MODULE 3 TED TALK ASSIGNMENT 1. Select a TED Talk from the list on the website,

MODULE 3 TED TALK ASSIGNMENT 1. Select a TED Talk from the list on the website, 2. Watch and listen to the TED Talk you selected. 3. Use the notes you create while watching the TED Talk to complete this ASSIGNMENT. 4. List 20 ideas proposed in the TED talk. Be sure to number each idea individually, giving each idea a unique number, such 1,2, 3,4, and 5. 5. State whether you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. 6. Explain why you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. 7. Describe and explain one practical application of how one of the ideas you listed could be used in the community in which you live. 8. Describe and explain one extension or elaboration of one of the ideas which you listed. 9. Required that include with your assignment a title using the words Module 3 TED Talk. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 10. Required that you include a complete heading (first and last name, course name and correct section number and the date on which you completed the assignment ). One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 10. Upload your project as an attachment to the appropriate submission page as an attachment. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 11. No late work accepted for full credit. Maximum credit for late work: 1 point. 12. NOTE: Required that you submit your assignment using the correct assignment submission page. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 13. Required that the attached file be saved in the file format, docx or doc using the Microsoft Office Word application. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 14. Documents saved using the file format, pages, common to Apple devices will receive an automatic score of zero (0) because the instructor cannot open or read these documents. 15. Use attachment to submission page or email attachment (if necessary) to submit this assignment. 16. Do not use comments box to submit this assignment. 17. Required to include complete heading with first and last names, correct course name and number and correct section number, plus date the assignment was completed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 18. Go to for suggested ted talks to view.

Instructions for Required Combined TED Talk Assignment 4 1. Select 2 TED Talks f

Instructions for Required Combined TED Talk Assignment 4 1. Select 2 TED Talks from the list on the webpage, 2. Watch and listen to the 2 TED Talks you selected. 3. Create notes while watching the 2 TED talks you selected to use when completing this assignment. 4. List 40 ideas proposed in the 2 TED talks you selected. Be sure to use unique and individual numbers to identify each idea, such as 1,2,3,4,5. 5. State whether you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 6. Explain why you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 7. Describe and explain a practical application of how 2 of the ideas you listed could be used in the community in which you live. Two-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 8. Describe and explain an extension or elaboration of 2 of the ideas which you listed. Two-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 9. Required to include with your assignment a title using the words Module 4 TED Talk. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 10. Required to include a complete heading (first and last name, course name and correct section number and the date on which you completed the project). One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 11. You must use subheadings for the 5 major subsection of your project as follows: List of 10 ideas, Statement of Agreement or Disagreement, Explanation of Agreement or Disagreement, Description and Explanation of 2 Practical Applications, Description and Explanation of 2 Extension. 12. Required that you submit your assignment as an attachment to the correct submission page. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 13. No late work accepted for full credit. Maximum credit for late work: 1 point. 14. NOTE: Scores for assignments and projects submitted by email will be reported by return email and may not display in the online gradebook. To assure that your assignment grades display properly in the online gradebook, be sure to submit assignments using the correct assignment submission page and write submission box for each assignment and project. 15. Do not use comments box to submit this assignment. 16. Required element: each assignment idea must have an individual and unique number. Example: idea 1, idea 2; etc. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 17. Maximum credit for this assignment is 40 points. 18. Required to include complete heading with first and last names, correct course name and number and correct section number, plus date the assignment was completed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 19. Go to for suggested ted talks to view.


The textbook emphasizes that successful aging is multidimensional, encompassing the avoidance
or well-maintenance of disease and disability, the maintenance of physical and cognitive
function, and sustained social engagement. While strategies like incorporating a healthy diet,
continuing education, remaining active through exercise, and maintaining or cultivating new
friendships are often recommended for successful aging, it is essential to recognize that
individual experiences vary. This assignment aims to help students reflect on what successful
aging means to them personally. By defining their own version of successful aging, students can
pinpoint the aspects of life that hold significance, guiding their focus toward meaningful
activities, relationships, and environments.
In addition, research indicates that life expectancy may increase when positive thinking about
aging occurs. That means one’s mindset can significantly impact how well they age. The Bible
has a lot to say about aging and it can be a source of positivity, comfort, and encouragement.
Prepare a journal entry for one day of the week that highlights behaviors and experiences that
represent successful aging to you. Four aspects of your health should be addressed: Physical,
Cognitive, Social, and Spiritual. At the end of the journal entry include a verse or passage of
scripture that reflects a positive aspect of aging and provides personal encouragement. Please
also provide a brief explanation of why it was chosen. The Successful Aging Journal Entry
Example is available for you to review and use as well. Your final submission will include:
• A current APA formatted title page.
• A 500-word detailed description of behaviors and experiences from that day that
highlights successful aging in four aspects of your health: Physical, Cognitive/Mental,
Social, and Spiritual. Some examples of what can be included: what was eaten during the
day (a new food that was added to your diet), participation in exercise (went for a walk),
activities that stimulated the brain or increased mental health (completing a Sudoku
puzzle), meaningful social interaction (had coffee with a friend), and spiritual growth
(finding time for prayer). Make sure to use and cite information from the textbook. Use
current APA format for the in-text citations.
• A verse or passage of scripture at the end of the entry that speaks to the positivity of
aging and encourages you. A brief explanation of why it was chosen. Use current APA
format when citing the Bible.
• A current APA formatted reference list.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool


PSYC 351
In this Annotated Bibliography Assignment’s Resource section, you will find 2 articles:
1. Multicultural Education and Perceived Multicultural Competency of School Counselors.
2. A White Counselor in a Multicultural World: Understanding the Need for a Spiritual,
Multicultural Counseling Course.
Read both articles and write a brief annotated bibliography in current APA format.
An annotated bibliography can be a summary, assessment, of a journal article you have used as a
source. For this Annotated Bibliography Assignment, you will provide one paragraph of
pertinent summary information for each source. Pertinent summary information includes: the
author, hypothesis, participants, methods used, and conclusions or results. Each paragraph must
have at least 8 sentences but no more than 10. Provide one title page and no more than one page
of text.
Review the Annotated Bibliography Sample if you are unfamiliar with annotated bibliography
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool

Assessment Description Having a sense and perspective of the history of teaching

Assessment Description
Having a sense and perspective of the history of teaching and learning allows the practitioner to build a foundation of knowledge upon which to construct deeper and larger perspectives of the teaching and learning process. It also allows for a clearly focused understanding of teaching and learning from the American perspective, which provides opportunities to conduct research and gain knowledge in clearly applicable, relevant, and defined ways. In this assignment, you will consider the common perspectives and key theories of teaching and learning in the American context.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance
Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that synthesizes the common perspectives and key theories of teaching and learning in the American context. Include the following in your paper:
An overview of the common historical perspectives of teaching and learning in America.
An overview of the historically key theories of teaching and learning in America.
A synthesis of the common perspectives and key theories of teaching and learning in America. What do these suggest when taken as a single entity?

After completing this week’s readings, submit a discussion post that addresses t

After completing this week’s readings, submit a discussion post that addresses t

After completing this week’s readings, submit a discussion post that addresses the following prompts:
Identify at least one key concept from each studied theory (Information Processing, Ecological Theory, and Sociocultural approach).
Explain how you could incorporate each of these theories into your MFT model of choice (e.g., Structural, Strategic, Bowen, SFBT, Collaborative). Be sure to provide a specific example of how you would use the theories to inform your assessment and/or interventions.
Length: 350-400 words
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
Ege, S., & Reinholdt-Dunme, M. L. (2016). Improving treatment response for pediatric anxiety disorders: An information-processing perspective. Clinical Child Family Psychology Review, 19, 392-402.Hong, J. S., Hunter, S. C., Kim, J., Piquero, A.
R., & Narvey, C. (2019). Racial differences in the applicability of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model for adolescent bullying involvement. Deviant Behavior, 1-21.
McLeod, S. A. (2018). Information processing.Ramey, H. L., Young, K., & Tarulli, D. (2010). Scaffolding and concept formation in narrative therapy: A qualitative research report.

All written assignments should answer the question in detail, cite all sources,

All written assignments should answer the question in detail, cite all sources, and draw a conclusion based on the above and should be uploaded in a WORD document (No other will be accepted).
1) Everyone has his or her own personal beliefs about “the way people are” or “what makes people tick.” For example, you might believe that men are better than women at math and that this difference is a result of the way girls are treated in schools. You might believe that depression is the result of stressful life experiences.
2) Alternatively, you may simply be puzzled by certain aspects of human behavior and not really have an explanation for it. For example, why do such deep divisions exist between various ethnic groups? Why is it sometimes so difficult to remember people’s names?
Think About it this way….
1) We all think we know why people act the way they do. What are some things that people do (like be depressed), and give your reasoning (don’t look it up) why YOU think this happens. In other words, what do you think causes the behavior.
2) Is there a human behavior that you you are not sure what causes it? What are these behaviors?
Must be in APA format

One Repeat Activity (in place of the four required activities): the role of soci

One Repeat Activity (in place of the four required activities): the role of sociocultural factors in social development – Submit a written individual activity presenting the literature review in 1500 words, in APA style – The length of the main body of your paper is expected to be 1500 words, double-spaced – THIS IS NOT A SEMESTER PROJECT, IT IS AN ACTIVITY

Instructions ( APA style) Please read both of the following before completing th

Instructions ( APA style)
Please read both of the following before completing the assignment:
In the Reading List: Leaf, J. B., Cihon, J. H., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., Liu, N., Russell, N., Unumb, L., Shapiro, S., & Khosrowshahi, D. (2021). Concerns about aba-based intervention: An evaluation and recommendations. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
ABAI Position Statement on the use of Contingent Electric Skin Shock (CESS)