Paso 1 Select one of the images and/or digital artifacts you shared for [CR

Paso 1
Select one of the images and/or digital artifacts you shared for [CR

Paso 1
Select one of the images and/or digital artifacts you shared for [CRJ] 1 or related to [CRJ] 2 . Upload your image to the forum and include identifying data (author/creator, publication information, retrieval source, date etc…)
Paso 2
Briefly describe this image/artifact and its relationship to the reading. You may also discuss how you came across this image/artifact and why it stood out to you. You can write your description in the forum post or add a voice recording directly on the forum (each recording session allows for a maximum of two minutes).
Paso 3
Read and comment on a minimum of two (2) forum posts. You may leave a written or audio comment. 
Due by Tuesday, April 16th @11:45pm
Your chosen [CRJ] image, description and metadata
Comment on at least two (2) posts (please add comments first to posts that have not been responded to)

  Example of responses and how they are graded:  What are the differences betwe

Example of responses and how they are graded:  What are the differences betwe

Example of responses and how they are graded:  What are the differences between advocacy and scientific theories?
High quality: Advocacy theories are theories that are presented with a thesis and then evidence is collected and formed into a well-structured argument to support the thesis. Scientific theories are theories that begin with a question, that is then formed into a hypothesis and is tested to determine whether or not that theory is true.
Why is this a high-quality response? The students addressed the differences concisely in two sentences, using their own words and providing an example.
Medium quality: An advocacy theory first presents a thesis position, then assembles evidence in an argument to support that thesis. A scientific theory presents a set of explanatory propositions that are speculations about the phenomenon that furthermore require testing to determine their value. In a comparison between the two, they differ in terms of purpose, treatment of evidence, and criteria for judging quality. For example, scholars who use advocacy theories look for evidence to support their position so as to maximize the strength of their argument. In comparison, scholars who use scientific theories do the opposite, and instead are less concerned with winning an argument than with refining their explanations so that they better fit the patterns within the phenomenon itself.
Why is this a medium quality response? The student understood what each effect meant. However, the response was not succinct.
Low quality: Advocacy theories are those which present a thesis first, then assemble evidence to support that thesis. 
Why is this a low quality response? Student did not completely answer the question. Students that don’t use own words as much as expected or are not succinct are also considered low quality.
Reading Guide Module 3
Theory & Analysis of Media effects: Chapters 2 & 3
To assist you with the assigned readings, I have developed an outline of questions for you to answer. Think about this as a key for what information to pay attention to in the reading. Research shows that students learn and retain information better when they can write it down in their own words.
Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. The idea is to see if you can succinctly answer the question in your own words based on the knowledge you gained from your readings/lectures. Try to answer each question within one to three sentences.
1. Chapter 2: What are the differences between the exploratory and explanatory phase of research in the following dimensions? (4 points, 1 point for each dimension)
a. Motivation for research studies
b. Design of research studies
c. Perspective on building knowledge
d. Nature of findings
2. Chapter 2: What are the limitations of large fragmented literature?
3. Chapter 2: What is the role of theory in the media effects scholarship? How often is it used and why?
4. Chapter 3: What are the different conceptualization of media effect?
5. Chapter 3: What are the different conceptualization of media influence?
6. Chapter 3: What kinds of changes can theoreticians make to theory to advance its conceptual development?
7. Chapter 3: What is the difference in introducing a theory through an empirical pattern focus versus speculation focus?

  This week your reading introduced you to how theories should be analyzed and

This week your reading introduced you to how theories should be analyzed and

This week your reading introduced you to how theories should be analyzed and evaluated (Chapter 3). The purpose of this activity is to apply the knowledge you learned in this chapter in order to evaluate a theory, the third person effect. To do this activity, you should refer to: 1) Table 3.1 (on pg. 48-49) of your textbook, and 2) Chapter 9 (pg. 202-219).
Option to work in groups: You are welcome to work on this activity within groups. If you decide to work in a group, only one member of your group needs to submit the assignment on behalf of your group. Please note that you will NOT be able to make changes after the due date/time.
Standard expectations: As with every assignment in this class, be sure to respond to the following questions in your own words and succinctly (in as few words as possible). 
Basic knowledge necessary to complete this activity:
Read Chapter 3 of your textbook

