Research Question: To examine the relationship between education level and depre

Research Question: To examine the relationship between education level and depre

Research Question: To examine the relationship between education level and depression among adults 20 and above, having socioeconomic status as a confounder, which will be measured by income ratio, and whether this relationship is modified by age.
Hypothesis: We hypothesize that adults 20 and above with lower education level will be more likely to report depressive symptomology, controlling for socioeconomic status, which will be measured by income. In addition, we expect age to be an effect measure modifier for the relationship between education level and depressive symptomology. The relationship may differ across age groups; younger adults may experience different stressors and societal pressures compared to older adults. Older adults may have greater financial burden and responsibilities than younger adults, which could increase the risk of depression. Also, younger adults’ education has not been determined yet and may be ongoing. They may also choose to pursue further education later in life.
*socioeconomic status is the confounder and age is the effect measure modifier.

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on th

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on th

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on their last name. Please read the instructions below thoroughly and carefully.
Students with a last name beginning with the letter A: Stress and Mental Disease.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters B-I: Differences between Simple and Complex Carbohydrates.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters J-N: Health effects of Vaping.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters O-Z: Negative effects of drinking too much alcohol.

بالنسبة للورقة البحثية، هناك موضوعات مختلفة للطلاب، اعتمادًا على اسم عائلتهم. يرجى قراءة التعليمات أدناه بدقة وبعناية.
الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بحرف أ
التوتر والأمراض النفسية
الاختلافات بين الكربوهيدرات البسيطة والمعقدة B-I: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
الآثار الصحية للتدخين الإلكتروني J-N: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
الآثار السلبية لشرب الكثير من الكحول O-Z: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)
Do not use lists or bullets. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.
Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
1 قم بإجراء بحث عبر الإنترنت من خلال قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca College. سوف تبحث في الموضوع المرتبط بالحرف الأول من اسم عائلتك من القائمة أعلاه.
استخدم قاعدة بيانات مكتبة
Cuyamaca College ، اختر مصدرين من مصادر المكتبة (دراسة بحثية أو مجلة أو مقالة إخبارية) حول موضوعك.
اكتب المقال بهوامش مزدوجة التباعد وخط 12 و 1 بوصة. اكتب باستخدام تنسيق مقال MLA. قم بتضمين فقرة تمهيدية وفقرتين أساسيتين وفقرة ختامية. (30 نقطة)
لا تستخدم القوائم أو الرموز النقطية. من فضلك ، ضع اسمك فقط في أعلى الصفحة.
قم بإنشاء قائمة بالأعمال المقتبس منها باستخدام تنسيق MLA وقم بتضمين المعلومات التالية: أسماء المؤلفين وعنوان المقالة واسم المجلة ورقم المجلد وأرقام الصفحات وتاريخ المقالة ورابط URL إلى مصادرك. يتم عرض الأعمال المقتبسة في صفحة منفصلة وليست جزءًا من مقالتك. (20 نقطة)
Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.
لا تفرط في الاقتباسات. تأكد من استخدام الاقتباسات لكل اقتباس. أريدك أن تستخدم كلماتك الخاصة. ومع ذلك ، حتى عند إعادة الصياغة ، فأنت بحاجة إلى استخدام بين الاقواس

