For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on the

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on the

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on their last name. Please read the instructions below thoroughly and carefully
Students with a last name beginning with the letter A: How simple carbohydrates lead to Diabetes Type II.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters B-I: Health effects of smoking Hookah/Shisha.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters J-N: Health risks of a Sedentary lifestyle.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters O-Z: Causes of Obesity.
بالنسبة للورقة البحثية، هناك موضوعات مختلفة للطلاب حسب اسم العائلة. يرجى قراءة التعليمات أدناه بدقة وبعناية
A:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحرف
كيف تؤدي الكربوهيدرات البسيطة إلى الإصابة بمرض السكري من النوع 2
B-I:الطلاب الذين تبدأ أسماؤهم بالحروف
الآثار الصحية لتدخين الشيشة/الشيشة
J-N:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
المخاطر الصحية لنمط الحياة بدون حركة.
O-Z:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
أسباب السمنة.
Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)
Do not use lists or bullets. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.
Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
1 قم بإجراء بحث عبر الإنترنت من خلال قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca College. سوف تبحث في الموضوع المرتبط بالحرف الأول من اسم عائلتك من القائمة أعلاه.
استخدم قاعدة بيانات مكتبة
Cuyamaca College ، اختر مصدرين من مصادر المكتبة (دراسة بحثية أو مجلة أو مقالة إخبارية) حول موضوعك.
اكتب المقال بهوامش مزدوجة التباعد وخط 12 و 1 بوصة. اكتب باستخدام تنسيق مقال MLA. قم بتضمين فقرة تمهيدية وفقرتين أساسيتين وفقرة ختامية. (30 نقطة)
لا تستخدم القوائم أو الرموز النقطية. من فضلك ، ضع اسمك فقط في أعلى الصفحة.
قم بإنشاء قائمة بالأعمال المقتبس منها باستخدام تنسيق MLA وقم بتضمين المعلومات التالية: أسماء المؤلفين وعنوان المقالة واسم المجلة ورقم المجلد وأرقام الصفحات وتاريخ المقالة ورابط URL إلى مصادرك. يتم عرض الأعمال المقتبسة في صفحة منفصلة وليست جزءًا من مقالتك. (20 نقطة)
Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.
لا تفرط في الاقتباسات. تأكد من استخدام الاقتباسات لكل اقتباس. أريدك أن تستخدم كلماتك الخاصة. ومع ذلك ، حتى عند إعادة الصياغة ، فأنت بحاجة إلى استخدام بين الاقواس
Paragraph 1: Introduction: (3-5 sentences)
An interesting fact about the topic.
Describe your topic.
Body Paragraph 2: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #1.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Body Paragraph 3: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #2.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion: (3-5 sentences)
Summarize the findings of your research.
Give a final statement about your topic.
YOUR Works Cited page
List every source used in MLA format and attach it as a separate page to the essay.
Important Notes:
Please log in to the library database during the 1st week of this assignment. You may need to change your password.
Statements of support must come from your Cuyamaca Library Database sources. You will receive an automatic zero if your two sources are not from the library database. You can rewrite and resubmit your paper if you receive an automatic zero.
Don’t forget that plagiarism is a cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your own words. You must click the plagiarism review box when submitting your assignment.
ملاحظات هامة:
يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى قاعدة بيانات المكتبة خلال الأسبوع الأول من هذه المهمة. قد تحتاج إلى تغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
يجب أن تأتي بيانات الدعم من مصادر قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca الخاصة بك. إذا لم يكن مصدرك من قاعدة بيانات المكتبة ، فستتلقى صفرًا تلقائيًا. سيُسمح لك بإعادة كتابة ورقتك وإعادة تقديمها إذا تلقيت صفرًا تلقائيًا.
لا تنس أن السرقة الأدبية سبب للفشل. يجب أن تكون هذه ورقتك مكتوبة بكلماتك. يجب عليك النقر فوق مربع مراجعة الانتحال عند تقديم واجبك.
HED 251-Hollands
PURPOSE: To find general articles and peer-reviewed journal articles @ Cuyamaca College Library. If you need help visit your instructor or the instructor’s assistant during their office hours or make an appointment with a librarian.
STEP 1: How do I get to the library website? You can Google Cuyamaca College Library or go to this link to an external site.
STEP 2: This is the search box to find articles and peer-reviewed articles.

