1. A correlation measures and describes the linear relationship between two var

1. A correlation measures and describes the linear relationship between two var

1. A correlation measures and describes the linear relationship between two variables. The relationship is described using a +/- and a numerical value. Define what each indicates about the relationship. Give an example of two variables that seem to be related, and thus have a correlation, but have nothing to do with each other. 
2.  Find an empirical study that made an association claim. What type of correlation analysis did they use (Pearson r, biserial, etc.)? Report their findings in APA and interpret them in two to three sentences. 

 ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educ

 ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educ

 ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educational environments today. Answer the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research (at least 2 references; no older than 5 years)
What non-pharmacological treatment has been useful in treating children with ADHD?
What are the long-term effects on the brain of children who have used medication for ADHD? What are the possible long-term benefits and negative impact of those medications?

Chapter 7:  Psychology has a complicated, intertwined relationship with religio

Chapter 7:  Psychology has a complicated, intertwined relationship with religio

Chapter 7:  Psychology has a complicated, intertwined relationship with religion.  A classic example of this complicated relationship was William James, who like many prominent Victorian-era intellectuals, got caught up in the Spiritualism movement.  For some reason, both Old England and New England were hotbeds of this movement.  Remnants of it still exist in New York state – particularly in Lily Dale (because it was the home of the Fox Sisters).  Now that I’ve given you all that info, find and analyze a nice history of the spiritualism movement in the U.S. 
OK, given that some of you are still struggling with the term ‘analyze’, let me be more specific.  You might want to address:  What is the context?  What was going on in the world (U.S.) that made so many people rush to embrace spiritualism?  Why do you think so many highly intelligent and prominent people, like James or Arthur Conan-Doyle, became Spiritualists?  What do you think the short-term/long-term, results were of the ‘spokesperson’ for Psychology jumping into Spiritualism? These are examples of what I mean by ‘analysis’ or ‘critical thinking.’  Just think about the topic and examine it in an informed discussion.
Chapter 8: G. Stanley Hall really started something.  A surprisingly large number of psychologists work in various facets of education.  Not just teaching, but also developing various tests, giving diagnostic tests, developing ways to measure effective teaching and effective learning, etc.  Find a URL concerning the modern contributions of psychologists to education.  Think about this like you did psychologists and the computer folks in the earlier assignment.  Keep in mind that educational psychologists and school psychologists overlap but are not quite the same thing. 
To be specific, look at my feedback about artificial intelligence.  What does this psychology/education relationship mean?  How has it affected psychology?  Is it a good thing? Bad thing?  Are there elements of both?  What about the future?  Again, THINK analysis.  Hope this helps.

Peers, Schools and Online Environments How did your family manage your partic

Peers, Schools and Online Environments
How did your family manage your partic

Peers, Schools and Online Environments
How did your family manage your participation in peer relationships online? How were these relationships positive/ helpful and/or negative or even harmful for you? 
How would you advise parents today on their children’s use of technology and online options for schooling and relationships?
How would you help parents guide their child/teen toward beneficial online environments and away from harmful online environments?  
Must reference key concepts from Chapters 8 and 9. 

  Assignment: Create (1-2) slides that focus on Who we want to support us? The

Assignment: Create (1-2) slides that focus on Who we want to support us? The

Assignment: Create (1-2) slides that focus on Who we want to support us? The below provides information on our targeted group
Group name: Linked to Healing 
Targeted Group: Middle Schoolers (11-14 years old) 
Trauma type: Gun violence 
Rationale/Justification for Project: Our organization would like to provide a safe place for middle schoolers and to prevent future gun violence. 
Community event: Community resource fair advertised through community newsletter Our proposed community event will highlight resources in the community for those experiencing gun violence. The event will include local police, ambulance, military, and firefighters. The purpose of the community resource fair is to showcase first responders and connect middle schoolers with appropriate skills with dealing with gun violence and to teach gun safety.

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes

For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes

For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes symptoms and compares treatment options for depressive and bipolar disorders. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP
In Module 5, we learned about depressive and bipolar disorders. 
For this assignment, you will create an infographic that communicates the information below. Review the attached handout for infographic resources and options. 

Describe symptoms of Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.
Compare treatment options for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.

The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Wort

The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Wort

The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Worth Publishers, 20), Richard A. Griggs ”
In this chapter, you have read about cognitive therapy, rational-emotive therapy, and Beck’s cognitive therapy. Complete 3-5 that compares and contrasts these three therapies.
1) Student correctly describes the three types of therapy
What does the therapy believe is the cause of disordered behavior?
How does one treat the disordered behavior according to this theory
2) Student is able to compare and contrast the theories to one another in a critical way
Student asks how these theories are similar (If at all) and how they differ from one another?
Student identified how effective these theories are in helping people and compares results from one theory to another.
3) Student is able to write and communicate psychological ideas and concepts in a logical and concise way
The student is not merely drawing conclusions from opinions but rather using the key ideas from the text or outside source.
The student demonstrates a working knowledge of the material and does not merely parrot what is in the text.
4) Student effectively uses APA formatting and style
The student follows the lates APA manual in regard to style and formatting
written with an academic tone.

  Overview: For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e  about suicide. Ins

For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e  about suicide.

For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e  about suicide.
In Module 5, we learned about suicide. 
For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e that communicates the information below.

Describe risk factors and warning signs of suicide.

How can you identify someone who might be suicidal?

What are some strategies for suicide prevention?
Reference at least three (3) external resources, making sure to cite them appropriately. 

  following:  Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below.

Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below.

Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below. 
What do you see in this video related to depressive disorders?
What symptoms/characteristics would a diagnosing physician look for if there was a concern a patient was suffering from depression? Bipolar disorder?
What did you learn that surprised or was new to you?
What questions do you have about depressive disorders?