Read through Handouts #8 & #9 and Romans chapter 6 in order to respond to and an

Read through Handouts #8 & #9 and Romans chapter 6 in order to respond to and an

Read through Handouts #8 & #9 and Romans chapter 6 in order to respond to and answer questions in this week’s lesson. Look close at the topic of sin, grace, and our involvement with this newfound ‘freedom’ Jesus Christ grants us.
We are still looking closely at Romans 6, specifically verses 1-14. Here we look closer at what it means to be under grace in Handout #8. We have looked at the implications of sin and what it means to be under the law, and why we need to come out from under the law. The key word looked at in this handout is the Greek word, charis or as we understand in English – grace. A familiar word – but a word that is key to understanding what it means to “reign” in grace through God’s righteousness (Rom. 5:20-21). We look at definitions for the word, ‘grace’ and what the meaning of the word is in the context of select passages of Scripture. Then, we will seek to establish our own working definition for our class.
In Handout #9 we look at how freedom becomes actualized in our daily lives. We connect how Paul insists that justification had inescapable moral implications in the life of a believer. This involves what those obligations in seeking righteous living entails (involving the ‘sanctification’ process). We follow this to look closer at ‘positional change’ or realm transfer – from death into life – separated from the ruling power of sin into the new life in Christ. We can resist sin because of Romans 6:14, “For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace” (NIV).
Handout #9 reveals three instinctive approaches to dealing with sin, which we will see are wrong ways of dealing with sin’s mastery. We try to reform ourselves, or we fight our sin, or end up coping with sin. These are rather common approaches, and understandably so, most of us will identify with these. This understanding reminds us that sin is not just a few moral mistakes or actions, rather “it is a powerful force (the ethical flesh/sarx), a self-centeredness that manifests itself in seeing no need for God and in someway using people, at any cost.” (Handout #9, pp. 49-50). Tragedies emerge from these approaches. We can become prideful and subtly arrogant in what we “control” and how we present ourselves to those around us. We can also end up frustrated or even despair, wearing “masks” and slowly drift out of fellowship or even leave the church completely. Needless to say, this is a topic that is worthy of our attention.
The final portion of our lesson describes the ways in which we can appropriate what Jesus Christ has purchased for us in terms of our no longer being under the ‘reign of sin and death’ but now under the ‘reign of grace.’ How to we grasp and lay hold of this new life in Christ? What responsibility to we have in this new life? Paul gives us a series of responsibilities in light of a believer’s new position in Christ. Romans 6:3-14 tells us four-fold responsibility to not permit sin to be our master. To ‘know’ of the truth, baptized into new life by His righteousness and now dead to sin. We don’t allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies (“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin” 6:6). And we must offer ourselves then, to God (6:13).
Questions on Chapter 6 Part 3:
Q 1. What is it about “unmerited favor” that makes it an inadequate definition for grace?
Q 2. According to Handout #8 “unmerited favor” does define the word charis to a certain degree but is somewhat impersonal as a definition. John links grace to a person (1:16). This leads to our class definition of grace. Fill-in-the-blank:
“Grace is the ___________ of the ______ ________ ________ inexhaustibly meeting us at our point of need.”_
Questions on Chapter 6 Part 4:
Q 3. What does Romans 6:2 mean? What does Paul means when he says, “we are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?”
Q 4.What are three instinctive ways we tend to deal with sin?
Q 5. Looking at the bottom of page 50 fundamentally sin is not what? What is it fundamentally instead? Our real problem deals with what?
Q 6. What did you think of the dirt floor analogy? Was this helpful and how did this strike you at a personal level?
Q 7. Look at footnote #10 at the bottom of page 51. What does this say about the differences between Biblical discipline and fighting sin?
Read the Summation section on what it means to be “under grace” in Handout #8, then respond to its claims. Do you agree that the Biblical data and theological evidence in these past four weeks of class leads us to these conclusions? If “Jesus Christ inexhaustibly meeting us at our point of need is our only hope of experiencing freedom from sin’s dominion (Romans 6:14) and the newness of life God promises” (Romans 6:4), that this is what it means to be under grace, then how should this impact the way you think about yourself? How would this impact how you set about your day? How would this understanding of being under grace impact setting goals?
It may be helpful to bear in mind what we read in Handout #9 about the positional change – a realm transfer.
11 “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” (NIV).
When we read this section of Scripture, we must read the indicative as establishing the imperative (here is some insight into these fancy theological and Biblical terms: an indicative is a statement of fact, “Sin shall no longer be your master, [why?] because you are not under law, but under grace.” Verse 14 is the statement of fact about us in the grace of Jesus Christ. An imperative is a statement of a command, “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.” Verse 12 is a command springing from the established fact mentioned in verse 14).
Write your initial response along with your answers to the questions on the handouts by Wednesday evening.
After your initial post, look to response to 2 or more of your fellow classmates’ responses by Saturday evening.
Be sure to look for similarities and points of agreement, as well as different perspectives and insights. I look forward to seeing your discussion! What a joy it is to read and study the Word of God together! I am praying over all our interactions with each other this week. God’s grace be with you in your time meditating on His word and studying our lesson.
Answer these questions in a post of 350 or more words by Wednesday, then respond to two or more of your fellow student’s posts with a minimum of 250 words by Sunday. In your replies to other students, please be kind and respectful showing the heart of Christ to our brothers and sisters, practicing a healthy online etiquette.

