Choose a House or Senate subcommittee of choice, listen to an oral testimony on

Choose a House or Senate subcommittee of choice, listen to an oral testimony on

Choose a House or Senate subcommittee of choice, listen to an oral testimony on a health issue of their choice, and develop a 5-minute podcast reporting on (1) the issue discussed, (2) any recommendations for action, (3) any alternatives discussed, (4) and what factors seemed most important to the committee listening and asking questions.
Podcasts are similar to a “morning talk-show”. It is typically an audio file that can be downloaded from the internet onto a device to listen to, such as your laptop or phone, and can be found on most any topic
This can be in a power point I will do speaker notes.… After watching the docume…
After watching the docume…
After watching the documentary, “Sick Around America”, please answer the following prompts:
What were the significant issues highlighted in “Sick Around America”?
Provide two thorough examples from the documentary which illustrate the problems. For example, discuss the health condition, insurance status, and health outcome for at least two of the “patients” highlighted in the video.
Were there any solutions offered in the documentary? If so, what were they?*
How did the documentary make you feel? Please explain.…
After watching the documentary, “The Reality of Gun Violence in America”, please answer the following prompts:
Question 1: Gun violence, like cancer, has no single cure or cause. There are many types of gun violence with different risk factors and different prevention strategies:
1. Suicide
2. Urban gun violence primarily affects young men, gangs, and drugs
4. Mass shootings
5. Police/law enforcement
6. Accidental shooting (children at homes with guns)
Of the gun violence types listed, which one is most important to you in terms of identifying risk factors and developing prevention strategies? why? Please explain.
Question 2: According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control:
“Gun violence affects people of all ages and races in the U.S. but has a disproportionate impact on young adults, males and racial/ethnic minorities:
Among U.S. residents ages 15-24, homicide is the fourth leading cause of death for non-Hispanic whites, the second leading cause of death for Hispanics and the leading cause of death for non-Hispanic blacks.” Is this statistic surprising or not surprising to you? why or why not? Please explain.
Question 3: How did the documentary make you feel? Please explain.
Part 2:
-Why should public health programs address injuries and violence? Please explain using content from the chapter.
-What injury or issue from the chapter stood out to you? why? Please explain in detail.
-How much do you think about environmental issues in your day-to-day life as you use resources and produce waste? Please explain.
-Have you done anything to reduce your carbon footprint? why or why not? Please explain.
-How much of a role do you think the government should take in regulating the environment? How much should be left up to individual citizens and businesses? Please explain and provide details to support your views.… After watching the documen… After watching the documen… After watching the documentary, “Opioids Inc.”, please answer the following prompts:
-Prescription pain pills (opioids) can be helpful when used as prescribed by a doctor. You often get them for severe pain, after a surgery or even when your wisdom teeth are removed. They come in many forms like Vicodin, Percocet, and Oxycontin.
-When do you think pain pills are okay and not okay to use? Please explain for both
-When we watch documentaries like this, it makes us think of people we know in our own communities. Do you think prescription drug misuse may be happening in your community? If yes, please explain who and why. If no, please explain why not?*
-If you found out that one of your family or friends was misusing a prescription drug, what would you do?
After watching the documentary, “Aging in the U.S.”, please answer the following prompts:
-What are some of the challenges of an aging population? Please explain including support for your answer.
-Ageism is defined as discrimination against older people because of negative and inaccurate stereotypes—and it’s so ingrained in our culture that we often don’t even notice. What can be done in society to fight ageism? Please explain in terms of health promotion and public health programs.
-In some cultures, they see “death” as part of life, and they all accept death as they move into life no matter what age they are or how they lived through life. What is your attitude or belief about death? aging? Please explain both including support for your answer.
Part 2:
-What is your opinion of teenagers experimenting with marijuana or any other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco? Please explain.*
-Should cigarettes be taxed by the government to cover their full cost to story? Please consider and explain. This could result in: less tobacco consumption, tobacco growers decreasing or losing their business, and drastically reducing tobacco companies’ profits.*
-Not matter their gender, race or ethnicity, people aged 18-25 have the highest incidence of drug and alcohol use. Why do you think this is? What do you recommend can be done to help address this? Please explain in detail.
-Please list all the health-related factors in your life that you think might play a role in how healthy you will be at age 70. Be sure to list 3, at the minimum:*
-Of the health-related factors you listed above, what current behaviors or lifestyle factors are worth changing to help ensure you will enjoy a healthy old age? Please explain.*
-Aging is partly determined by genes and partly determined by environmental factors. Do you have a history of disease in your family? If so, what? If not, what is prevalent amongst your family genes?*
-Do you live in an environment with factors that have you concerned for your current or future health? If so, what? Please explain; it may also be the environment your family or friends live in.

