SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentate

SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentate

SBL Study Bible, “Ancient Near East (pp. 15-25)” and “Introduction to HB/Pentateuch/Genesis (pp. 27-46).”
Genesis 4-15 (SBL Study Bible, including notes).
Gary Simpson, “Cursing the Curse,” Sermon on Genesis 9:20-28 at Concord Baptist Church, February 3, 2019. 38 minutes.

David Carr, “Untamable Text of an Untamable God: Genesis and Rethinking the Character of Scripture,” Interpretation, 54, no. 4 (2000): 347–62.
Carr, Untamable Text of an Untamable GodFile
Precepts (Feb 1, 5, and 7)
A closer look: Genesis 6-10
Exploring: “Talking tough issues in a community of friends”
Activity #1: Post a paragraphAssignment
Not completed: Activity #1: Post a paragraph
As you prepare for precepts this week, review Genesis 6-10 closely. Make written notes for yourself as you read, especially on ideas, interpretations, or information that (1) confirms your thinking, (2) challenges your thinking, or (3) connects to other texts, histories, or current social issues in your living context(s).
Now review Genesis 9:22-29 and the course materials for this week (Dr. Simpson’s sermon, “Cursing the Curse,” in particular),
Write ,identify and reflect upon ONE idea, interpretation, or information that (1) confirms your thinking, (2) challenges your thinking, or (3) connects to other texts, histories, or current social issues in your living context(s). Write your reflections in a short paragraph and post it on Moodle (less than 150 words).
For on campus precepts: post your paragraph on Genesis 9:22-29 on Moodle before plenary at 1:15 PM EST.
: post your 1 page essay on Genesis 9:22-29 on Moodle

The Curse of Ham: How Bad Scripture Interpretation Inspired Genocide