Read Chapter 9 of your textbookDownload Read Chapter 9 of your textbook
What was the conceptual foundation of the third person effect (2-3 sentences: 1 point)?
What is the conceptualization of media effect in the third person effect (1-2 sentences: 0.5 point)?
What is the conceptualization of media influence in the third person effect (1-2 sentences: 0.5 point)?
What are the key concepts and the core propositions of the third person effect (2-4 sentences: 1 point)?
Describe two explanations of the third person effect? (2-6 sentences: 1 point).
Describe one criticism of the third person effect and how it undermines either the key concepts or the core proposition of the theory? (2-4 sentences: 1 point). 

Địa chỉ website   l

Địa chỉ website   l

Địa chỉ website   luôn được chào đón nồng nhiệt bởi dịch vụ cập nhật nhanh chóng và chính xác nhất. Theo dõi đầy đủ kết quả xổ số kiến thiết 3 miền và các sản phẩm điện toán Vietlott như Keno, Max3D, Mega 6/45, Power 6/55 sẽ giúp cho người chơi thực hiện dò vé số nhanh chóng và chính xác nhất. Là địa chỉ được thành lập vào năm 2015, A Trúng Rồi chứng tỏ được sức hút mạnh mẽ với 8.000.000 triệu lượt người dùng hàng tháng. Do đó A Trúng Rồi được nhiều người chơi tín nhiệm và đặt niềm tin vào các thông tin xổ số minh bạch và chính xác tuyệt đối.
Bên cạnh đó, người chơi còn có thể tiến hành dự đoán xổ số kiến thiết cùng hệ thống cao thủ chốt số hàng đầu từ A Trúng Rồi nhận được nhiều cặp lô tô giải 7/8, lô xiên, 3 càng – xỉu chủ, đầu – đuôi giải ĐB cùng A Trúng Rồi để nâng cao cơ hội trúng nhiều giải thưởng có giá trị của XSKT.
Thực hiện quay số thưởng 3 miền vận may trúng thưởng thần tài sẽ giúp người chơi nhanh chóng tiến đến những giải thưởng cực kỳ giá trị của XSKT truyền thống và điện toán Vietlott.
Đón xem thống kê xổ số những cặp lô tô đã trúng thưởng, lô gan sắp nổ cũng như tần suất về của các cặp số, vị trí lô, đầu – đuôi lô tô sẽ là những thước đo mới giúp người chơi so sánh, tra khảo soi cầu dễ dàng và thuận tiện nhất.
Thông tin liên hệ: 
Xổ Số A Trúng Rồi
Địa chỉ: 412 Đ. Nguyễn Duy Trinh, Bình Trưng Đông, Quận 2, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Điện thoai: 0908906812
Email: [email protected]

  Reading Guide Module 2 Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role o

Reading Guide Module 2
Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role o

Reading Guide Module 2
Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role of Theory in Scholarly Fields
To assist you with the assigned readings, I have developed an outline of questions for you to answer. Think about this as a key for what information to pay attention to in the reading. Research shows that students learn and retain information better when they can write it down in their own words.
Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. The idea is to see if you can succinctly answer the question in your own words based on the knowledge you gained from your readings/lectures. Try to answer each question within one to three sentences.
1.    Primary purpose of any scholarly field is: 
2.    What is knowledge?
3.    What is the focal phenomenon of media effects? 
4.    What are ontological and epistemological beliefs? 
5.    What is the difference between evolution and revolution of ideas?
6.    What is a theory? 
7.    What are advocacy and scientific theories?
8.    What are the differences between advocacy and scientific theories?
9.    What are the five components of scientific theory? Which ones are the most important?
10.    What is the life cycle of scientific theories?

