this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discusses the known human health effects, particularly to the central nervous system, of air pollution and why air pollution is a global environmental health issue in her TED talk – This is Your Brain on Air Pollution. After watching the video, think back to Stuart Firestein’s “Pursuit of Ignorance” talk. How do Firestein’s main points apply to Dr. Neira’s call to action regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? Based on the evidence presented by Dr. Neira, what questions still need to be asked and answered regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? What can the individual do, aside from putting pressure on politicians, to help address issues of poor air quality?

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words tha

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words tha

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss the following for this assignment:
What are the major safety initiatives or priorities in your workplace?
What safety issues are not being addressed?
As a leader, how can you create successful change in your department?
Support your decision with evidence using at least 2 current (within the last 7 years) peer-reviewed journals.



Visit and review the American Hospital Association’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. Discuss how health care professionals can ensure that patients’ rights are upheld and protected (Word limit 500 words. And Reply to at least two other student ( Word limit 200 words each response).
500 words

Prepare a descriptive article in which you answer the following questions: 1- Wh

Prepare a descriptive article in which you answer the following questions:
1- Wh

Prepare a descriptive article in which you answer the following questions:
1- What is a motivational interview and why is it important within clinical social work?
2- What is a Biopsychosocial History (definition and characteristics), describe its factors, its application within clinical social work and what importance does it have during the evaluation process of a client?
3- Investigate how to evaluate the mental state of a patient, basic aspects of a mental examination and what models or forms are most used in clinical practice?
4-What is the Beck Depression Inventory and how can we interpret it?
Remember to use APA style, try to be brief and concise and use at least 3 references. Don’t forget to bring a summary of your work to class to discuss and analyze it with your classmates.

This is a two part assignment please keep separately. Part 1 Blacks in Social Sc

This is a two part assignment please keep separately.
Part 1 Blacks in Social Sc

This is a two part assignment please keep separately.
Part 1 Blacks in Social Sciences
Answer in red font.
During the mid and later decades of the twentieth century, the perspectives and contributions of people of color were introduced. For the fields of history, sociology and psychology, identify two (2) black scholars who made an impact in their respective fields. Discuss in detail their particular subfield/area of research and explain how they shaped the field.
**NOTE: Kenneth and Mamie Clark were African American psychologists who studied children’s perceptions of race. Their research was influential in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education. These 2 scholars worked as a team on the same research.Hence for the purposes of this assignment, Kenneth and Mamie Clark would count as 1 scholar, not 2 separate ones since they worked on the same project. You would have to find an additional one to count as your second scholar. Also the above example may not be used.**
Part 2 Venn Diagram
This is a Venn Diagram
There are several disciplines in the Social Sciences. In being labeled as a Social Science, these disciplines have similarities while also having differences. In a Venn Diagram, show the similarities and differences between the following disciplines. Complete two separate Venn Diagrams.
One will compare/ contrast History and Sociology
The other will compare/contrast Psychology and Political Science
You should two circles with a minimum of 3 points in each space (circle).
Follow the instructions in the YouTube video on how to develop a Venn Diagram. It is not necessary to do the last step and save it as a jpeg document. I require the assignment to be saved as a World document.
Link to video instructions…