Paragraph 1: Introduction: (3-5 sentences)
An interesting fact about the topic.
Describe your topic.
Body Paragraph 2: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #1.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Body Paragraph 3: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #2.
Statements of support from your library sources.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion: (3-5 sentences)
Summarize the findings of your research.
Give a final statement about your topic.
YOUR Works Cited page
List every source used in MLA format and attach it as a separate page to the essay.
Important Notes:
Please log in to the library database during the 1st week of this assignment. You may need to change your password.
Statements of support must come from your Cuyamaca Library Database sources. You will receive an automatic zero if your two sources are not from the library database. You can rewrite and resubmit your paper if you receive an automatic zero.
Don’t forget that plagiarism is a cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your own words. You must click the plagiarism review box when submitting your assignment.
ملاحظات هامة:
يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى قاعدة بيانات المكتبة خلال الأسبوع الأول من هذه المهمة. قد تحتاج إلى تغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
يجب أن تأتي بيانات الدعم من مصادر قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca الخاصة بك. إذا لم يكن مصدرك من قاعدة بيانات المكتبة ، فستتلقى صفرًا تلقائيًا. سيُسمح لك بإعادة كتابة ورقتك وإعادة تقديمها إذا تلقيت صفرًا تلقائيًا.
لا تنس أن السرقة الأدبية سبب للفشل. يجب أن تكون هذه ورقتك مكتوبة بكلماتك. يجب عليك النقر فوق مربع مراجعة الانتحال عند تقديم واجبك.
HED 251-Hollands
PURPOSE: To find general articles and peer-reviewed journal articles @ Cuyamaca College Library. If you need help visit your instructor or the instructor’s assistant during their office hours or make an appointment with a librarian.
STEP 1: How do I get to the library website? You can Google Cuyamaca College Library or go to this link to an external site.
STEP 2: This is the search box to find articles and peer-reviewed articles.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find the source types (left margin) and check magazines.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find “Limit To” (left margin) and
check scholarly, peer-reviewed journals
STEP 4: You will see a list of article citations. Choose one to read. E-mail the article to yourself. Use the tools on the right-hand side of the page to print, E-mail, and Cite (you will use cite for your List of Works Cited.
Arabic for Resetting your library password.
كيفية تسجيل الدخول إىل: قواعد بيانات المكتبة وواي فاي وأجهزة الكمبيوتر و 365
Office Microsoft( بما في ذلك
.WEPA وطباعة( Onedrive و Power Point و Excel و Word و Outlook
اسم المستخدم هو االسم األاول. اللقب
استخدم نفس اسم المستخدم الذي تستخدمه لـ WebAdvisor .قم بتضمين أي أرقام مخصصة أو أحرف خاصة
إذا كان اسم المستخدم طويل ، فتوقف بعد الحرف العشرين.
alexandria.smith-jo هو Alexandria Smith-Jones سيكون: مثال
بالنسبة إىل 365 Office Microsoft والطباعة ، سيحتوي اسم المستخدم عىل @ edu.gcccd.students بعد
اسمك األاخير
[email protected] أو Jon.Doe123456 :مثال
كلمة المرور هي عيد ميلادك المكون من ستة أرقام )MMDDYY .)مثال: 3 يناير 2001 سيكون 010301 .قد تكون
كلمات المرور منتهية الصالحية وتحتاج إلى إعادة تعيينها. إعادة تعيين المعلومات أدناه.
يمكنك االتصال بـ edu.gcccd@helpdesk-c أو 619-660-4395 للحصول عىل المساعدة أو محاولة إعادة
تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
ستؤدي إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور إىل إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور لجميع األانظمة المذكورة أعاله.
إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك باستخدام com.office365.outlook://https: Microsoft/
[email protected] هو المستخدم اسم
كلمة المرور هي تاريخ ميالدك المكون من 6 أرقام )MMDDYY .)يجب أن يطلب منك إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة
بك إذا انتهت صالحيتها.
إذا لم يحدث ذلك أو إذا كنت تريد إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك بعد تسجيل الدخول إلى 365 Office.
بمجرد تسجيل الدخول ، سترى دائرة باألحرف الاول من اسمك في الزاوية اليمنى العليا.
انقر فوق الدائرة وستظهر قائمة منسدلة.
اضغط عىل “account View.”
ملاحظة: إذا ُطلب منك معالجة تسلسل “authentication “في هذه المرحلة ، فحدد “phone authentication”
فقط ، ثم أدخل رقم هاتفك لتلقي رمز عبر رسالة نصية.
انقر فوق “Password “لتغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
متطلبات كلمات المرور الجديدة:
ما لا يقل عن 8 أحرف
ا كبيرة وصغيرة
يتضمن أحرًف
رقم واحد على الاقل
يفضل أن يكون شخصية خاصة )! @ # $٪ ^ & * -_ = +(.
يمكن أيًضا إعادة تعيين كلمات المرور في الحرم الجامعي باستخدام جهاز كمبيوتر أو شبكة Fi-Wi.