Clinical Trial Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducte

Clinical Trial
Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducte

Clinical Trial
Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducted a STEP vaccine clinical trial—Phase IIB “test-ofconcept” study.
The STEP study is the name of a clinical trial to test an experimental human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine. The STEP study enrolled 3,000 participants at sites in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the United States. The study was designed to test an HIV vaccine, which aimed to stimulate production of immune system T-cells that can kill HIV-infected cells.
Based on its first evaluation of vaccine efficacy, the findings showed there were 24 cases of HIV infection among the 741 volunteers who received at least one dose of the investigational vaccine compared with 21 cases of HIV infection among the 762 volunteers who were vaccinated with the placebo. In volunteers who received at least two vaccinations, there were 19 cases of HIV infection among the 672 volunteers who received the investigational vaccine and 11 instances of HIV infection among the 691 volunteers who received placebo. The study investigators of the vaccine trials have decided to cease immunizations and are contacting study volunteers to inform them of the developments.
National Institutes of Health (2007). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Immunizations are discontinued in two HIV vaccine trials. Retrieved from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Pages/step_statement.aspx.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research further on the STEP study, the STEP vaccine clinical trials, and their parameters.
Based on your research, understanding, and above information, answer the following questions:
Prior to beginning this study, how would you have described the risks and benefits of the study to participants?
What are the ethical issues surrounding this study at the beginning and when the decision was made to terminate the study?… Please share an “a-ha! mom…
Please share an “a-ha! mom…
Please share an “a-ha! moment” — this is where something clicks in your mind as you watch a film or read a text, where something suddenly makes sense in a new way or for the first time. It is sometimes also referred to as a “eureka” moment, a moment of discovery, or a moment where “a lightbulb goes off in your head.”
Describe at least one example of an “a-ha!” moment that you experienced when watching the documentary “The Cannabis Question”
1. Describe the moment/scene in the video and why it was an “a-ha! moment” for you
A “muddiest point” is a point of confusion that remains in your mind despite watching a video or reading a text. It is often described as a “nagging question” or something that remains murky and obscure despite the video or text’s attempt to explain it.
2. Describe at least one example of a “muddiest point” that you continue to have after watching “The Cannabis Question” and explain what more you would like to know about this to understand it.
Peer Response
3. Do a little research (try to find scholarly or reputable sources) and help clarify a peer’s muddiest point, citing at least 1 scholarly source as evidence (provide source, using APA format).
Reply to classmate ”An “aha moment” for me was when the person who was a user of cannabis was told that when they discontinue the use of cannabis they can potentially see symptoms of brain fog and forgetfulness get better. It makes sense that they would see a change in their abilities since cannabis impairs their cognitive functions, when they are sober they get their abilities back.
The muddiest point for me was when the young boy who got seizures would take cannabis to relieve them and the mothers who took cannabis during pregnancy, which led to a negative impact on the baby. My point of confusion is that wouldn’t cannabis in both scenarios lead to long-term negative effects? Additionally, why would cannabis being illegal at the federal level limit research on the drug? ”