There is a sampling of how religion has been defined. William James, tells us th

There is a sampling of how religion has been defined.
William James, tells us th

There is a sampling of how religion has been defined.
William James, tells us that “in broadest terms, religion says that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good lies in rightful relations to it.”
Emile Durkheim defines religion as “a unified system of beliefs and practices… which unite into one single moral community.”
Are these two adequate definitions of religion?
What would your definition be?

Explain the correlation of adolescent behavior with Erikson’s theory. Instructio

Explain the correlation of adolescent behavior with Erikson’s theory.

Explain the correlation of adolescent behavior with Erikson’s theory.
In this section, you will find Erikson’s 8-stage theory of Psychosocial Development. Become familiar with it as you engage with the assigned activity.
Read Adolescence pages 154-162 in the textbook by Myers.
Prepare to discuss where you fit within the eight stages of Erikson’s development theory. If there are parents of teenagers, discuss the implications of adolescent behavior with the theory. Otherwise, recall personal memories of adolescence.
Important Reminder: I have uploaded two pics of what I drafted for this assignment please look it over and decide if it works with your write up. thanks

SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentate

SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentate

SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentateuch/Genesis (pp. 27-46).”
Genesis 4-15 (SBL Study Bible, including notes).
Gary Simpson, “Cursing the Curse,” Sermon on Genesis 9:20-28 at Concord Baptist Church, February 3, 2019. 38 minutes.

David Carr, “Untamable Text of an Untamable God: Genesis and Rethinking the Character of Scripture,” Interpretation, 54, no. 4 (2000): 347–62.
Carr, Untamable Text of an Untamable GodFile
Precepts (Feb 1, 5, and 7)
A closer look: Genesis 6-10
Exploring: “Talking tough issues in a community of friends”
Activity #1: Post a paragraphAssignment
Not completed: Activity #1: Post a paragraph
As you prepare for precepts this week, review Genesis 6-10 closely. Make written notes for yourself as you read, especially on ideas, interpretations, or information that (1) confirms your thinking, (2) challenges your thinking, or (3) connects to other texts, histories, or current social issues in your living context(s).
Now review Genesis 9:22-29 and the course materials for this week (Dr. Simpson’s sermon, “Cursing the Curse,” in particular),
Write ,identify and reflect upon ONE idea, interpretation, or information that (1) confirms your thinking, (2) challenges your thinking, or (3) connects to other texts, histories, or current social issues in your living context(s). Write your reflections in a short paragraph and post it on Moodle (less than 150 words).
For on campus precepts: post your paragraph on Genesis 9:22-29 on Moodle before plenary at 1:15 PM EST.
: post your 1 page essay on Genesis 9:22-29 on Moodle

The Curse of Ham: How Bad Scripture Interpretation Inspired Genocide

An overview of their beliefs and practices with some analysis of what you consid

An overview of their beliefs and practices with some analysis of what you consid

An overview of their beliefs and practices with some analysis of what you consider strengths and weaknesses of the Quaker tradition.
The place you can you to get your information from either on the right hand side you will see a purple drop down bar you will see list of things to pick from click on the magnifying glass and google quaker and click on the title that says About Quakers.