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting. A mee

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A mee

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A meeting agenda should include at a minimum:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Times for each discussion point and the person leading the discussion
For the agenda assignment content:
1. Think about two (2) things you think should be a part of this manual. Identify the two items as the first two topics for discussion on the agenda. *List the topic title and make sure to include that YOU will be leading this part of the meeting discussion.
2. Feedback from your initial meeting with Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram Patel identified potential areas for discussion at this new meeting. To be respectful of their input, select any three (3) topics from the lists below (unique to what you already have on the agenda) and research an article about them so you are prepared to engage in conversation. Make sure to include: the name as the lead since it is the topic they are interested in and, so we know where you did your research, include a link to the web source where you found information about the topics you decided to add to the agenda.
Dr. Jocelyn Elders could be the lead for the following topics:
How to ask your supervisor for feedback?
How and when to ask questions and voice your opinion?
How to understand your supervisor’s working style and goals?
Mirta Roses Pirago could be the lead for the following topics:
How do you learn the organization’s office culture?
What are the preferred communication styles and techniques for the organization and your colleagues? (F2F, email, video chats, daily, weekly…?)
How to meet deadlines and limit distractions when working from home.
Creating a professional environment both in-person and virtually.
Vikram Patel could be the lead for the following topics:
Work-life balance and creating boundaries
How to request a letter of recommendation
What “soft skills” are important in the office
Your agenda must include:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Two ideas for the manual you have with discussion times and you as the leader
Three ideas for the manual from the provided list, a link to information for each idea, discussion times, and identified leader
Resources to get you started: to an external site. to an external site.

