READ enough of the chapters 9 and 10 ( Eighth edition of Mash/Wolfe/Williams)

READ enough of the chapters 9 and 10 ( Eighth edition of Mash/Wolfe/Williams) to get the points that fit for you
WRITE the paper (ANY format YOU choose) for this week using the content in the chapters around Conduct, Depressive issues and Bi Polar d/o. Write what you have “soaked in” there, write about what you question, how you view humans: children/adolescents/adults as you see fit. Write in more developed APA style, adding to what you were using last week, insert something ELSE that is new to you from the APA manual. I will continue to give feedback per the APA manual guidelines. We write to the MANUAL not to the professor. This is YOUR development, in ACCORDANCE with YOUR Dream, Goal, etc. There are many stretching challenges on the way to our bigger goals, which always Cost somethin in some way. When we open the Internal Eyes, we can “SEE” more the Long View, the Broader Vast Context along with the Object of our desire.

Application Paper One-Due by September 19 Chapter 4 covers in detail the topic o

Application Paper One-Due by September 19
Chapter 4 covers in detail the topic of microaggressions. Please write a paper that is
between 6 and 8 pages in length excluding cover, abstract, and reference sections
addressing the following:
• Describe the three types of microaggressions outlined in the text and provide an
illustrative example of each.
• How can microaggressions be harmful?
• Explain the relevance of understanding microaggressions for counselors who
provide services to a diverse clientele.
Make sure to reference the required reading material and at least three references from
scholarly peer-reviewed journals or other books. Several resources are provided for you in the
section below and you may find others. All citations must include reference using the latest
APA edition writing style.
Important Notice
All papers (except Application Two which draws from personal information) must be
submitted along with its Turnitin report.
Chapter 4
Please use four updated references from less than five years.

I have attached all the important details about what this research paper is on a

I have attached all the important details about what this research paper is on about (e.g., research question). I have also attached the paper rubric to follow along. The total of eight pages will only include all sections except for the abstract and references.
(for the annotated projected results, the instructor commented:
The second hypothesis should not be an alternative or null hypothesis. It should be another analysis you can do with your data. Clearly create a hypothesis 1 related to your ideas about interaction, and your hypothesis 2 should be about your ideas related to pointing.
For our purposes, correlational vs. experimental should be determined by how you’re analyzing/depicting your data. Yours is quasi-experimental (not correlational).
Be consistent in how graphs are labeled. Label the conditions on the X axis as in graph 1.
Omit last graph.
Our paper poster has also been included just for you to better understand what to write on.

In three to four paragraphs, identify the ethical considerations you think rela

In three to four paragraphs, identify the ethical considerations you think relate to the contemporary issue you selected. Explain the ethical considerations of the existing interventions and whether or not these considerations are mitigated by existing interventions as well as how they are mitigated. Draw from relevant guidelines in both your initial post and response posts. I will upload the previous part 1 and two for the project this discussion is about. Please use that information and sources to answer this discussion. Thank you.

Give your post a relevant title. Locate a pre-existing instrument such as a surv

Give your post a relevant title.
Locate a pre-existing instrument such as a survey or scale (or a snippet of at least 5 questions and some description of the scoring mechanism) that can be used to measure one of the variables within your research proposal. You may find this questionnaire through the articles that you read, through the references provided within those articles, or possibly through one of these resources (*Note: you cannot develop your own instrument):
Mental Measurements Yearbook: to an external site.Links to an external site.Links to an external site.. This source includes many different psychological measures.
The Health and Psychosocial Instruments database: to an external site.Links to an external site.Links to an external site.. This source includes different interdisciplinary scales.
PsycTESTS: to an external site.Links to an external site.Links to an external site.. This source includes access to psychological tests and other instruments.
Write a 1-2 paragraph post that answers the following prompt:
In your own words, explain generally what should be considered when constructing survey questions (hint: see Chapter 7, starting on page 128) and identify at least TWO ways that a researcher can develop strong questions or a “better” measurement (there are lots of ways, which are highlighted in our text and lectures so just focus in on two of your favorites)
Next, describe how the principles of instrument development (i.e., the types of questions) relate to the reliability and validity of that scale (hint: see Chapter 5). Use the concepts you learned in this week’s assigned readings and lectures to support your ideas with an in-text and corresponding reference citation.
Then, describe the instrument you found that measures one of your variables and evaluate its suitability for your research project.Clearly explain what is measured in this instrument.
Discuss the scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)
Explain how the questions within this instrument are scored and how that score is interpreted (for example: what does a higher score versus a lower score mean; do you add the items together? or are there separate subscales?).
Look back at the concepts you noted from Chapter 7 about question development and explain what about your scale follows these principles.
Post a reference citation of your instrument at the bottom of your discussion post.
Post an example of 2-3 questions from this instrument and the response option prompt (e.g., “strongly disagree to strongly agree”)

I need a qualitative literature review on how a good or a bad diet affects the m

I need a qualitative literature review on how a good or a bad diet affects the mental health of active duty soldiers and soldiers post-retirement. I need your best writer who knows how to write literature. Please take a look at my previous uploads to get all the documents required to write my paper. My draft literature review is attached. Please use the attached manuscriipt as a guide but do not make the changes inside the document. Write all the work in a separate document. I need everything in the document paraphrased and work written from scratch on the mental health and nutrition outline at the end of the document. Please attach a reference page as well. I need peer-reviewed sources. Please do not forget to look at my previous upload orders to use as a reference as well.