  1. Watch Profe Acosta’s recorded lecture for WEEK 2. 2. Post a brief personal

1. Watch Profe Acosta’s recorded lecture for WEEK 2.
2. Post a brief personal

1. Watch Profe Acosta’s recorded lecture for WEEK 2.
2. Post a brief personal written, audio or video reflection on any aspect of the lecture content.
3. Post at least one (1) question for your classmates related to the Week 2 lecture.
4. Respond to at least one (1) classmate’s question.
5. You will earn twenty points (20) points and attendance credit on 4/8 for completing this assignment in full.
Lecture Reflection  (10 points)
Watch Profe Acosta’s ???? ???? ???? WEEK 2 recorded lecture from start to finish. We will verify that you have watched the video in full using Canvas analytics, so please don’t skip over this important step ????!
Post a lecture reflection on this discussion thread. Your reflection may be submitted in written (200 words minimum) or audio/visual format (minimum 2 minute recording). 
At the top of your post, include an appropriate title for your reflection.
Feel free to talk about any aspect of the lecture that interested you.
Do your best to connect the lecture content with course themes, meta-topics, materials and/or readings we have explored in SPAN 139.
Be sure to include details that evidence you indeed watched the video!
Feel free to include images and/or related media with your post (optional).
Question (6 points)
Think about the WEEK 2 video lecture content—how do the concepts Profe Acosta introduced connect to topics we have explored thus far in SPAN 139?
Post at least one (1) carefully-crafted discussion question for your classmates based on the video lecture.
Minimum twenty-five (25) words.
Answer (4 points)
Respond to a classmate’s question. Your response should be thoughtful and demonstrate familiarity with the course materials and WEEK 2 lecture video.
You may post an audio or written response. Minimum twenty-five (25) words or thirty (30) second recording.

In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project. Outl

In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project. Outl

In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project. Outline a social problem in the United States you may want to refer to your journal entry, “What is the Biggest Social Problem in the U.S.?” or you may select another. Refer to your instructor’s feedback on that assignment whether you choose the same topic or not, as it will help you to define your social problem. 
Outline the social problem you will be analyzing in your final project. What is the problem? Why did you select it? Why do you think it is important? 
Describe why the topic is a social problem. In your response include the following: 
Who does this problem affect (e.g., a specific culture or other group of people)? 
Approximately how many people does it affect? Include your source that provides an estimate. Explain the methods your source used to make that estimate.  
Explain the consequences the social problem has for society. In your response include the following:
What are the consequences of this problem? Find an additional source besides the one that you used for your estimate of how many people your social problem affects that provides an explanation of the consequences. 
If the social problem is widely recognized, explain why this is the case. If it is not widely recognized, make a case for why it should be more widely recognized. 

  132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your co

132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your co

132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your company currently developing a children’s application, “The Night Dad Went to Jail.”
Take the following format and content points into consideration:
To: [Recipient]
From: [Your Name]
Date: March __, 2024
Subject: Compliance with the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) for Our Kids’ App
As we continue the development of our new kids’ app, it’s crucial to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring compliance with the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (AADCA), enacted by the California legislature in August 2022.
Key points may include: 
1. What does the AADCA mandate for businesses offering online services likely to be accessed by children?
2. What are Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)? 
3. What about setting default privacy settings, providing clear privacy information?
4. What does the CAADCA say about restricting the use of personal information collected from children?
Hint: The App’s compliance should probably include the following in your memo:
1. Need to conduct a comprehensive DPIA to assess any potential harm to children, ensuring that the design and content of our app prioritize the safety and well-being of our young users.
2. All default privacy settings within the app must be configured to the highest level unless we can justify alternative settings in the best interests of children.
3. A need to prominently display privacy information, terms of service, and community standards within the app, ensuring they are easily understandable for our target age group.
4. Personal information collected from children must be used solely for its intended purpose and should not be employed in any way detrimental to their physical or mental health and well-being.
Additional hint: Look closely at the file “132 Friend of the court brief, Fairplay and PHAI in Netchoice v. Bonta” on CANVAS for additional information on how design choices made by social media companies to maximize engagement have detrimentally affected children’s well-being.
Legal Challenges and Considerations:
1. Noncompliance with AADCA could result in significant financial penalties per affected child, underscoring the importance of strict adherence to the law.
2. Ongoing legal challenges to AADCA on First Amendment grounds necessitate careful monitoring of regulatory developments and potential implications for our app’s content moderation policies.
3. The subjective determination of “harm” and “well-being” under AADCA poses challenges in content moderation, emphasizing the need for clear guidelines and transparency in our decision-making process.
4. The enactment of AADCA in California may lead to the introduction of similar legislation in other states, highlighting the importance of staying informed and adaptable to evolving regulatory landscapes.
Our commitment to ensuring compliance with AADCA remains unwavering as we progress with the development and launch of our kids’ app. By prioritizing the safety, privacy, and well-being of children, we aim to create a positive and enriching digital experience while navigating the complexities introduced by regulatory requirements.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding our compliance efforts or the implications of AADCA for our app.
Thank you.
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