Compose an academic essay or article (within the range of 500 to 1,000 words)tha

Compose an academic essay or article (within the range of 500 to 1,000 words)tha

Compose an academic essay or article (within the range of 500 to 1,000 words)that explores the diverse meanings and manifestations of Allah’s names. Select either a singular name or a series of paired names for detailed elaboration. Please mention that the paired names are found in Surah Yousef. The essay should consist of 600-1000 words
Comments from Customer
Please make it in simple english
a little bit advanced words only

Your second assessment is a statement of your subject position as a scholar. As

Your second assessment is a statement of your subject position as a scholar. As

Your second assessment is a statement of your subject position as a scholar. As noted in this blog from the University of Pennsylvania, interrogating your positionality as it relates to your research is essential to ensuring the validity of your research stance. No one is without bias, so our beliefs, background, identity, heritage, social circle, etc., all potentially shape the way we see the world. Being clear about how your positionality shapes your research will, we hope, be a helpful exercise.
Think of this as an exercise in making yourself your object of study. Think of yourself as a scholar working on a particular topic (you must name and briefly describe this topic in your statement). The goal is for you to consider the effect that your life experience and worldview has on your research. You need not reveal anything personal, if you do not wish to; in which case, construct a “scholar of religion” and discuss her subject position and its impact on her work. You may wish to include the results of the implicit bias test you took for tutorial as part of your discussion.
We recognize that most of you are not planning on pursuing the study of religion, so we invite you to either write about yourself as if you were a scholar of religion OR focus on your positionality in your chosen field of study. If you are creating a scholar (rather than using your own experience), we ask to you clearly indicate this AND that your scholar be engaged in the study of religion.
Our assessment of this paper will focus on your ability to draw connections between your positionally and your research. Our interest in not in the identities you describe, but in what you see as their influence on your work as a scholar. Be sure, therefore, to make clear these connections.
A 750-word (word limit strictly enforced) statement about your positionality and its impact on your research. Your statement may be broken into three sections that correspond roughly to a) a descriiption of your self-understanding as a scholar, b) descriiption of your research area and/or a specific research project you are engaged in, and c) analysis of how section a) affects section b), with discussion of the limitation and benefits your subject position offers you as a scholar.

Writing Strategies: What’s Your Positionality?

This is a Argumentative Essay Outline only! Please reference pdf document for AE

This is a Argumentative Essay Outline only!
Please reference pdf document for AE

This is a Argumentative Essay Outline only!
Please reference pdf document for AE Outline Instructions and grading criteria. Please read the whole document fully and thoroughly for instructions!
Reference Week 2 Annotated Bibliography with
Reference Week 3 Annotated Bibliography with opposing source document
Reference Week 4 AE Thesis Statement and Introduction document
Please reference to the Argumentative Essay Checklist and check off what is necessary for this assignment.

Unit Discussion 4 Exodus continues the narrative of Israel’s early history in

Unit Discussion 4

Exodus continues the narrative of Israel’s early history in

Unit Discussion 4

Exodus continues the narrative of Israel’s early history in Egypt and follows the story of the Israelites up to their formation into a nation at Sinai. The real hero of the story is not Moses, but Yahweh, who keeps his promises to Abraham. The exodus from Egypt is the primary redemptive event of the OT.

