Turnitin Assignment Content EthicsPHI 1600Second Written AssignmentDeontology Re

Turnitin Assignment Content
EthicsPHI 1600Second Written AssignmentDeontology

Turnitin Assignment Content
EthicsPHI 1600Second Written AssignmentDeontology
Read chapter 6, watch Week 6 Lecture, and pick a movie. Apply Kant’s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN action of the movie you chose. I highly recommend the movies: Gone Baby Gone and Sleepers but you can choose any other movie. Please make sure the movie you picked displays a strong moral dilemma. Identify the moral dilemma at the beginning of your paper. You must apply Kant’s 3 premises (week 6 folder) for 50 points and Michael Sandel’s 3 contrasts (Week 6 Folder Lecture: Mind your Motive) for 50 points. The paper must have a minimum of 500 words minimum and it must be done in MLA or APA format.
For “Gone Baby Gone” judge Patrick’s final decision and for “Sleepers” judge the priest’s final decision. Judging any other action in the movie is an automatic zero.

This lab has 2 parts, the first is the Classifying Climates (which you will turn

This lab has 2 parts, the first is the Classifying Climates (which you will turn

This lab has 2 parts, the first is the Classifying Climates (which you will turn in for this worksheet as the answer sheet)- the second is Köppen Classification Guide, a flow chart to help you figure out which climate is which based on the data for each location.
The first step of this lab is to do the totals, averages and find the percentages all the data on the Classifying Climate lab, then you can use the Köppen Classification Guide to figure out which climate classification codes and types are for each location. In the Classification Guide it will take you step by step with each climate, how to find out if its an A, B, C, etc. Note that the first page has this in an all in one layout. Start at step C, from there you can figure out on the graphics and statements if your locations fits the parameters of a given climate. Once you have the climate letter codes you can identify the climate type by name. Answer any other climate related questions. **MAKE SURE TO WRITE ON SAME WORD DOCS**

For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf

For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf

For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an infographic or brochure on one of these topics:
Be sure to give us an overview on the topic from a physiology standpoint, and why we need to know about this for our future medical careers.
Videos to help with the topics:
Negative and Positive Feedback (6:24)Links to an external site.
What is an Atom? (2:13)Links to an external site.
Chemical Bonds (Ionic and Covalent) (2:14)Links to an external site.
Polarity and Hydrogen Bonds (2:37)Links to an external site.
pH: Acids and Bases (1:46)Links to an external site.
Biomolecules (8:12)Links to an external site.
DNA (8:53)Links to an external site.
RNA (4:42)Links to an external site.
Cell Structure (7:21)Links to an external site.
Scientific Method (11:48)Links to an external site.
Be creative with your brochure. This is not a paper or essay. Feel free to include images, graphs, charts, or any other design element of your choosing. You can use software of your choice to create the brochure. For example, you can complete the brochure as a PDF, a Word document, an infographic, or any other visual that works for the content of this assignment. A few examples of free software that can help you are Adobe Spark, Canva, Flipbuilder, and Lucidpress. You do not have to use any of these sites; rather, they are meant to provide you with options for creating your brochure. Be sure to include a reference list in current APA Style of all sources used.
The finished product should be converted and turned in as a PDF or Word file for grading purposes.
See rubric for specific grading criteria.
Points: 20
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) Rubric
PHYS_261_OL – Week 1 Lab Rubric
PHYS_261_OL – Week 1 Lab Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion about selected topic
14 to >12.46 ptsExceeds Expectations
Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the selected topic.
12.46 to >10.08 ptsMeets Expectations
Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the selected topic.
10.08 to >8.26 ptsApproaches Expectations
Identifies and demonstrates some understanding of the selected topic.
8.26 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Does not demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the selected topic.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrochure
4 to >3.56 ptsExceeds Expectations
Main points are clear and supported. Transitions are clear and logical, the organization is well planned, and the language used is appropriate and skillfully presented. The tone is appropriate for the audience.
3.56 to >2.88 ptsMeets Expectations
Main points are generally presented in a clear and logical order. The tone is generally appropriate for the audience.
2.88 to >2.36 ptsApproaches Expectations
Main points are presented in a way that shows little organization or order. The writer fails to present the topic or does so in a way that is confusing. The tone may be inappropriate for the audience.
2.36 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Main points are not presented in a clear, logical, or cohesive order. The topic is unclear, and the presentation is marred with erroneous or inconsistent information. Little preparation or understanding of the topic is demonstrated. The tone may be inappropriate for the audience.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
1 to >0.89 ptsExceeds Expectations
The writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and information; and is extremely well organized. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct. There are minimal to no errors (o errors).
0.89 to >0.72 ptsMeets Expectations
The writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details, relevant data, and information; and is well organized. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are generally correct with few errors (1–2 errors). Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are generally correct with few errors (1–2 errors).
0.72 to >0.59 ptsApproaches Expectations
The writing lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; provides insufficient detail, relevant data, and information; and lacks organization. Errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization detract from the readability of the paper (3–4 errors).
0.59 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail, relevant data, and information; and is poorly organized. There are many distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization (>4 errors).
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Syle
1 to >0.89 ptsExceeds Expectations
Uses APA Style guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources (0 errors). Sources are used and cited expertly and are peer-reviewed, relevant sources.
0.89 to >0.72 ptsMeets Expectations
Uses APA Style guidelines with minor violations to cite sources (1–2 errors). Sources are somewhat relevant but may be limited in scholarly nature.
0.72 to >0.59 ptsApproaches Expectations
Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA Style guidelines (3–4 errors). Sources are not cited or cited with many errors. Sources are not scholarly in nature.
0.59 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Does not use APA Style guidelines. No scholarly research is evident. Does not meet the required number of sources.
1 pts
Total Points: 20