  132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your co

132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your co

132 Assignment Surveillance Capitalism (500 words): Prepare a memo for your company currently developing a children’s application, “The Night Dad Went to Jail.”
Take the following format and content points into consideration:
To: [Recipient]
From: [Your Name]
Date: March __, 2024
Subject: Compliance with the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) for Our Kids’ App
As we continue the development of our new kids’ app, it’s crucial to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring compliance with the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (AADCA), enacted by the California legislature in August 2022.
Key points may include: 
1. What does the AADCA mandate for businesses offering online services likely to be accessed by children?
2. What are Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)? 
3. What about setting default privacy settings, providing clear privacy information?
4. What does the CAADCA say about restricting the use of personal information collected from children?
Hint: The App’s compliance should probably include the following in your memo:
1. Need to conduct a comprehensive DPIA to assess any potential harm to children, ensuring that the design and content of our app prioritize the safety and well-being of our young users.
2. All default privacy settings within the app must be configured to the highest level unless we can justify alternative settings in the best interests of children.
3. A need to prominently display privacy information, terms of service, and community standards within the app, ensuring they are easily understandable for our target age group.
4. Personal information collected from children must be used solely for its intended purpose and should not be employed in any way detrimental to their physical or mental health and well-being.
Additional hint: Look closely at the file “132 Friend of the court brief, Fairplay and PHAI in Netchoice v. Bonta” on CANVAS for additional information on how design choices made by social media companies to maximize engagement have detrimentally affected children’s well-being.
Legal Challenges and Considerations:
1. Noncompliance with AADCA could result in significant financial penalties per affected child, underscoring the importance of strict adherence to the law.
2. Ongoing legal challenges to AADCA on First Amendment grounds necessitate careful monitoring of regulatory developments and potential implications for our app’s content moderation policies.
3. The subjective determination of “harm” and “well-being” under AADCA poses challenges in content moderation, emphasizing the need for clear guidelines and transparency in our decision-making process.
4. The enactment of AADCA in California may lead to the introduction of similar legislation in other states, highlighting the importance of staying informed and adaptable to evolving regulatory landscapes.
Our commitment to ensuring compliance with AADCA remains unwavering as we progress with the development and launch of our kids’ app. By prioritizing the safety, privacy, and well-being of children, we aim to create a positive and enriching digital experience while navigating the complexities introduced by regulatory requirements.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding our compliance efforts or the implications of AADCA for our app.
Thank you.
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

In our exploration of the stereotypes specific to Italy, we often confronted the

In our exploration of the stereotypes specific to Italy, we often confronted the

In our exploration of the stereotypes specific to Italy, we often confronted the idea of race, especially in relation to Italy’s colonial histories, Italian emigration, and those from the Italian South. In your response work, choose one stereotype that you believe exemplifies the construction of race in the context of Italy. Why did you choose this example? What or whose race is being constructed and by whom? How might this stereotype inform, or even authorize, racism? What, if any, means have developed to protest and/or resist this stereotyping?
Requirements: 750-1,000 words (2-3 pages, double spaced); please upload as a Word/Pages document.