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Astronomy project based on stars visibility state to state due to pollution.
Requirements: Please be sure to carefully follow and address all of the requirements listed and provided in the attached document Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropology discussed in this course: Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology
For your chosen essay, follow the instructions below:
Instructions: Answer the following questions in an essay format. The essay should have a minimum of 500 words (Max. 700 words). A good essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Please pay attention to clarity, organization, and coherence. In writing your essay, please follow the questions presented in each essay choice as guidelines to organize your ideas. You can support your argument with maps, pictures, timelines, or and diagrams. However, figures must have a caption. The caption should include: the description of what are you presenting, a brief explanation of why you are using the figure, and reference (if you are taking it from another book or website). Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, talk to me, so I can find an alternative to upload the paper. ALL papers must be upload through Canvas to be evaluated by a plagiarism checker software.
Please, make sure to integrate anthropological terms, concepts, or module’s content into your essay! I want to see you applying the terms you learned so far.
Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers will be reviewed for originality so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide. Integrate everything in an essay. Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, contact me before sending me your essay. Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers must be reviewed with Turnitin, so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide.
Formats accepted: doc, docx, pdf
Note: If using pages, please convert your file to PDF or xdoc.
I expect you to submit quality papers that are coherent and grammatically correct. I will deduct points for structural and grammatical errors. Do not wait until the last minute to write these papers. Ideally, you should be able to set the paper down for a day or two before reviewing the draft. You should always read your paper out loud before submitting it. In addition, you should have a colleague, friend, or classmate edit and proofread your papers. Do not rely on your computer’s spell-checker to catch your mistakes – they only catch a small percentage of your (not you’re, for example) proofreading mistakes!
Grammar and Structure: In addition, you must present a clear, well-articulated, grammatically correct paper. I will deduct points for lack of clarity, transitions, flow, and spelling mistakes. You need to make sure that you connect all of your main points and show the relationships between concepts. This is a fundamental writing skill, paramount to analytical writing and arguments. You should always ask a peer to proofread your paper and you should read your own paper out loud to catch errors.
Double-spaced please! Please include your name, the title of the assignment and the date. Include the number of words in your paper. Do not submit documents through the comment section of the assignment, only through the main link to submit the essays. Please use double space.
I expect at least three sources of information. Scholarly resources are preferred, however because this is a semi-formal essay to see how you apply the class concepts in a written context by researching an anthropological topic, you can use information from journals textbooks, specialized books, and web sources. When using web sources use pages from universities, institutions (e.g. Smithsonian) or researchers that have a good knowledge about the topic. Use your judgement or ask me in case of doubt. You can always use sources like Wikipedia to guide you through resources(check the bibliography in Wikipedia articles: usually they are some scholarly resources there) and in your brainstorming process, but do not use it as your main source of information. Visit your library!! Have fun looking for information! Include your references with your paper!!
You can use your favorite citation style as long as you are consistent using it.

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropology discussed in this course: Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology
For your chosen essay, follow the instructions below:
Instructions: Answer the following questions in an essay format. The essay should have a minimum of 500 words (Max. 700 words). A good essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Please pay attention to clarity, organization, and coherence. In writing your essay, please follow the questions presented in each essay choice as guidelines to organize your ideas. You can support your argument with maps, pictures, timelines, or and diagrams. However, figures must have a caption. The caption should include: the description of what are you presenting, a brief explanation of why you are using the figure, and reference (if you are taking it from another book or website). Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, talk to me, so I can find an alternative to upload the paper. ALL papers must be upload through Canvas to be evaluated by a plagiarism checker software.
Please, make sure to integrate anthropological terms, concepts, or module’s content into your essay! I want to see you applying the terms you learned so far.
Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers will be reviewed for originality so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide. Integrate everything in an essay. Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, contact me before sending me your essay. Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers must be reviewed with Turnitin, so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide.
Formats accepted: doc, docx, pdf
Note: If using pages, please convert your file to PDF or xdoc.
I expect you to submit quality papers that are coherent and grammatically correct. I will deduct points for structural and grammatical errors. Do not wait until the last minute to write these papers. Ideally, you should be able to set the paper down for a day or two before reviewing the draft. You should always read your paper out loud before submitting it. In addition, you should have a colleague, friend, or classmate edit and proofread your papers. Do not rely on your computer’s spell-checker to catch your mistakes – they only catch a small percentage of your (not you’re, for example) proofreading mistakes!
Grammar and Structure: In addition, you must present a clear, well-articulated, grammatically correct paper. I will deduct points for lack of clarity, transitions, flow, and spelling mistakes. You need to make sure that you connect all of your main points and show the relationships between concepts. This is a fundamental writing skill, paramount to analytical writing and arguments. You should always ask a peer to proofread your paper and you should read your own paper out loud to catch errors.
Double-spaced please! Please include your name, the title of the assignment and the date. Include the number of words in your paper. Do not submit documents through the comment section of the assignment, only through the main link to submit the essays. Please use double space.
I expect at least three sources of information. Scholarly resources are preferred, however because this is a semi-formal essay to see how you apply the class concepts in a written context by researching an anthropological topic, you can use information from journals textbooks, specialized books, and web sources. When using web sources use pages from universities, institutions (e.g. Smithsonian) or researchers that have a good knowledge about the topic. Use your judgement or ask me in case of doubt. You can always use sources like Wikipedia to guide you through resources(check the bibliography in Wikipedia articles: usually they are some scholarly resources there) and in your brainstorming process, but do not use it as your main source of information. Visit your library!! Have fun looking for information! Include your references with your paper!!
You can use your favorite citation style as long as you are consistent using it.