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on the

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on the

For the research paper, there are different topics for students depending on their last name. Please read the instructions below thoroughly and carefully
Students with a last name beginning with the letter A: How simple carbohydrates lead to Diabetes Type II.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters B-I: Health effects of smoking Hookah/Shisha.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters J-N: Health risks of a Sedentary lifestyle.
Students with a last name beginning with the letters O-Z: Causes of Obesity.
بالنسبة للورقة البحثية، هناك موضوعات مختلفة للطلاب حسب اسم العائلة. يرجى قراءة التعليمات أدناه بدقة وبعناية
A:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحرف
كيف تؤدي الكربوهيدرات البسيطة إلى الإصابة بمرض السكري من النوع 2
B-I:الطلاب الذين تبدأ أسماؤهم بالحروف
الآثار الصحية لتدخين الشيشة/الشيشة
J-N:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
المخاطر الصحية لنمط الحياة بدون حركة.
O-Z:الطلاب الذين يبدأ اسم عائلتهم بالحروف
أسباب السمنة.
Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.
Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic.
Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using MLA essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)
Do not use lists or bullets. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.
Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on a separate page and is not part of your essay. (20 points)
1 قم بإجراء بحث عبر الإنترنت من خلال قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca College. سوف تبحث في الموضوع المرتبط بالحرف الأول من اسم عائلتك من القائمة أعلاه.
استخدم قاعدة بيانات مكتبة
Cuyamaca College ، اختر مصدرين من مصادر المكتبة (دراسة بحثية أو مجلة أو مقالة إخبارية) حول موضوعك.
اكتب المقال بهوامش مزدوجة التباعد وخط 12 و 1 بوصة. اكتب باستخدام تنسيق مقال MLA. قم بتضمين فقرة تمهيدية وفقرتين أساسيتين وفقرة ختامية. (30 نقطة)
لا تستخدم القوائم أو الرموز النقطية. من فضلك ، ضع اسمك فقط في أعلى الصفحة.
قم بإنشاء قائمة بالأعمال المقتبس منها باستخدام تنسيق MLA وقم بتضمين المعلومات التالية: أسماء المؤلفين وعنوان المقالة واسم المجلة ورقم المجلد وأرقام الصفحات وتاريخ المقالة ورابط URL إلى مصادرك. يتم عرض الأعمال المقتبسة في صفحة منفصلة وليست جزءًا من مقالتك. (20 نقطة)
Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.
لا تفرط في الاقتباسات. تأكد من استخدام الاقتباسات لكل اقتباس. أريدك أن تستخدم كلماتك الخاصة. ومع ذلك ، حتى عند إعادة الصياغة ، فأنت بحاجة إلى استخدام بين الاقواس
Paragraph 1: Introduction: (3-5 sentences)
An interesting fact about the topic.
Describe your topic.
Body Paragraph 2: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #1.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Body Paragraph 3: (4-6 sentences)
The topic sentence about finding #2.
Statements of support from your library sources.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion: (3-5 sentences)
Summarize the findings of your research.
Give a final statement about your topic.
YOUR Works Cited page
List every source used in MLA format and attach it as a separate page to the essay.
Important Notes:
Please log in to the library database during the 1st week of this assignment. You may need to change your password.
Statements of support must come from your Cuyamaca Library Database sources. You will receive an automatic zero if your two sources are not from the library database. You can rewrite and resubmit your paper if you receive an automatic zero.
Don’t forget that plagiarism is a cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your own words. You must click the plagiarism review box when submitting your assignment.
ملاحظات هامة:
يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى قاعدة بيانات المكتبة خلال الأسبوع الأول من هذه المهمة. قد تحتاج إلى تغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
يجب أن تأتي بيانات الدعم من مصادر قاعدة بيانات مكتبة Cuyamaca الخاصة بك. إذا لم يكن مصدرك من قاعدة بيانات المكتبة ، فستتلقى صفرًا تلقائيًا. سيُسمح لك بإعادة كتابة ورقتك وإعادة تقديمها إذا تلقيت صفرًا تلقائيًا.
لا تنس أن السرقة الأدبية سبب للفشل. يجب أن تكون هذه ورقتك مكتوبة بكلماتك. يجب عليك النقر فوق مربع مراجعة الانتحال عند تقديم واجبك.
HED 251-Hollands
PURPOSE: To find general articles and peer-reviewed journal articles @ Cuyamaca College Library. If you need help visit your instructor or the instructor’s assistant during their office hours or make an appointment with a librarian.
STEP 1: How do I get to the library website? You can Google Cuyamaca College Library or go to this link to an external site.
STEP 2: This is the search box to find articles and peer-reviewed articles.

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting. A mee

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A mee

You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A meeting agenda should include at a minimum:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Times for each discussion point and the person leading the discussion
For the agenda assignment content:
1. Think about two (2) things you think should be a part of this manual. Identify the two items as the first two topics for discussion on the agenda. *List the topic title and make sure to include that YOU will be leading this part of the meeting discussion.
2. Feedback from your initial meeting with Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram Patel identified potential areas for discussion at this new meeting. To be respectful of their input, select any three (3) topics from the lists below (unique to what you already have on the agenda) and research an article about them so you are prepared to engage in conversation. Make sure to include: the name as the lead since it is the topic they are interested in and, so we know where you did your research, include a link to the web source where you found information about the topics you decided to add to the agenda.
Dr. Jocelyn Elders could be the lead for the following topics:
How to ask your supervisor for feedback?
How and when to ask questions and voice your opinion?
How to understand your supervisor’s working style and goals?
Mirta Roses Pirago could be the lead for the following topics:
How do you learn the organization’s office culture?
What are the preferred communication styles and techniques for the organization and your colleagues? (F2F, email, video chats, daily, weekly…?)
How to meet deadlines and limit distractions when working from home.
Creating a professional environment both in-person and virtually.
Vikram Patel could be the lead for the following topics:
Work-life balance and creating boundaries
How to request a letter of recommendation
What “soft skills” are important in the office
Your agenda must include:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Two ideas for the manual you have with discussion times and you as the leader
Three ideas for the manual from the provided list, a link to information for each idea, discussion times, and identified leader
Resources to get you started: to an external site. to an external site.