Select an organism from the following kingdoms that you might encounter in an or

Select an organism from the following kingdoms that you might encounter in an or

Select an organism from the following kingdoms that you might encounter in an ordinary week, Kingdom Bacteria, Kingdom Archea, Kingdom Protista, or Kingdom Fungi. Give the kingdom and the member organisms’ scientific names and how you might encounter them. See the example below: This week I made some sourdough bread, sourdough is sour because of the bacterium, Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis, and the fungal yeast, Kasachstania humilis. I decided to take it to the beach for a picnic and found that some common red seaweed had washed up on the beach, Chondrus crispus. Later beachcombing I found a sea sponge, they grow mutualistically with the archeabacteria, ​​Cenarchaeum symbiosum. The above example provided an instance of each, you cannot use these examples. You must identify your own, you only need one. Note: Answers should be in complete sentences, a minimum of 50 written words and you must provide a resource for your information. Resources should be linked in MLA format for either a web resource or book or other material. This is not an opinion response, it should be based on verifiable facts.

Environmental Justice and NIMBY Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natural resources and the importance of managing them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with waste, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget, and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.
Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing on where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe this phenomenon is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY. Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and quality of life, while the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, and former president Bill Clinton’s presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations, visit these sites:
Article: US EPA. (2019, February 6). Environmental Justice | US EPA. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
Article: Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf
This week, you are tasked with writing a persuasive letter to your elected officials on an environmental concern you have in your community. You will research and explore environmental literacy on this topic and report if there are currently any policies in place associated with this challenge. Is there currently any citizen action surrounding this issue and are there any current individuals or businesses that are affected by this challenge? If there are policies in place, do they hinder or help your community’s ability to overcome this challenge? Or is there a need for more policies to be put into place?
Explore one of the following case studies from your textbook and choose a concern to write about. You will choose a case study of interest and write your letter as if this is an issue in your own community.
Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the Stories, PDF ebook. Pearson Higher Ed.
What’s Killing Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River Watershed? (Pgs 412 -413)
A Sea of Plastic in the Middle of the Ocean (Pgs 421 – 423)
Clearing the Air in L.A. and Mexico City (Pgs 451 – 452)
Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline (Pgs 523 – 525)
Mapping Mountaintop Mining’s “Footprint” in Appalachia (654 – 655)
Saving the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem (Pgs 105 – 107)
You are writing on behalf of yourself as a stakeholder on this issue this week. You will need to propose a plan of action and/or request help and give reasoning for needing such help or change. Consider the following questions and advice to help you.
Briefly introduce yourself and why you’re writing this letter.
Where is the community you researched (provide a city and state)?
What is the environmental issue in the community you’ve chosen?
What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
Is this problem spread throughout the community or located in one area? Be sure to reference which case study you chose.
What impacts could these pollutants have on:
Children and families?
Wildlife and resources?
Is there any important or crucial demographic data you need to mention (i.e., vulnerable populations)? Describe any potential environmental justice concerns.
What is most important to you in terms of rectifying this?
What do you want to see your elected representative do about it (e.g., carbon drawdown solutions)? Discuss any short-term and/or long-term steps and outcomes.
Write a hypothesis on what you think would happen if this problem was solved.
Who holds the authority to make this happen?
Tell them you look forward to receiving a reply on what can be done.
Basic Expectations:
Your Unit 9 Assignment Template should be approximately 750 words, not including references.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Double space your paper, and use a font size of 10 or 12.
Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Avoid plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all in-text citations and references.

