1.Vital signs include things like our heart rate, blood pressure, body temperatu

1.Vital signs include things like our heart rate, blood pressure, body temperatu

1.Vital signs include things like our heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, etc. (Readings for Unit 1; Learning Experiences 2.2a-2.2d)
a.How do we know when a “sign” (e.g., a number or observation) is a healthy sign?
b.How do we know when it is an unhealthy sign?
c.Which Learning Experience(s) in Unit 2 relate to each vital sign you studied in Unit 1 and why?
2. What is hmeostasis? (Mader 2004; Miller 2021)
3.When do our vital signs indicate that we are unable to maintain homeostasis? Why? (Mader 2004; Miller 2021)
4.You will be asked to create diagrams of gas balance (oxygen and carbon dioxide), electrolyte balance (sodium and potassium), temperature regulation, sugar regulation, and blood pressure regulation. What did you learn from the assigned readings that could help build diagrams/models of each type of regulation? (Mader 2004; Miller 2021)
5.For all Science Talks. Record three (3) big wondering questions sparked by, and related to, the assigned readings. (Examples of big, wondering questions are: Why are humans biased? Where did cells come from, Why is the sky blue? Where do dogs come from, Does the universe end? Etc.)
I am not sure if the readings are included in the file I provided, if not, please look over it online.

This is for an interdisciplinary science class. I need 3 topics and one of the t

This is for an interdisciplinary science class. I need 3 topics and one of the t

This is for an interdisciplinary science class. I need 3 topics and one of the topics I would like for it to be somewhere around the lines of short term effects of Ozempic (can be more thorough with a deeper topic just about this)… then I just need you to come up with two more topics and answer the questions in the directions I have provided in the links.. all three topics will need an outline. The sources need to come from the Univeristy of Alabama Library. If you have any more questions just message me. The other two topics I would like something along the lines of excercise and tanning beds.

Read the assigned readings (again, textbook is optional) and also view the video

Read the assigned readings (again, textbook is optional) and also view the video

Read the assigned readings (again, textbook is optional) and also view the video linked here: Nightwatch New Orleans. What attributes or components of EMS (as listed in assigned reading from the Executive Summary of the EMS Agenda for the Future) are displayed and how so (be specific)? Which ones are missing? Make sure that you list all of the components. Did anything you learned about EMS this week surprise you?

First of all… ALL of the answers to the two questions below needs to come straig

First of all… ALL of the answers to the two questions below needs to come straig

First of all… ALL of the answers to the two questions below needs to come straight from the images I have attached in the files!! No where else!! ONLY USE INFORMATION FROM IMAGES ATTACHED BELOW PLEASE!
1. Tell me about the Law of Superposition and how it can help explain the (ancient) natural history of Alabama. How does this affect the geological structures, biodiversity, and economy of Alabama today? Use at least 4 sentences. Good ones.
2. What characteristics of Alabama make it such a biodiverse place? Use one of our “highest biodiversity” groups to illustrate your point (freshwater snails, fish, turtles, crayfish, mussels.)

Watch this documentary film. Title of Film: Kiss the Ground Location: https://ki

Watch this documentary film. Title of Film: Kiss the Ground Location: https://ki

Watch this documentary film. Title of Film: Kiss the Ground Location: https://kissthegroundmovie.com/for-schools/ (Links to an external site.) Then write a short essay (500 words minimum to 600 words maximum) that answers the following questions: What is the primary issue addressed in the film and why is it important? (50 points maximum) What is a second issue addressed in the film, and why is it important? (50 points maximum) What is a third issue addressed in the film, and why is it important? (50 points maximum) You can draft your assignment using whatever word processor you choose. Please spell check and also check for grammatical errors before posting your essay in Canvas.

Select a pipeline drug from the past 2-3 years or an old approved drug with a ne

Select a pipeline drug from the past 2-3 years or an old approved drug with a ne

Select a pipeline drug from the past 2-3 years or an old approved drug with a new therapy indication or off-label use. Find a research article from a peer-reviewed journal to support or refute the use of the drug for the intended indication. Summarize the main points of the article, including the purpose, methodology, and findings of the study. Interpret briefly the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacotherapeutic review of the drug. Analyze the potential benefits of the drug to improve patient outcomes and the safety risks associated with the drug. Conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the research findings for informing the CNS prescriber of the drug about dosing, patient education, and patient monitoring.