Answer ALL these questions and the information for the questions will be linked

Answer ALL these questions and the information for the questions will be linked

Answer ALL these questions and the information for the questions will be linked thank you very much
Assignment Guidelines
In your reflection of 500-600 words, you should address all of the following questions from the readings and other materials from the week:
What are your key take-aways from the readings/assigned materials?
Consider: What was interesting or surprising? What, if anything, was confusing or you found lacked credibility or seemed untrustworthy? Why?
Attempt to synthesize your takeaways across readings/assigned materials, rather than listing takeaways for each reading/assigned material, if possible.
link 1 – Poetry and COVID-19 the benefit of poetry and the website to mental health and wellbeing.pdf
link 2 – CHOOSE 1 Video
link 3-
link 4 is in the files attached.
Be sure to reference all of the readings/assigned materials. Make it clear you read/reviewed them all.
How, if at all, do the readings/assigned materials reinforce one another? How, if at all, are the readings/assigned materials conflicting or contradictory? Provide examples if relevant.
What solutions or public health responses are needed regarding this week’s topic? And/or, what else do public health professionals need to know to develop or enact solutions?
How does the topic relate to your personal experiences and/or your professional goals? Be specific.
What is one thing that you have learned in class this week about the topic of focus that stuck out to you? Why/how? Be specific.
The reflective journal is not meant to be a regurgitation of what you have read/reviewed. Rather, it is a synthesis and critical reflection on the course material.

Evaluate a significant environmental change occurring in your region (wildfires,

Evaluate a significant environmental change occurring in your region (wildfires,

Evaluate a significant environmental change occurring in your region (wildfires, higher-than average temperatures, droughts, floods, etc.). Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining how natural disasters are influenced by climate change. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, create dialogue for a voice-over of the powerpoint slides.
climate change has contributed to the natural disaster that is causing the environmental change. Discuss the potential anthropogenic and natural causes. Provide evidence to support your claims.
Describe the human population health issues likely to be exacerbated by the environmental change. Identify one or more surveillance reports and discuss data from these sources relevant to the event and region. Discuss the methods used in data collection. Use a table or graph to display your findings.
Explain the impact climate change is projected to have on animal and ecosystem health in your region.
Discuss how your region’s environmental policy, or lack of policy, has influenced and shaped the response to the environmental change.
Explain how local and regional environmental policies have a global impact when it comes to climate change.
Explain how the people in your region, including community members and leaders, perceive the concept of climate change. How do their opinions regarding climate change affect the environmental policy in your region? Describe some of the challenges to addressing climate change in your region.
You are required to cite to three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on th

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on th

For the research paper, there are different topics for students, depending on their last name. Please read the instructions below thoroughly and carefully.
Students with a last name beginning with the letter A: Stress and Mental Disease.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters B-I: Differences between Simple and Complex Carbohydrates.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters J-N: Health effects of Vaping.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters O-Z: Negative effects of drinking too much alcohol.