FORMAT Each paper should be minimum 5 pages in length, including cover page and

Each paper should be minimum 5 pages in length, including cover page and

Each paper should be minimum 5 pages in length, including cover page and reference page (three pages of content, minimum). The paper will follow APA format guidelines, which include:
● The paper must be typed in Google Docs, MS Word or other word processing program and submitted as a PDF;
● The paper must be double-spaced and use a 12-point Times New Roman font;
● The paper must have 1” margins on all sides;
● The paper must have a title page, running page header, page numbers and bibliography page for sources cited;
● For reference, APA formatting style specifics from Purdue University are on our Canvas site, in the top section under our course syllabus.
This final paper will incorporate the readings, discussions and documentaries viewed to develop the written content for this final paper. The paper is worth 100 points in total and will be graded on content, formatting, spelling/grammar and chosen topic focus. You must reference at least three sources – one is our textbook and the other two (at minimum) must be outside sources research from library search.
Each student will choose one of the following eight topic prompts to research and write their final paper. Only ONE TOPIC needs to be chosen for this assignment, so please do not create more work for yourself and choose more than one! Please choose one of the following:
1.Compare and contrast the ways in which society differentiate between physical and mental health and well-being.
2. Outline and discuss the way in which stress has a major impact on the health and wellness of individuals in society in the 21st century.
3. Discuss any correlation between wealth and health and wellness.
4. To what extent does a person’s profession impact upon health and wellness, and are some professions more likely to promote poor health than others?
5. Discuss the role of spirituality and religion when it comes to health and wellness, and what positives and negatives can be associated with either topic.
6. What impact can a good education have on the chances of an individual living a healthy life?
7. To what extent are educational institutions taking on board the importance of health and wellness, and how do they help promote a good standing of living for students?
8. Does the government do enough to promote healthy living, and should more be done to ensure that individuals are aware of the importance of health and wellness?

Your assignment is to submit a 2-4 minute short “podcast” (audio or video record

Your assignment is to submit a 2-4 minute short “podcast” (audio or video record

Your assignment is to submit a 2-4 minute short “podcast” (audio or video recording) on a musical recording of historical and political relevance to a specific race, ethnicity, or cultural group of color.
Step 1: Choose A Topic:
Your Topic should be a specific song and/or audio recording relating to the topics of race and resistance (example: Childish Gambino’s “This Is America”). Please choose a song *different* from your selection for the Reflection Paper.
Step 2: Submit Your Podcast:
Your project should include the following:
Introduction to Recording (:30-1 mins)
• Identify the recording (name the song, its performer, the year it was recorded, etc.)
Short Description of Work (1-2 mins)
• To which race, ethnicity, or cultural group of color does this recording apply? (Example: “[The topic I chose] was written to reflect the experiences of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s.”) Please explain.
• What makes this recording politically or socially relevant? Please offer some historical context. (Example: if your topic relates to the Civil Rights Movement, talk a bit about what that is and how your song addresses it.)
Personal Impressions (1-2 mins)
• What personal value do you see in this musical work? What parts do you like or dislike?
• Does this recording relate to your personal background? If so, how?
*If it helps to explain your ideas, please provide analysis of the song’s lyrics, musical content, or music video.
Works Cited
• If you directly quote a source, you must submit a separate PDF or text document listing that source. You do not need to use MLA format – a link or short description of the source is fine.
• If you do not directly quote any sources, you do not need to include a Works Cited page.
Introduction to Recording: 10 points
Short Description of Work: 20 points
Personal Impressions: 5 points
You are free to choose any of the songs below as a Presentation Project topic, although you need to seek approval from me in order to confirm your selection.
You are not required to choose from the songs below. You may select a piece of music drawn from outside of our assigned materials.

Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul: Esperanto
Poppy Ajudha: Watermelon Man
A Tribe Called Quest: We the People
Joe Arroyo: Rebeliòn
Mohammed Assaf: Dammi Falastini
Bad Bunny: El Apagón
Black Eyed Peas: Where is the Love?
Calibre 50: Corrido de Juanito
Chicano Batman: La Jura
Childish Gambino: This is America
Sam Cooke: A Change is Gonna Come
J. Cole: Neighbors
Ornette Coleman: Lonely Woman
John Coltrane: Alabama
Death Grips: Guillotine
Denzel Curry: Sirens
FKA Twigs: Don’t Judge Me
Aretha Franklin: Respect
Polo G: Wishing for a Hero
Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On
Jimi Hendrix: Machine Gun
H.E.R.: I Can’t Breathe
Billie Holiday: Strange Fruit
Lightnin’ Hopkins: Penitentiary Blues
Ruby Ibarra: Us
J.I.D.: Skegee
Klassy: Inside Out
Kendrick Lamar: Alright
La Santa Cecilia: Ice El Hielo
Lil Baby: The Bigger Picture
Los Crudos: 500 Años
Los Tigres Del Norte: La Jaula De Oro
Joyner Lucas: I’m Not Racist
Bob Marley: Talkin’ Blues
MC Jin: Stop the Hatred
Rahsaan Roland Kirk: Say A Little Prayer
M.I.A.: Paper Planes
Charles Mingus: Fables of Faubus
Mitski: Your Best American Girl
Louis Moholo-Moholo: You Ain’t Gonna Know Me ‘Cos You Think You Know Me
Janelle Monae: Q.U.E.E.N.
Moor Mother: By the Light
Nas: Cop Shot the Kid
Noname: Rainforest
N.W.A.: F**k Tha Police
Yoko Ono: Why
Os Mutantes: Cabeludo Patriota
Anderson .Paak: Lockdown
Public Enemy: Fight the Power
Rage Against the Machine: Killing in the Name
Redbone: We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee
Rihanna: B**** Better Have My Money
Gil Scott-Heron: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Selena: Amor Prohibido
Sonny & Linda Sharrock: Black Woman
Nina Simone: Just Like A Woman
Solange: F.U.B.U.
Mercedes Sosa: Como La Cigarra
Vince Staples: Hands Up
Steel Pulse: Klu Klux Klan
Thao & the Get Down Stay Down: Temple
Tupac: Changes
Tyler, the Creator: Manifesto
Ritchie Valens: La Bamba
Link Wray: Rumble
Zulu: Do Tha Right Thing… Please share an “a-ha! mom…
Please share an “a-ha! mom…
Please share an “a-ha! moment” — this is where something clicks in your mind as you watch a film or read a text, where something suddenly makes sense in a new way or for the first time. It is sometimes also referred to as a “eureka” moment, a moment of discovery, or a moment where “a lightbulb goes off in your head.”
Describe at least one example of an “a-ha!” moment that you experienced when watching the documentary “The Cannabis Question”
1. Describe the moment/scene in the video and why it was an “a-ha! moment” for you
A “muddiest point” is a point of confusion that remains in your mind despite watching a video or reading a text. It is often described as a “nagging question” or something that remains murky and obscure despite the video or text’s attempt to explain it.
2. Describe at least one example of a “muddiest point” that you continue to have after watching “The Cannabis Question” and explain what more you would like to know about this to understand it.
Peer Response
3. Do a little research (try to find scholarly or reputable sources) and help clarify a peer’s muddiest point, citing at least 1 scholarly source as evidence (provide source, using APA format).
Reply to classmate ”An “aha moment” for me was when the person who was a user of cannabis was told that when they discontinue the use of cannabis they can potentially see symptoms of brain fog and forgetfulness get better. It makes sense that they would see a change in their abilities since cannabis impairs their cognitive functions, when they are sober they get their abilities back.
The muddiest point for me was when the young boy who got seizures would take cannabis to relieve them and the mothers who took cannabis during pregnancy, which led to a negative impact on the baby. My point of confusion is that wouldn’t cannabis in both scenarios lead to long-term negative effects? Additionally, why would cannabis being illegal at the federal level limit research on the drug? ”