TEXT BOOK: Adolescence, 13th Edition, by Laurence Steinberg 1. Please submit a r

TEXT BOOK: Adolescence, 13th Edition, by Laurence Steinberg
Please submit a r

TEXT BOOK: Adolescence, 13th Edition, by Laurence Steinberg
Please submit a reading response to Ch 1. Biological Transitions (p. 13-39).1 page, double-spaced, ( 300-word) written response.
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 2. Cognitive Transitions (p. 40-67)
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 3. Social Transitions (p. 68-93)
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 4. Families (p. 94-120).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 5. Peer Groups (p. 121-151).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 6. Schools (p.152-178).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 7. Work, Leisure, and Media (p. 179-207).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 8. Identity (p. 208-235).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 9. Autonomy (p. 236-261).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 10. Intimacy (p. 262-292).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 11. Sexuality (p. 293-321) .
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch 12. Achievement (p. 322-347)
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.
Please submit a reading response to Ch. 13. Psychosocial Development During Adolescence (p. 348-384).
Summarize some content from the reading and then demonstrate their ability to think critically and analytically about it. That can mean applying that knowledge to something happening in the world or their own lives or connect it to other content from this or other courses, or it can mean questioning or critiquing the content based on a logical, scientific argument.

Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to analyze scientific clai

This assignment is intended to help you learn to analyze scientific clai

This assignment is intended to help you learn to analyze scientific claims based on the strength of the evidence behind them.
There is widespread scientific misinformation “trending” or circulating all the time. The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to identify valid scientific claims and current scientific issues in the news. You will create a short PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover recorded. You will then see how your peers responded to the same content and give feedback on at least 2 peer’s presentations (due next week).
Action Items
Find 3 headlines (science issues in the news), 2 true and 1 misinformation or a lie.
Create a short 3- to 5-minute PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover in which you see if your peers can spot the “lie” or misinformation.Your presentation should only be a few slides long and should include some “fact-checking” to demonstrate whether each headline is in fact a truth or a lie.
For example, a suggested sequence could include: 1) a list of your three headlines, 2) time for viewers to guess which headline is the lie, 2) fact-checking (the truth behind) headline one, 3) fact-checking headline two, 4) fact-checking headline three. Make sure to clarify which one is the misinformation.

1. What is the primary source of turbulence that you would expect while flying o

1. What is the primary source of turbulence that you would expect while flying o

1. What is the primary source of turbulence that you would expect while flying over land at 200 feet AGL around noontime on a summer day far from any cyclones or fronts?
2. List the sources of turbulence below the base of thunderstorm.
3. The majority of moderate or greater CAT occurs near what large-scale meteorological feature?
4. What are the approximate intensities of turbulence experienced under each of the following conditions?
• Your airspeed fluctuates +/- 20 knots
• Your g-meter registers 1.3g.
• While flying straight and level, your rate of climb jumps to 500f.p.m.
• Unsecured objects are tossed about in the cockpit.
5. You are approaching a field in flat terrain. The surface wind is reported to be 30 knots with gust. Based on wind speed alone, what intensity of turbulence do you expect as your near ground level?
6. Interpret the following PIREP (refer to Appendix B in your textbook) UA/OV MRB/FL060/SK CLR/TB MDT/RM TURBC INCRS WWD.
7. In your preflight preparation for a flight across a mountainous area a front is forecasted to be moving through the area at the time of your flight. It is a “dry” front (no precipitation of clouds), so icing and low clouds and ceilings are not a problem. Are there any other potential flight hazards?
8. You are approaching a north-south mountain range from the east. The mountain top is 10,000 feet MSL, your altitude is 12,000 feet MSL, 500 mb wind is 340 degrees at 25 knots , and 700 mb wind is 270 degrees at 35 knots. Discuss. Consider the same situation but this time your approach is from the west.
9. You are diverting around a thunderstorm on the downwind side. The sky under the anvil is clear. If you fly infer the anvil, it will save time and you might not have to stop for additional fuel. Discuss your options and risks of each options. (do at least 3 options)
10. If you are flying over the North Pacific at 30,000 feet MSL with a strong tailwind and your encounter CAT, what would you do to get out of it? Explain.

TITLE: Module 1: Report Assignment- Measurement and Error YOUR NAME: ABSTRACT:

TITLE: Module 1: Report Assignment- Measurement and Error

TITLE: Module 1: Report Assignment- Measurement and Error

What you did (Explain the Procedure that you followed)
How you did it (Give the tool and/or “simulator URL” used)
Why you did it (What was the purpose for doing this experiment)
What you found (Discuss the quality of your data based on the size of percent error values if you have any and/or Discuss something that you figured out about how the values in your data change as you manipulate the simulator)

VOLUME DATA: Make a table showing your volume data (use metric units only)
MASS DATA: Make a table showing your mass data (use metric units only)
VOLUME ANALYSIS: Make a table showing your volume analysis calculations. Show ALL formulas and steps for each calculation in your table. Also, include this conversion factor in your table. 1mL = 1 cm3 (use metric units only)
MASS ANALYSIS: Make a table showing your mass analysis calculations (use metric units only)
CONCLUSION: What did you learn, not what you did using the simulator (Explain a concept, skill, tool, or formula that you learned as a result of doing this experiment). Also, explain why you never got zero percent error.