بالنسبة للورقة البحثية، هناك موضوعات مختلفة للطلاب، اعتمادًا على اسم عائلتهم. يرجى قراءة التعليمات أدناه بدقة وبعناية.
الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بحرف أ
التوتر والأمراض النفسية
الاختلافات بين الكربوهيدرات البسيطة والمعقدة B-I: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
الآثار الصحية للتدخين الإلكتروني J-N: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
الآثار السلبية لشرب الكثير من الكحول O-Z: الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)
Do not use lists or bullets. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.
Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
1 قم بإجراء بحث عبر الإنترنت من خلال قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca College. سوف تبحث في الموضوع المرتبط بالحرف الأول من اسم عائلتك من القائمة أعلاه.
استخدم قاعدة بيانات مكتبة
Cuyamaca College ، اختر مصدرين من مصادر المكتبة (دراسة بحثية أو مجلة أو مقالة إخبارية) حول موضوعك.
اكتب المقال بهوامش مزدوجة التباعد وخط 12 و 1 بوصة. اكتب باستخدام تنسيق مقال MLA. قم بتضمين فقرة تمهيدية وفقرتين أساسيتين وفقرة ختامية. (30 نقطة)
لا تستخدم القوائم أو الرموز النقطية. من فضلك ، ضع اسمك فقط في أعلى الصفحة.
قم بإنشاء قائمة بالأعمال المقتبس منها باستخدام تنسيق MLA وقم بتضمين المعلومات التالية: أسماء المؤلفين وعنوان المقالة واسم المجلة ورقم المجلد وأرقام الصفحات وتاريخ المقالة ورابط URL إلى مصادرك. يتم عرض الأعمال المقتبسة في صفحة منفصلة وليست جزءًا من مقالتك. (20 نقطة)
Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.
لا تفرط في الاقتباسات. تأكد من استخدام الاقتباسات لكل اقتباس. أريدك أن تستخدم كلماتك الخاصة. ومع ذلك ، حتى عند إعادة الصياغة ، فأنت بحاجة إلى استخدام بين الاقواس

Paragraph 1: Introduction: (3-5 sentences)
An interesting fact about the topic.
Describe your topic.
Body Paragraph 2: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #1.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Body Paragraph 3: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #2.
Statements of support from your library sources.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion: (3-5 sentences)
Summarize the findings of your research.
Give a final statement about your topic.
YOUR Works Cited page
List every source used in MLA format and attach it as a separate page to the essay.
Important Notes:
Please log in to the library database during the 1st week of this assignment. You may need to change your password.
Statements of support must come from your Cuyamaca Library Database sources. You will receive an automatic zero if your two sources are not from the library database. You can rewrite and resubmit your paper if you receive an automatic zero.
Don’t forget that plagiarism is a cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your own words. You must click the plagiarism review box when submitting your assignment.
ملاحظات هامة:
يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى قاعدة بيانات المكتبة خلال الأسبوع الأول من هذه المهمة. قد تحتاج إلى تغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
يجب أن تأتي بيانات الدعم من مصادر قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca الخاصة بك. إذا لم يكن مصدرك من قاعدة بيانات المكتبة ، فستتلقى صفرًا تلقائيًا. سيُسمح لك بإعادة كتابة ورقتك وإعادة تقديمها إذا تلقيت صفرًا تلقائيًا.
لا تنس أن السرقة الأدبية سبب للفشل. يجب أن تكون هذه ورقتك مكتوبة بكلماتك. يجب عليك النقر فوق مربع مراجعة الانتحال عند تقديم واجبك.
HED 251-Hollands
PURPOSE: To find general articles and peer-reviewed journal articles @ Cuyamaca College Library. If you need help visit your instructor or the instructor’s assistant during their office hours or make an appointment with a librarian.
STEP 1: How do I get to the library website? You can Google Cuyamaca College Library or go to this link to an external site.
STEP 2: This is the search box to find articles and peer-reviewed articles.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find the source types (left margin) and check magazines.
Type in your topic, or type in words about your topic.
Find “Limit To” (left margin) and
check scholarly, peer-reviewed journals
STEP 4: You will see a list of article citations. Choose one to read. E-mail the article to yourself. Use the tools on the right-hand side of the page to print, E-mail, and Cite (you will use cite for your List of Works Cited.
Arabic for Resetting your library password.
كيفية تسجيل الدخول إىل: قواعد بيانات المكتبة وواي فاي وأجهزة الكمبيوتر و 365
Office Microsoft( بما في ذلك
.WEPA وطباعة( Onedrive و Power Point و Excel و Word و Outlook
اسم المستخدم هو االسم األاول. اللقب
استخدم نفس اسم المستخدم الذي تستخدمه لـ WebAdvisor .قم بتضمين أي أرقام مخصصة أو أحرف خاصة
إذا كان اسم المستخدم طويل ، فتوقف بعد الحرف العشرين.
alexandria.smith-jo هو Alexandria Smith-Jones سيكون: مثال
بالنسبة إىل 365 Office Microsoft والطباعة ، سيحتوي اسم المستخدم عىل @ edu.gcccd.students بعد
اسمك األاخير
[email protected] أو Jon.Doe123456 :مثال
كلمة المرور هي عيد ميلادك المكون من ستة أرقام )MMDDYY .)مثال: 3 يناير 2001 سيكون 010301 .قد تكون
كلمات المرور منتهية الصالحية وتحتاج إلى إعادة تعيينها. إعادة تعيين المعلومات أدناه.
يمكنك االتصال بـ edu.gcccd@helpdesk-c أو 619-660-4395 للحصول عىل المساعدة أو محاولة إعادة
تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
ستؤدي إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور إىل إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور لجميع األانظمة المذكورة أعاله.
إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك باستخدام com.office365.outlook://https: Microsoft/
[email protected] هو المستخدم اسم
كلمة المرور هي تاريخ ميالدك المكون من 6 أرقام )MMDDYY .)يجب أن يطلب منك إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة
بك إذا انتهت صالحيتها.
إذا لم يحدث ذلك أو إذا كنت تريد إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك بعد تسجيل الدخول إلى 365 Office.
بمجرد تسجيل الدخول ، سترى دائرة باألحرف الاول من اسمك في الزاوية اليمنى العليا.
انقر فوق الدائرة وستظهر قائمة منسدلة.
اضغط عىل “account View.”
ملاحظة: إذا ُطلب منك معالجة تسلسل “authentication “في هذه المرحلة ، فحدد “phone authentication”
فقط ، ثم أدخل رقم هاتفك لتلقي رمز عبر رسالة نصية.
انقر فوق “Password “لتغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
متطلبات كلمات المرور الجديدة:
ما لا يقل عن 8 أحرف
ا كبيرة وصغيرة
يتضمن أحرًف
رقم واحد على الاقل
يفضل أن يكون شخصية خاصة )! @ # $٪ ^ & * -_ = +(.
يمكن أيًضا إعادة تعيين كلمات المرور في الحرم الجامعي باستخدام جهاز كمبيوتر أو شبكة Fi-Wi.