After reading the two articles for this module on attraction, mating, and the in

After reading the two articles for this module on attraction, mating, and the internet, please answer the following questions: What are the key variables that a person looks for when they are looking for a long-term mate? How accurately can you predict long-term relationship success? What are the similarities and differences when comparing male-female romantic relationships with same-sex and LGBTQIA+ dating relationships?

SleepwalkingDiscussion 2 – Sleepwalking Talk-zile-podcast.png Initial Prompt f

SleepwalkingDiscussion 2 – Sleepwalking

Initial Prompt for Discussion
Should sleepwalking be a valid defense for a crime as serious as murder? What kind of evidence should be required to convince a jury that a crime was committed while sleepwalking? Based on your understanding of the stages of sleep and sleep disorders, is it possible to commit such a crime. Support your response with three (3) scholarly articles.
A number of cases of “murder while sleepwalking” have been recorded in the past several decades. The term sleepwalking as used in these cases most likely refers to the very real condition called REM behavior disorder rather than ordinary sleepwalking. Use of this disorder as a defense in a murder trial has sometimes been successful. Here are short descriiptions of two cases and their outcomes.
Case One:

Scott Falater, 43 years old, was accused of murdering his wife in 1997. A neighbor, looking over a fence, witnessed Scott holding his wife’s head underwater in the swimming pool. He called the police, who found a bloody pool and the body of Yamila Falater with 44 stab wounds. Falater had performed a series of very deliberate and time-consuming actions in cleaning up after the murder. But Falater claimed to be sleepwalking during all of these actions. Although sleep experts for the defense stated that Falater’s story was possible, the prosecution pointed to marital troubles as motive. Most damaging to his case was the witness who stated that three weeks before the murder, Falater had been discussing the case of a Canadian man’s acquittal for murder based on a sleepwalking defense. The jury found Falater guilty of murder in the first degree, and he was given a life sentence.
Case Two: In July of 2008 Brian Thomas (Links to an external site.) of South Wales in Great Britain, a devoted husband and father of two children, killed his wife while dreaming of intruders breaking into their camper. Thomas had a history of sleepwalking and normally slept apart from his wife. Experts found that he suffered from night terrors, and he was acquitted of her murder by reason of temporary insanity.
Posting on the Discussion Board
Initial Post Submission: Write an initial post of at least 200 words, supported by three scholarly references, cited in APA format. This post must be submitted by Thursday, September 12th, at 11:59 p.m. Ensure your post meets the minimum word count requirement. Please do not submit attachments.
Reminder: Discussions are a key component of the course, and students are expected to actively participate throughout the week. Failure to engage fully will result in a 2-point deduction if only the initial post is submitted.
Peer Response 1: Read and respond to two peer posts. Your first response should be a minimum of 150 words and must be posted on a different day than your initial post. The deadline for this response is Saturday, September 14th, by 11:59 p.m.
Peer Response 2: Submit a second response of at least 150 words, also posted on a different day than your initial post. The deadline for this response is Sunday, September 15th, by 11:59 p.m.
Discussion Post Guidelines
Ensure your posts and responses directly address the question, problem, or scenario provided. Stay focused on the designated topic and avoid straying off course.

Discussion Questions In this post, describe Genotype-environment interaction, al

Discussion Questions
In this post, describe Genotype-environment interaction, along with Genotype-environment correlation, where you discuss the interaction of heredity and environment as it relates to human development within the first three years of life. Please also provide a relevant example in your original post.
**Book: Experience Human Development
15edition by Diane Papalia**
We currently are in Chapter 2 Monday

READ enough of the chapters 9 and 10 ( Eighth edition of Mash/Wolfe/Williams)

READ enough of the chapters 9 and 10 ( Eighth edition of Mash/Wolfe/Williams) to get the points that fit for you
WRITE the paper (ANY format YOU choose) for this week using the content in the chapters around Conduct, Depressive issues and Bi Polar d/o. Write what you have “soaked in” there, write about what you question, how you view humans: children/adolescents/adults as you see fit. Write in more developed APA style, adding to what you were using last week, insert something ELSE that is new to you from the APA manual. I will continue to give feedback per the APA manual guidelines. We write to the MANUAL not to the professor. This is YOUR development, in ACCORDANCE with YOUR Dream, Goal, etc. There are many stretching challenges on the way to our bigger goals, which always Cost somethin in some way. When we open the Internal Eyes, we can “SEE” more the Long View, the Broader Vast Context along with the Object of our desire.