Environmental Justice and NIMBY Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natural resources and the importance of managing them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with waste, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget, and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.
Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing on where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe this phenomenon is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY. Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and quality of life, while the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, and former president Bill Clinton’s presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations, visit these sites:
Article: US EPA. (2019, February 6). Environmental Justice | US EPA. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
Article: Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf
This week, you are tasked with writing a persuasive letter to your elected officials on an environmental concern you have in your community. You will research and explore environmental literacy on this topic and report if there are currently any policies in place associated with this challenge. Is there currently any citizen action surrounding this issue and are there any current individuals or businesses that are affected by this challenge? If there are policies in place, do they hinder or help your community’s ability to overcome this challenge? Or is there a need for more policies to be put into place?
Explore one of the following case studies from your textbook and choose a concern to write about. You will choose a case study of interest and write your letter as if this is an issue in your own community.
Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the Stories, PDF ebook. Pearson Higher Ed.
What’s Killing Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River Watershed? (Pgs 412 -413)
A Sea of Plastic in the Middle of the Ocean (Pgs 421 – 423)
Clearing the Air in L.A. and Mexico City (Pgs 451 – 452)
Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline (Pgs 523 – 525)
Mapping Mountaintop Mining’s “Footprint” in Appalachia (654 – 655)
Saving the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem (Pgs 105 – 107)
You are writing on behalf of yourself as a stakeholder on this issue this week. You will need to propose a plan of action and/or request help and give reasoning for needing such help or change. Consider the following questions and advice to help you.
Briefly introduce yourself and why you’re writing this letter.
Where is the community you researched (provide a city and state)?
What is the environmental issue in the community you’ve chosen?
What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
Is this problem spread throughout the community or located in one area? Be sure to reference which case study you chose.
What impacts could these pollutants have on:
Children and families?
Wildlife and resources?
Is there any important or crucial demographic data you need to mention (i.e., vulnerable populations)? Describe any potential environmental justice concerns.
What is most important to you in terms of rectifying this?
What do you want to see your elected representative do about it (e.g., carbon drawdown solutions)? Discuss any short-term and/or long-term steps and outcomes.
Write a hypothesis on what you think would happen if this problem was solved.
Who holds the authority to make this happen?
Tell them you look forward to receiving a reply on what can be done.
Basic Expectations:
Your Unit 9 Assignment Template should be approximately 750 words, not including references.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Double space your paper, and use a font size of 10 or 12.
Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Avoid plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all in-text citations and references.

Environmental Justice and NIMBY Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natural resources and the importance of managing them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with waste, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget, and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.
Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing on where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe this phenomenon is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY. Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and quality of life, while the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, and former president Bill Clinton’s presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations, visit these sites:
Article: US EPA. (2019, February 6). Environmental Justice | US EPA. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
Article: Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf
This week, you are tasked with writing a persuasive letter to your elected officials on an environmental concern you have in your community. You will research and explore environmental literacy on this topic and report if there are currently any policies in place associated with this challenge. Is there currently any citizen action surrounding this issue and are there any current individuals or businesses that are affected by this challenge? If there are policies in place, do they hinder or help your community’s ability to overcome this challenge? Or is there a need for more policies to be put into place?
Explore one of the following case studies from your textbook and choose a concern to write about. You will choose a case study of interest and write your letter as if this is an issue in your own community.
Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the Stories, PDF ebook. Pearson Higher Ed.
What’s Killing Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River Watershed? (Pgs 412 -413)
A Sea of Plastic in the Middle of the Ocean (Pgs 421 – 423)
Clearing the Air in L.A. and Mexico City (Pgs 451 – 452)
Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline (Pgs 523 – 525)
Mapping Mountaintop Mining’s “Footprint” in Appalachia (654 – 655)
Saving the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem (Pgs 105 – 107)
You are writing on behalf of yourself as a stakeholder on this issue this week. You will need to propose a plan of action and/or request help and give reasoning for needing such help or change. Consider the following questions and advice to help you.
Briefly introduce yourself and why you’re writing this letter.
Where is the community you researched (provide a city and state)?
What is the environmental issue in the community you’ve chosen?
What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
Is this problem spread throughout the community or located in one area? Be sure to reference which case study you chose.
What impacts could these pollutants have on:
Children and families?
Wildlife and resources?
Is there any important or crucial demographic data you need to mention (i.e., vulnerable populations)? Describe any potential environmental justice concerns.
What is most important to you in terms of rectifying this?
What do you want to see your elected representative do about it (e.g., carbon drawdown solutions)? Discuss any short-term and/or long-term steps and outcomes.
Write a hypothesis on what you think would happen if this problem was solved.
Who holds the authority to make this happen?
Tell them you look forward to receiving a reply on what can be done.
Basic Expectations:
Your Unit 9 Assignment Template should be approximately 750 words, not including references.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Double space your paper, and use a font size of 10 or 12.
Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Avoid plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all in-text citations and references.

