for if there was a concern a patient was suffering from depression? Bipolar disorder?
What did you learn that surprised or was new to you?
What questions do you have about depressive disorders?