Choose a topic on which to develop a health policy. This topic may address a nee

Choose a topic on which to develop a health policy. This topic may address a nee

Choose a topic on which to develop a health policy. This topic may address a needed change in technology, health care literacy, staffing, billing, diagnosis, etc. Using scholarly sources (peer-reviewed) explain your health policy’s intended use and evaluate the effect that your policy may have on direct patient care in the United States. In a 500-750 word composition, utilize the health care policy template attached to construct a health policy and analysis according to the template attached.

Article Analysis #2: Implementing social justice in the transition from illicit

Article Analysis #2: Implementing social justice in the transition from illicit

Article Analysis #2: Implementing social justice in the transition from illicit to legal cannabis
The first section of each article analysis must describe the focus, purpose, or goals of
the article. Start with a sentence or two that describes in your own words what you believe
the focus, purpose, or goals are. Follow up by providing evidence to support your first
sentence by referring directly to the article (be sure to include APA-formatted in-text citations,
complete with page numbers to the part of the article you’re referencing). Lastly, conclude the
section by explaining why you believe the evidence supports your assertion. The resulting
structure of the section is thus: assertion -> evidence in support of assertion -> argument linking
the evidence to the assertion.
The second section of each article analysis must describe the article’s methodology and
describe how the author(s) collected information for the article. Start with a sentence or two
that describes in your own words what you believe the article’s methodology was. Follow up by
providing evidence to support your first sentence by referring directly to the article (be sure to
include APA-formatted in-text citations, complete with page numbers to the part of the article
you’re referencing). Lastly, conclude the section by explaining why you believe the evidence
supports your assertion. The resulting structure of the section is thus: assertion -> evidence in
support of assertion -> argument linking the evidence to the assertion.
The third section of each article analysis must describe the findings reported by the
article, i.e., what the author(s) discovered in the course of working on the article. Start with a
sentence or two that describes in your own words what you believe the findings are. Follow up by providing evidence to support your first sentence by referring directly to the article (be sure to include APA-formatted in-text citations, complete with page numbers to the part of the article you’re referencing). Lastly, conclude the section by explaining why you believe the evidence supports your assertion. The resulting structure of the section is thus: assertion -> evidence in support of assertion -> argument linking the evidence to the assertion.
The fourth section of each article analysis must describe the conclusions that the author(s) drew from their research. The conclusions are different from the findings in that they’re the author(s) interpretation of those findings. Often, this can be found in the “discussion” section of an article. Start with a sentence or two that describes in your own words what you believe the conclusions are. Follow up by providing evidence to support your first sentence by referring directly to the article (be sure to include APA-formatted in-text citations, complete with page numbers to the part of the article you’re referencing). Lastly,
conclude the section by explaining why you believe the evidence supports your assertion. The resulting structure of the section is thus: assertion -> evidence in support of assertion -> argument linking the evidence to the assertion.
The fifth and final section of each article analysis must analyze how this article fits into your overall understanding of the focus of the class, Drugs & Society. To do this, you should carefully draw connections between the content of the article and what you’ve read in the textbook chapters and watched in the documentaries for the course. Start with a sentence or
two that describes in your own words what you believe the main connections are (there may be several). Follow up by providing evidence/examples to support your first sentence by referring directly to theboththe articleandthe other sources from the class such as the textbook and documentaries (be sure to include APA-formatted in-text citations to all of the sources you mention–if you’re not sure how to properly format citations to the textbook and documentaries, please see here).
[The reference section must include an entry for each citation you’ve listed above, including the article you’re analyzing as well as the textbook and the documentaries you’ve connected it to. Each reference must be formatted properly according to APA format. See here for specifics on how to correctly reference different sources.