1. Chapter Selection: Choose one chapter from the above-assigned book that you f

1. Chapter Selection: Choose one chapter from the above-assigned book that you f

1. Chapter Selection: Choose one chapter from the above-assigned book that you find intriguing and relevant to the course content. Ensure that your chosen chapter is substantial enough to provide ample material for your presentation and question set. – Read the chapter and update the chapter with up-to-date published information- keep record of journals, publications 2. PowerPoint Presentation: Create a visually engaging and informative PowerPoint presentation that covers the key concepts, theories, and examples presented in the chosen chapter. Your presentation should aim to convey the main ideas effectively and enhance the audience’s understanding of the material. 3. Question and Answer Set: Develop a set of 20 thought-provoking questions related to the content of the selected chapter. Each question should be accompanied by a detailed answer that explains the underlying concepts and provides context for the response.

Please see attached documents. Its explains exactly what needs to be done as wel

Please see attached documents. Its explains exactly what needs to be done as wel

Please see attached documents. Its explains exactly what needs to be done as well as a rubric and a checklist to make sure everything is complete.
For this task, you will design, conduct, and report on an experiment in the natural sciences. The natural sciences include biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and astronomy, but exclude computer science/simulations or the social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics). The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific method from research and design to reporting of results.
Your experiment must involve a testable hypothesis where a variable is manipulated. Although you are welcome to test multiple hypotheses, one is sufficient. If your experiment contains multiple hypotheses or variables, each one should address the criteria stated in the associated rubric aspect. Your experiment should demonstrate a basic scientific principle and does not need to lead to a new scientific discovery.
Be sure to incorporate appropriate safety precautions when designing and executing your experiment. Experiments conducted on vertebrate organisms (including humans) are strictly prohibited by WGU policy.
Before conducting your experiment, select a field of natural science of interest to you. Read from a variety of sources (e.g., WGU learning resource, internet articles, books) to narrow your interest to a specific experimental topic. For a list of possible science experiment topic ideas, refer to the “Topic List” attachment. Identify at least two reference materials that explain the scientific principles that motivate the experiment you will conduct; these will be included in your lab report’s literature review section.
Prepare a lab report with the following sections:
? Introduction and Literature Review
? Hypothesis
? Methods
? Results
? Conclusions
? Sources

Hello please can someone who does no plagiarism and is a good writer do this Loc

Hello please can someone who does no plagiarism and is a good writer do this Loc

Hello please can someone who does no plagiarism and is a good writer do this Local anestesia paper it’s a journal actually so make sure it looks like one but you guys don’t have an option to click for that on the type of paper this is. I hope I can trust you guys, this paper is worth a lot of my grade so please do your best and take your time. It is due next week so I would like it written really good please and the MAXIMUM yes the MAX is 2 pages she wants no more than that. Please let me know if you can view the links I inserted those are really important to look at and the links and topics I posted she wants us to use are provided in there. READD the instructions and objectives very carefully make sure not to miss anything. I will be judged hard on this paper so make sure it good and APA format 100% that’s all she wants and the grade will be based on that a lot too so take time in this big time. I’m really good at checking your messages and I will be in here every day to be updated so if anything or if you have any questions or concerns to something that does not make sense let me know I will get back to you as sooon as possible because this is really important. Please no plagiarism and follow the rubric and it’s due the 4th of September so 9 days to be exact. Thanks and hope this paper meets my standards. LOOK AT ALL THE FILES and if you cannot see one let me know so I can resend it because nothing is to be missed in this journal. So please don’t fail me, I beg you. Hope to hear from someone soon. It would be awesome if you could do both for me tooo that is due in September 4th which is this one and September 25 is the next one. That would be a blessing I have a lot on my plate. Please let me know and talk to you soon.