Environmental Justice and NIMBY Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natural resources and the importance of managing them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with waste, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget, and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.
Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing on where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe this phenomenon is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY. Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and quality of life, while the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, and former president Bill Clinton’s presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations, visit these sites:
Article: US EPA. (2019, February 6). Environmental Justice | US EPA. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
Article: Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf
This week, you are tasked with writing a persuasive letter to your elected officials on an environmental concern you have in your community. You will research and explore environmental literacy on this topic and report if there are currently any policies in place associated with this challenge. Is there currently any citizen action surrounding this issue and are there any current individuals or businesses that are affected by this challenge? If there are policies in place, do they hinder or help your community’s ability to overcome this challenge? Or is there a need for more policies to be put into place?
Explore one of the following case studies from your textbook and choose a concern to write about. You will choose a case study of interest and write your letter as if this is an issue in your own community.
Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the Stories, PDF ebook. Pearson Higher Ed.
What’s Killing Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River Watershed? (Pgs 412 -413)
A Sea of Plastic in the Middle of the Ocean (Pgs 421 – 423)
Clearing the Air in L.A. and Mexico City (Pgs 451 – 452)
Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline (Pgs 523 – 525)
Mapping Mountaintop Mining’s “Footprint” in Appalachia (654 – 655)
Saving the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem (Pgs 105 – 107)
You are writing on behalf of yourself as a stakeholder on this issue this week. You will need to propose a plan of action and/or request help and give reasoning for needing such help or change. Consider the following questions and advice to help you.
Briefly introduce yourself and why you’re writing this letter.
Where is the community you researched (provide a city and state)?
What is the environmental issue in the community you’ve chosen?
What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
Is this problem spread throughout the community or located in one area? Be sure to reference which case study you chose.
What impacts could these pollutants have on:
Children and families?
Wildlife and resources?
Is there any important or crucial demographic data you need to mention (i.e., vulnerable populations)? Describe any potential environmental justice concerns.
What is most important to you in terms of rectifying this?
What do you want to see your elected representative do about it (e.g., carbon drawdown solutions)? Discuss any short-term and/or long-term steps and outcomes.
Write a hypothesis on what you think would happen if this problem was solved.
Who holds the authority to make this happen?
Tell them you look forward to receiving a reply on what can be done.
Basic Expectations:
Your Unit 9 Assignment Template should be approximately 750 words, not including references.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Double space your paper, and use a font size of 10 or 12.
Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Avoid plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all in-text citations and references.

Environmental Justice and NIMBY Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natur

Environmental Justice and NIMBY
Throughout this course, you have discussed natural resources and the importance of managing them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with waste, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget, and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.
Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing on where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe this phenomenon is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY. Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and quality of life, while the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, and former president Bill Clinton’s presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations, visit these sites:
Article: US EPA. (2019, February 6). Environmental Justice | US EPA. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
Article: Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf
This week, you are tasked with writing a persuasive letter to your elected officials on an environmental concern you have in your community. You will research and explore environmental literacy on this topic and report if there are currently any policies in place associated with this challenge. Is there currently any citizen action surrounding this issue and are there any current individuals or businesses that are affected by this challenge? If there are policies in place, do they hinder or help your community’s ability to overcome this challenge? Or is there a need for more policies to be put into place?
Explore one of the following case studies from your textbook and choose a concern to write about. You will choose a case study of interest and write your letter as if this is an issue in your own community.
Withgott, J. H., & Laposata, M. (2021). Environment: The Science behind the Stories, PDF ebook. Pearson Higher Ed.
What’s Killing Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River Watershed? (Pgs 412 -413)
A Sea of Plastic in the Middle of the Ocean (Pgs 421 – 423)
Clearing the Air in L.A. and Mexico City (Pgs 451 – 452)
Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline (Pgs 523 – 525)
Mapping Mountaintop Mining’s “Footprint” in Appalachia (654 – 655)
Saving the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem (Pgs 105 – 107)
You are writing on behalf of yourself as a stakeholder on this issue this week. You will need to propose a plan of action and/or request help and give reasoning for needing such help or change. Consider the following questions and advice to help you.
Briefly introduce yourself and why you’re writing this letter.
Where is the community you researched (provide a city and state)?
What is the environmental issue in the community you’ve chosen?
What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
Is this problem spread throughout the community or located in one area? Be sure to reference which case study you chose.
What impacts could these pollutants have on:
Children and families?
Wildlife and resources?
Is there any important or crucial demographic data you need to mention (i.e., vulnerable populations)? Describe any potential environmental justice concerns.
What is most important to you in terms of rectifying this?
What do you want to see your elected representative do about it (e.g., carbon drawdown solutions)? Discuss any short-term and/or long-term steps and outcomes.
Write a hypothesis on what you think would happen if this problem was solved.
Who holds the authority to make this happen?
Tell them you look forward to receiving a reply on what can be done.
Basic Expectations:
Your Unit 9 Assignment Template should be approximately 750 words, not including references.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Double space your paper, and use a font size of 10 or 12.
Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Avoid plagiarism.
Use the APA style for all in-text citations and references.