To enhance my five PowerPoint slides for a class project focused on maternal mor

To enhance my five PowerPoint slides for a class project focused on maternal mor

To enhance my five PowerPoint slides for a class project focused on maternal mortality in America, specifically California and its four counties. if you can help me with the task is to improve the slides by incorporating relevant information from the provided speaker notes I added into the slides in a visually creative way.
Start by carefully reviewing each of the five slides to understand the overall flow and content.
Examine the speaker notes associated with each slide.
Identify key points, statistics, and context that can enhance the slides.
Slide Enhancement:
Integrate relevant information from the speaker notes directly into the slide content to improve clarity and impact.
Consistency Check:
Verify that the slides are consistent in terms of layout, font style, and color scheme.
Ensure that data, charts, and images are accurately labeled and formatted.
Thank you for ensuring these six slides present a clear, cohesive, and impactful presentation on maternal mortality in California.

Dis one.2 file FORUM DESCRIPTION Locate a current news article discussing a com

Dis one.2 file
Locate a current news article discussing a com

Dis one.2 file
Locate a current news article discussing a company violating provisions for health insurance instituted by Saudi Arabia’s Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. What were the violations? How were the companies sanctioned? Do you think these regulations are important enough to warrant these penalties?
dis 2 2 file
Assume you are an attorney in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia representing a variety of private healthcare providers. One of your clients is a private physician that found out one of his Diabetic patients is not following the treatment plan that was provided by the physician. In fact, the patient is not taking their insulin and is on a diet of extremely sugary foods. The physician wants to end care to the patient for fear that the patient is going to harm themselves and later sue the physician. Detail the advice you would provide your client in how to deal with this situation.

FORUM DESCRIPTION Please read the following study: Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour

Please read the following study:
Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour

Please read the following study:
Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour, Walaa A. Fadda, Khaled Almisnid, Mohammed Aldamegh, Abdullah Al-Nafeesah, Azzam Alkhalifah, & Osama Al-Wutayd. (2020). The sudden transition to synchronized online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study exploring medical students’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 1–10.
Consider the challenges discussed in this qualitative study, propose any changes you would make in the study design or additional comments regarding your experiences during the pandemic while attending online courses and how it aligns with the study findings.

This practice set is to be completed individually and will allow you to practice

This practice set is to be completed individually and will allow you to practice

This practice set is to be completed individually and will allow you to practice running and interpreting t-test and ANOVA analyses. You will need both the Practice SPSS Data file and the Limited OSHPD Utilization File to complete the analyses. Download the Assignment document, copy the results tables into the Word document and type the interpretations below the tables.
At the completion of the assignment, name the file as follows: MyLastNameFirst Initial_SPSSPractice2.docx, where you replaceMyLastNameFirst Initial with your last name and first initial. Your name must be a part of the file name. Upload the completed Word document to Canvas on the assignment page.

FORUM DESCRIPTION Please read the following study: Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour

Please read the following study:
Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour

Please read the following study:
Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour, Walaa A. Fadda, Khaled Almisnid, Mohammed Aldamegh, Abdullah Al-Nafeesah, Azzam Alkhalifah, & Osama Al-Wutayd. (2020). The sudden transition to synchronized online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study exploring medical students’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 1–10.
Consider the challenges discussed in this qualitative study, propose any changes you would make in the study design or additional comments regarding your experiences during the pandemic while attending online courses and how it aligns with the study findings.