In this paper, you will consider how your ideas about the world were formed. Thi

In this paper, you will consider how your ideas about the world were formed. Thi

In this paper, you will consider how your ideas about the world were formed. Think back to your formative years: your childhood, middle school, high school, or early adulthood. What TV shows do you remember shaping your expectations about the world? What shows taught you what “the good life” looked like for an adult? What did they teach you to expect? Select three or four TV shows (in contrast to movies) and briefly reflect on how they, consciously or unconsciously, affected the way that you approach the world. For example, the show Friends may have instilled the expectation that life as an adult was about being able to spend time with your friends all day and afford big apartments. This expectation was clearly wrong, but we can point to where such an idea developed. What types of expectations like these do you have molded into you?
Your paper should be two to three-pages (not including the title and references pages) and be formatted according to APA standard guidelines. An introduction paragraph (with a thesis statement) and a conclusion paragraph should be included. At least four Bible verses should be directly quoted in the paper and not merely cited. Also include at least four direct quotations from this session’s assigned textbook reading, i.e., from Hollywood Worldviews and/or Understanding the Times.

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion” is not always as easy to define as is often thought. What are some of the problems that relate to defining religion? How do the three definitions that Prof. Durdin offered (from Tylor, Marx, and Durkheim) help with the problem of definition? In what way do these definitions, and the methods they imply, shift our frame of reference for the sorts of question we ask about religion and how we study it? Use the course materials for Module #1, supplemented with your class notes, to compose your essay. 1 ) Papers are to be ONLY 5 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font. No cover pages. 2 ) Please note that noticeable efforts to artificially lengthen your paper (e.g,, through extra spacing, increased font size, etc.) will be met with a 3 point deduction per effort. 3 ) NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used in completing this paper. This is not a research paper. The course materials from the prompt/module you choose to write on are sufficient for successfully completing this assignment. – Please use in-text citations according to the following format: For readings, provide the author, title, and page number in parentheses at the end of the relevant quote or reference, e.g. (Martin, “Studying Religion, 113). For media provide in parentheses the title and timestamp where the relevant quotation or reference begins , e.g. (“The Law of Return: Coming Home,” 10:50). No work cited, reference, or bibliography pages should be included in the assignment. *****FILES ATTACHED*****

Find a way this week to have two conversations (about an hour each) with two Chr

Find a way this week to have two conversations (about an hour each) with two Chr

Find a way this week to have two conversations (about an hour each) with two Christians holding polarized positions on any one topic. It could be a social topic that touches theology, like abortion or the death penalty. Or it could be a doctrinal topic, like necessity or mode of baptism. You are interviewing people on the same topic, but people who hold different views on it. In this conversation, explore how each person sees their view as consistent with the Kingdom of God (as you have come to learn Paul’s understanding of that notion). Note whether they can sense any tension between their loyalty to their position on the topic at hand and any ultimate loyalty to God’s ways. In a reflection paper of 3 pages following APA formatting: Define the Kingdom of God as you have come to learn Paul’s understanding of it. Briefly describe the people you interviewed and the topic on which they disagree. Then summarize the position of each person interviewed (1 page each). Articulates a clear sense of where you are on the topic at hand, even if this should be doubt and confusion. Use the remainder of the paper (no more than 2 pages) to articulate your own sense of loyalty to God and how that can guide you in navigating a polarized world. Offer specific examples, and refer heavily to the course material.

Identify factors that promote a pro-diversity culture and how to implement each

Identify factors that promote a pro-diversity culture and how to implement each

Identify factors that promote a pro-diversity culture and how to implement each of those steps within a professional working environment. Identify and discuss how to remove obstacles that can potentially deter a pro-diversity culture in the workplace. Finally, address how an ethical perspective of leadership might influence the establishment of a pro-diversity culture. Use your textbook as a source to augment your arguments (paraphrasing or quoting) with APA citations. MUST USE MORE THAN ONE CITATION!! MUST USE THIS ONE AS WELL Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2022). Leadership (7th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

Bolman and Deal see an organization through four frames: structural, human resou

Bolman and Deal see an organization through four frames: structural, human resou

Bolman and Deal see an organization through four frames: structural, human resources, politics, and symbols. Imagine that you are the lead pastor/church planter/minister or the CEO of a nonprofit who is responsible for fulfilling your ministry through the administration and empowerment of a team. Write your job description, using Bolman and Deal’s model, but stay in touch with Paul’s vision of God’s administration. In other words, build a job description that is theologically driven. Your job description will take the following form: Name of the Role description of the role relationship to the whole system theological understandings How would you structure the people and work in the organization or team? In terms of human resources, how would you ensure that the people with the right gifts are in the right places? What politics would have to be managed if you are to be successful in your role? What “symbols” or “values” does the organization organize its common life around? In churches and Christian non-profits, symbols are often deeply tied to theological commitments. Be sure to engage the biblical materials you encountered this week (and throughout the course to this point) as you think about administration in the life of the church or in your ministry.

Initial Post: Administration is one of those tasks that is often done behind the

Initial Post: Administration is one of those tasks that is often done behind the

Initial Post: Administration is one of those tasks that is often done behind the scenes. When it is done well, no one will complain but neither will they praise the people doing administration. However, when it is done poorly, it can bring to a standstill the best intentions. Consider these questions as you prepare your initial pst and replies this week: Do you think the administration side of ministry, either congregational or non-profit, will be (would be) easy or difficult for you? Why or why not? When you hear that ministry will involve more administrative duties than you had anticipated, how do you feel? Is it life-giving? Or life-draining? Share why you think you might react to administration in this way. Refer to at least one aspect of Paul’s administrative actions explored in this week’s readings. the bible must use citation of paul

Instructions: Why do you think Eastern thought has been so attractive to many We

Why do you think Eastern thought has been so attractive to many We

Why do you think Eastern thought has been so attractive to many Westerners?
Can transcendentalism explain the existence of good and evil? Why or why not?
Does human reality and experience support the notion that everything is one? Why or why not? Discuss.
Read and reflect on the assigned material carefully. In some cases there are no right or wrong answers to the questions; what I am looking for is thoughtful engagement with each question. Be sure to answer all parts of each question (150-200 words per question).

Instructions: What do you think is the best or strongest argument for the exist

What do you think is the best or strongest argument for the exist

What do you think is the best or strongest argument for the existence of God and for the nonexistence of God. Why?
Why does nihilism seem to be the inevitable outcome of naturalism? Discuss.
Can naturalism explain the moral motions of human beings satisfactorily? Why or why not? Discuss.
What is the relationship between faith and reason? Discuss.
Read and reflect on the assigned material carefully. In some cases there are no right or wrong answers to the questions; what I am looking for is thoughtful engagement with each question. Be sure to answer all parts of each question (150-200 words per question).
Please reference True Reason, chap. 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12 in the paper. Thanks.