Exodus explains how the Israelites came to be enslaved in Egypt and were later delivered; reveals the character of God, who keeps his promises to the patriarchs and adopts Israel as his covenant people; and instructs the Israelites in how to maintain their covenant relationship with Yahweh. The book of Exodus divides into the narratives of Israel in Egypt, their journey through the wilderness, and their sojourn at Sinai. Throughout Exodus, God progressively reveals more of his person and character to Abraham’s offspring and establishes his presence in their midst.

Leviticus provides instructions for priestly activity and outlines the standards of holy living for the community. Though the book does not specify its author, the traditional view ascribes the work to Moses, based on the book’s own claim. Scholars date the book according to their dating of the exodus. An early exodus places the book in the early stages of the Late Bronze Age, while a late date places the book between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Those who adhere to the Documentary Hypothesis ascribe the entirety of Leviticus to the priestly source. The authors of this text argue for Moses as the author, writing during the Sinai sojourn.

The purpose of the sacrificial system was to allow the people to worship God and to maintain his presence in their midst. There were five types of sacrifice in Israel’s sacrificial system: (1) cereal or grain offering, (2) fellowship or peace offering, (3) whole burnt offering, (4) sin offering, and (5) guilt or trespass offering. Each had a particular role in the system, thought it must be noted that the OT never teaches that sacrifice was intended to save people from sin or gain them entry into heaven. Righteousness came only by faith, even in the OT.

The book of Numbers continues the narration of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan, focusing on Israel’s rebellion and testing in the wilderness. The book is traditionally credited to Moses, though Moses is only once mentioned as the author. The text implies that priests were also instrumental in writing down God’s instructions regarding priestly duties. Though some view the book as a compilation of at least four literary sources, others argue for the antiquity and unity of the work. The authors of this text assume that most of the literary material originated with Moses, though the book did not reach its final form till sometime after Moses’ death.

Deuteronomy is presented as Moses’ final address to the Israelites before his death, reminding them of the experiences of the previous generation and providing them with the opportunity to renew the covenant. Both the Documentary Hypothesis and the Deuteronomistic History hypothesis date Deuteronomy late in the seventh century bc. The authors of this text argue for Mosaic authorship according to claims of the book itself. Scholars have debated whether the work more closely resembles the Neo-Assyrian or Neo-Hittite treaty form; the authors of this text argue that it is closer to the latter.

In context of the ANE, the gods gave their worshipers no guidelines for proper worship; people were left to guess whether they were in proper relationship with the gods, based on their fortunes. The Israelites, however, received clear instructions from God for how he desired to be worshiped and how he expected the people to act in relation to each other. The Israelites thus viewed the law with gratitude and delight.

Key Terms

atonement: to “pay” for sin by means of sacrifice and offering, as a symbol of repentance and confession before God
tent of meeting: tent where Yahweh met with Moses and delivered parts of the book of Leviticus
holiness: a term that conveys the idea of separation from the ordinary for service and/or worship to Yahweh
Sabbath: a day of rest that indicated Israel’s special relationship with God and testified that Israel’s holiness was rooted in Yahweh, not ritual
Decalogue: the Ten Commandments
Documentary Hypothesis: an approach to the authorship of the Pentateuch associated with source criticism that understands the five books as a patchwork composition of four (or more) literary documents
Passover: a feast of unleavened bread that signifies the haste with which Israel left Egypt; the Passover event occurred when Yahweh’s messenger brought death to the firstborn of all those who did not have blood from a sacrificial lamb smeared on their doorposts

Key Ideas

Yahweh is supreme over pagan deities.
The exodus is the central redemptive event for ancient Israel.
The Mosaic Law is a religious and social charter for Israel.
The presence of God is symbolized in the tabernacle.
The holiness of God.
The purity of the covenant community.
The principle of substitution in the sacrificial ritual.
The principle of mediation in the service of the priests.
God’s faithfulness to his covenant promises.
The centrality of loving and obeying the covenant God.

Discussion Forum Question:

Please respond to the following questions in 150 – 250 words:

What is the distinction between law and grace? Give reasons for or against this distinction.
How might a person follow a principle of a law without necessarily following its practice? How does this distinction between principle and practice fit into the discussion of law and grace?
How does this relate to you?