Write the reference citation at the top of the summary in APA writing style (See

Write the reference citation at the top of the summary in APA writing style (See

Write the reference citation at the top of the summary in APA writing style (See attachment I). “If they don’t follow the APA reference format, they will lose 5 points.” Make sure they read and study the APA format in the Publication ManuaLAll AB assignments must be double-spaced written in Times New Roman 12 pts. and one (1) inch margin on all four sides in Microsoft Word. Please send the link website you use.

1.) Topic Selection: Each student will choose a specific nutrition trend from th

1.) Topic Selection:
Each student will choose a specific nutrition trend from th

1.) Topic Selection:
Each student will choose a specific nutrition trend from the provided list or propose their own, ensuring it is relevant in 2023.
Possible trends include plant-based diets, functional foods, personalized nutrition, gut health, mindful eating, or any other emerging trend.
2.) Research: conduct research on the chosen nutrition trend. Utilize reputable sources such as scientific journals, articles, and expert opinions.
Consider the chosen trend’s history, benefits, potential drawbacks, and real-world implications. Identify any controversies or conflicting opinions surrounding the trend
3.) Reflection Paper:
each student will submit a reflection paper. Reflect on the nutrition trend you presented, addressing how it may influence your dietary choices and lifestyle. Make sure to include your reference page with sources and cite any information you used!

Weeks 5 the student will select three (3) articles from the weekly reading list.

Weeks 5 the student will select three (3) articles from the weekly reading list.

Weeks 5 the student will select three (3) articles from the weekly reading list. Each student will take the three (3) articles and write a critical analysis paper that should be a 3 minimum pages, not including title page. The paper should be written in APA format, 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri), and double-spaces. Points will be taken off if these items are not closely adhered. Each analysis must integrate the information provided in the readings. Examples will be given as well as what a critical analysis is.
Each analysis must have the following components:
Introduction – identifies, explain, and summarizes the main points of each of the three articles. Body Paragraph – should synthesize the main points by comparing and analyzing the particular components of each of the selected articles. For instance, in an analysis would provide specific examples of similarities and/or differences the author(s) discuss in the respective article. Conclusion– the main purpose of the conclusion should be to emphasize your assessment of the major points of the article and generate perceptions regarding the future direction the issue may take given the current state of the industry.

Step 2 (concurrent with Step 1) – Collect video examples of practice activities

Step 2 (concurrent with Step 1) – Collect video examples of practice activities

Step 2 (concurrent with Step 1) – Collect video examples of practice activities to develop a specific sport skill
Choose a specific skill that you are interested in exploring for this project. It could be single-leg takedowns in wrestling, serving in tennis, the front crawl stroke in swimming, block starts in sprinting, the jump shot in basketball.
Choose a skill that can be practiced in some degree of isolation or with its own focus during a practice. For instance, if you’re a basketball coach, you would want to focus on a more individualized and isolated skill like jump shots rather than a team/tactical aspect like running a zone defense. For the purposes of this project, it is more manageable this way.
Start collecting examples of the methods that coaches typically use to develop this skill. You can include the methods that you use, and you could include methods that other coaches use commonly in the sport. Find video examples of each method. This can be video you create yourself during one of your practices; it can also be “found” video from websites and video sites for coaches in your sport (just be sure to give attribution for where you found the video).
Ideally you will collect between 4-7 different options for developing this skill. For each video, classify the type of skill development method being used using the following criteria:
Implied theory of skill acquisition. Keep in mind that this may not be very clear. The person producing the video might not even be aware that there are theories of skill acquisition. Nonetheless, they have some implicit ideas or assumptions about how skill is acquired.
Types of instruction being used: explicit instruction, questioning, analogy-based instruction, or does it use almost no instruction and is instead guided by differential learning, implicit learning (game-based instruction), constraints-led approaches?.
Step 3 – Produce video
Choose three different videos for developing the skill from your list. These should be the three most-divergent examples, showing us a range of options to develop the skill based on the different constraints you might be presented with by different athletes or different game situations.
Produce a video where you give us a brief 1-minute introduction to the skill and where it fits in the sport you coach (or currently play). This will help me understand the skill and where it fits in the game. Then, present each of your three skill development options and with a voiceover, explain to us what is happening in the video. Explain the implied theory of skill acquisition and the specific sport pedagogies being employed. Each snippet should be no more than 1 minute. (I will do the voiceover and introduction myself.)