WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion” is not always as easy to define as is often thought. What are some of the problems that relate to defining religion? How do the three definitions that Prof. Durdin offered (from Tylor, Marx, and Durkheim) help with the problem of definition? In what way do these definitions, and the methods they imply, shift our frame of reference for the sorts of question we ask about religion and how we study it? Use the course materials for Module #1, supplemented with your class notes, to compose your essay. 1 ) Papers are to be ONLY 5 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font. No cover pages. 2 ) Please note that noticeable efforts to artificially lengthen your paper (e.g,, through extra spacing, increased font size, etc.) will be met with a 3 point deduction per effort. 3 ) NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used in completing this paper. This is not a research paper. The course materials from the prompt/module you choose to write on are sufficient for successfully completing this assignment. – Please use in-text citations according to the following format: For readings, provide the author, title, and page number in parentheses at the end of the relevant quote or reference, e.g. (Martin, “Studying Religion, 113). For media provide in parentheses the title and timestamp where the relevant quotation or reference begins , e.g. (“The Law of Return: Coming Home,” 10:50). No work cited, reference, or bibliography pages should be included in the assignment. *****FILES ATTACHED*****