Module 1 Discussion Forum Read Section 1.5 (Evaluating Nutrition Information) in

Module 1 Discussion Forum
Read Section 1.5 (Evaluating Nutrition Information) in

Module 1 Discussion Forum
Read Section 1.5 (Evaluating Nutrition Information) in Chapter 1 of your textbook. Next, read the following five scenarios.
You read an article that says people who eat red meat have double the risk of developing pancreatic cancer vs. people who never eat red meat. That sounds scary, but your doctor has told you to increase your consumption of red meat because you have a history of anemia. Should you stop eating red meat?
On a TV program, you see an interview with a doctor who says, “There is no evidence that eating French fries from a fast food restaurant will raise cholesterol levels.” Since heart disease runs in your family, you have been avoiding fast food. Is it okay to start eating it again?
Your cousin has started selling nutritional supplements as a side business. She has shown you various supplement blends that her company claims will “help boost metabolism”, “detoxify the liver”, “promote the immune system”, and “support healthy weight”, among other claims. The regimen that she proposes that you follow would require that you take 15 pills a day. That seems like a lot of pills to you, but your cousin assures you that the supplements that she sells are all natural, therefore, they can’t cause harm. Should you give her supplements a try?
Your mother had a heart attack last year and her doctor has told her to take fish oil supplements (omega-3 fatty acids). While grocery shopping for your family, you see some margarine that is labeled “contains omega-3 fatty acids”. It’s more expensive than the one you usually buy, but you think it might be worth it if it is better for your mother and the rest of the family. Would the higher-priced margarine be a wise purchase?
You’ve been increasing your exercise and have begun a body building program. Someone who works at your gym shows you an article that says strength athletes need twice as much protein as someone who doesn’t exercise. The gym employee suggests that you purchase some protein powder that they sell at the gym. It’s quite expensive, and on your student budget, you really can’t afford it. However, you really want to get the maximum benefit from your strength training program. Do you need this protein powder?
Choose two of the scenarios and answer the questions posed in each one. In formulating your answers, think about the information that you read in Section 1.5 of the textbook. Explain your reasons for answering as you do. Are there red flags that cause you to question the validity of the information? You should write at least two paragraphs about each of the scenarios that you select.

Please use the bulleted points and the rubric below to guide your work. Your pa

Please use the bulleted points and the rubric below to guide your work. Your pa

Please use the bulleted points and the rubric below to guide your work. Your paper must include the bolded sub-headings provided (INTRODUCTION, METHODS, PARTICIPANTS, PROCEDURES, ANALYSIS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, and REFERENCES. Please make sure to include the subheadings) within the document, and should be written in paragraph form, following APA formatting throughout.
Please use the yellow text-highlight feature of Microsoft Word to show where you’ve made edits to your work based on instructor feedback which I provided below.
-Where did you get these data from in the discussion section? Did you combine all of the data sets? That doenst align with the research question. The outcome variable for each of thef our data sets are different measures and thus different units. This why you have significant results. If you look at the gain scores you have massive differences due to comparing different outcomes. Please change this.
The Research paper should have the following…if it doesn’t then add it
Clear and succinct identification of the topic
Narrative of the relevant research that currently exists (integrate your Literature Review into this section following the model of the example papers provided)
Gap in literature identified, leading to your purpose statement and hypothesis
Demographic characteristics and sampling method identified
Inclusion and exclusion criteria identified
Identify how you protected human subjects and data privacy
Identify data collection protocol and how it fits within an experimental research design
Identify and describe your research instrument(s) and their validity/reliability
Plan for data analysis
Describe the method used for analyzing data
Identify results from your data analysis
Include at least one table and at least one figure to report your data
Summarize key findings
Compare and contrast your findings with past research
Explain mechanisms that were likely to be at play, giving you the results you found
Identify limitations and recommendations for future research
Include the figure you created/adapted from CAP 1 on the heirarchy (attached titled “Foundations of Research”) of research design, and explain the differences between each design and what each of them can and can’t conclude. Provide an example research question using your same topic that could be answered by each type of research design. I did not include animal studies so please include that on the critical assignment word document.

I have already done the assignment, but I show it to the professor in my school

I have already done the assignment, but I show it to the professor in my school

I have already done the assignment, but I show it to the professor in my school and I received feedback, so I JUST NEED you to read his COMMENTS and EDIT upon his feed back and make these changes to my assignment.
the assignment is about clinically important medical product safety alert about a drug, need to answer these questions I’ve already did but need editing upon my professor comments ONLY.
I will upload my assignment here and will upload the topic incase you did not understands it.
I have uploaded it my assignment and another copy from the professor you can click to small squares and read the comments and MAKE SURE to EDIT them as the professor wants it.
Write a response (500-750 words) addressing the following questions below
If you were the licensed pharmacist/PIC/pharmacy manager receiving the alert, what would you do?
What resources would you use to research further?
What other team members would you engage?
How would you change your pharmacy’s processes/workflows?
How would you communicate and implement these changes in the pharmacy?)