Write an essay on “the current overview of Saudi Mental Health System under the

Write an essay on “the current overview of Saudi Mental Health System under the

Write an essay on “the current overview of Saudi Mental Health System under the Vision 2030”

Write an essay on “the current overview of Saudi Mental Health System under the Vision 2030”.
Requirements of essay:
1.Write in four sections as mentioned below:
a.Introduction to Saudi Mental Health System
b.Latest strategies to develop mental healthcare in KSA.
c.Current achievements and standing of KSA among other countries.
d.Future plans related to mental healthcare of Saudi population.
Do not write in more than 500 words.
You may use the following links to find your answers:
1.Overview of the Saudi National Mental Health Survey
Mental health research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Important Guidelines to answer the questions:· Do not copy answer from the website, write in your own words.· No late work will be accepted, and no second chance will be given.· Mention your name & ID, instructor’s name, and the date of submission before uploading the file to BB.· Plagiarism policy: no plagiarism is accepted in the assignments at all. The student should write the assignment in their own words. Two identical assignments will be rejected with zero grades.· Citation: The students are required to use APA style of citation in their assignments.· The assignment should have the COVER PAGE with New SEU logo and the details of who is submitting and to whom is it submitted.· Naming the assignment file: student should use the following format for naming and uploading their assignment: Student name (Student ID) PHC273_Assignment nameAssignments with improper names and formats will be rejected.· Assignments should only be submitted through Blackboard only and not through email. If there is any technical issue in the BB, then it should be reported to BB support team. The screenshot of the problem and the assignment then can be sent to the instructor.· The submission of assignment must be done before the scheduled deadline.o Late assignments can be accepted only if the student informed the instructor before the assignment deadline is overdue of any acceptable reason of delay.Write your answers below this point:

Assessment: Assessment section must include a comprehensive assessment of the co

Assessment: Assessment section must include a comprehensive assessment of the co

Assessment: Assessment section must include a comprehensive assessment of the community in which the at-risk population resides, including, but not limited to:
Demographic characteristics
Age trends: 0-5, 6-14, 15-24, 25-44, 45-64, >65
Gender analysis
Race analysis
Marital status, family structure, household structure
Income, unemployment
Occupational trend analysis
Educational attainment
Population trends or differences with state and national data – Demographics
Overall population growth or decline – density effects
Health risk behaviors of the community.
Smoking, drug use, seatbelt usage, etc.
Health status of the community (health statistics)
Vital statistics
Birth rates
Death rates
Causes of death in a community
Mortality trends and analysis
Infant mortality trend analysis
Screening participation
Exercise patterns
Diet and nutritional data
Insured, underinsured, uninsured
Health care system
Provider ratios
Hospital bed ratios
Long term access
Specialty providers
Population of Interest: Based on the assessment information, please identify a population of interest. Use this section to add additional information that will prove there is a problem.
Population specific morbidity and mortality data.
Population specific health statistics not listed in the above section.
Developmental stressors of the population that contribute or detract from the health behavior of the population.
Internal and external stressors of the population that increase or decrease their risk for health problems.
Planning section must include an analysis of the population of interest’s strengths and deficits in relation to the community’s characteristics and the internal and external stressors of the population, and should include,
List community strengths in relation to the population of interest
List prioritized community weaknesses the population of interest
Epidemiological triad reflecting in depth analysis of the priority deficit. Include factors that influence each part of the triad
ONE long-term outcome, with goal statement and realistic measurable criteria, reflecting an improvement in, or resolution of the priority deficit. Must be written in SMART format.
Must relate to the priority weakness
Provide a descriiption how you intend to achieve the long term goal – programming, additions to the community, etc.

Financial statement management is an essential process for healthcare organizati

Financial statement management is an essential process for healthcare organizati

Financial statement management is an essential process for healthcare organizations. The challenge for operational leaders is interpretation of financial statement performance.
Select a hospital that publicly displays their financial performance on their website. In a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation address the following requirements:
• Describe the Profit Loss Statement:
o Review top revenue items
o Review cost comparison compared to previous year
o Provide your interpretation of the statement – how well is the organization.
• Balance Sheet Review:
o Review Assets
o Review Liabilities
o Describe the financial health of the balance sheet
• Review Financial Ratios Calculations
o Current Ratio
o Debt-to-equity Ratio
o Working Capital Ratio
• Make a recommendation to lease or finance the capital item. Please support your decision with financial data.
Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
• Be 10-12 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
• Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
• Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. These citations should be listed in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s): Advocate for poli

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):
Advocate for poli

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):
Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.
Vaccination is a hot-button issue for many Americans. Healthcare professionals, media outlets, celebrities, and the general population all play a significant role in shaping the public opinion on “to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.” In some states, policies are in place to help parents navigate the decision to vaccinate their children. In some organizations, patients may be dismissed from receiving care if they decline vaccination without a medical reason (standard series vaccines, flu vaccines, etc).
On the topic of vaccination: what should be the role of health policy at the state level? What should be the role of health policy at the institutional (or provider) level?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description s

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description s

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.” You are required to exercise 3 times per week.
Each week I will provide 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience. Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long. When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.
What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Please designate each class. For example, in Class #1: I enjoyed the feeling of relaxation after I was done taking the class. I enjoyed the shoulder stretches because I have limited movement in my shoulders. I had a difficult time with the one-legged balance. You may discuss specific poses and exercises that you experienced in each of the videos. You will say something about each class. Please talk specifically about the classes so I know you are practicing along with each video.
What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. For example, in Class #1: I can’t sit cross-legged on the floor. Is there another way I can complete the exercise without my legs hurting? That way I can help. You may also ask a question and I will answer your question in the comments area when I grade your weekly exercise assignment. Submit your assignment at the end of each module/week.
You may type your answers into the text box, or attach in doc, docx, or pdf. Module 4 Recorded Yoga Classes. Click on the links below to see and exercise with the videos.
Class 10Links to an external site.
Class 11Links to an external site.
Class 12Links to an external site.