In a minimum of five double-spaced pages, answer the following questions and sub

In a minimum of five double-spaced pages, answer the following questions and

In a minimum of five double-spaced pages, answer the following questions and
submit to the “Breakers Home Arena” portal. You are expected to bring in
information from the readings, interview, and outside sources:
a. Provide a brief overview of the New Zealand Breakers (which league do they play
in? How have they done recently? Are they/the league trending up or down?)

b. For the Breakers, what are the risks associated with transferring home games to a
new facility, specifically Vector Arena? What are the risks associated with NOT
transferring to a new facility? What should the Breakers do to minimize risks as
they stage their transfer to Vector Arena?

c. What are some of the main differences between the sportscapes of NSEC and
Vector Arena? If the Breakers were to invest in one sportscape element to improve at
either facility, what would you suggest they upgrade and why? Bring in anything you
noted from the arenas in the above video highlights.

d. What target markets were the Breakers focused on during the early years at the
NSEC? What new markets could the Breakers target in conjunction with games at
Vector Arena? Identify a promotional activity that could be used to initiate action
from potential fans in one of the new Vector Arena-specific target markets you have

e. Having evaluated the alternatives yourself using the decision-making model, do you
agree with the Breakers’ decision to begin the transition by staging home games at
both facilities rather than just move full-time to Vector Arena? Why or why not?

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation f

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation f

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation for Enduring Success (B)). Overall, there are 6 questions that you have to answer and expand on but I only need a couple of them answered. Some questions need some calculations. I will drop some files that will help you better understand. I need help with questions 1. and 5. One thing to keep in mind for the part of the first question, just need to talk about everything until the year 2020 nothing past that. Do not need to talk about stuff that’s happening in 2024 or any years after 2020. Additionally, SWOT analysis, each segment is equally discussed. For question 5 there is a calculation for it and I will include PowerPoint slides that will help with the formulas. The calculations do not count as part of the page only the writing. Payback period you are looking for time in terms of the answer. How do I figure out the number of weeks? Take your last negative cumulative cash flow divided by the next year’s expected cash flow multiplied by 52 and then you can ignore the negative sign and that’s the number of weeks. Net Present Value formula. What should be written under question 5- how do we interpret this, 2 different projects, two separate net present values, and then compare them (here is what it means, recommendations, and what would personally choose between the two, which is better). On the questions, it also says how long it has to be in pages. For the first question, it is 2-3 pages and for question 5 it is 1 page.

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation f

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation f

Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation for Enduring Success (B)). I need help with 2 questions. One thing to keep in mind for the part of the first question, just need to talk about everything until 2020, nothing past that. You do not need to talk about stuff that’s happening in 2024 or any years after 2020. Additionally, in the SWOT analysis, each segment is equally discussed. For the second question, there is a calculation and I will include PowerPoint slides that will help with the formulas. The calculations do not count as part of the page, only the writing. The payback period you are looking for is time in terms of the answer. How do I figure out the number of weeks? Take your last negative cumulative cash flow divided by the next year’s expected cash flow multiplied by 52, and then you can ignore the negative sign, and that’s the number of weeks. Net Present Value formula. What should be written under question 2- how do we interpret this, 2 different projects, two separate net present values, and then compare them (here is what it means, recommendations, and what would personally choose between the two, which is better). On the questions, it also says how long it has to be in pages. For the first question, it is 2-3 pages and for question 2 it is 1 page.

Please read and adhere to the following instructions in their entirety: Analyze

Please read and adhere to the following instructions in their entirety:

Please read and adhere to the following instructions in their entirety:
Analyze a case study for Sport Finance class (How Peloton Built the Foundation for Enduring Success (B)). Overall, there are 6 questions that you have to answer and expand on but I only need a couple of them answered. Some questions need some calculations. I will drop some files that will help you better understand. I need help with questions 1. and 5. One thing to keep in mind for the part of the first question, just need to talk about everything until the year 2020 nothing past that. Do not need to talk about stuff that’s happening in 2024 or any years after 2020. Additionally, SWOT analysis, each segment is equally discussed. For question 5 there is a calculation for it and I will include PowerPoint slides that will help with the formulas. The calculations do not count as part of the page only the writing. Payback period you are looking for time in terms of the answer. How do I figure out the number of weeks? Take your last negative cumulative cash flow divided by the next year’s expected cash flow multiplied by 52 and then you can ignore the negative sign and that’s the number of weeks. Net Present Value formula. What should be written under question 5- how do we interpret this, 2 different projects, two separate net present values, and then compare them (here is what it means, recommendations, and what would personally choose between the two, which is better). On the questions, it also says how long it has to be in pages. For the first question, it is 2-3 pages and for question 5 it is 1 page.

Students will research a technology topic related to the sports industry to incl

Students will research a technology topic related to the sports industry to incl

Students will research a technology topic related to the sports industry to include but not limited to;competitive sports, professional sports, recreation, sports administration and business, personal health and wellness, sport related entertainment, as examples. There is flexibility in the way that you can choose to complete and present your project. You will need to use and identify at least 3-5 sources for your information.You may use the internet for some of your sources, but not all. -Identify the Topic-Must be a technology product, service or topic that is being used or in development to be used in a field related to sports, fitness, health or medical area.
-Why does this topic interest you?
-How and where will you find your information? What are some of the resources you will list in your final paper?

This assignment is two answer two questions. The first should be at least one pa

This assignment is two answer two questions. The first should be at least one pa

This assignment is two answer two questions. The first should be at least one page and may include resources outside of the textbook. The second should be at least one page and include outside resources with the textbook. Please use APA style including all resources (textbook cited as well) for the assignment.
Question 1: Define the Sports Marketing Mix and the 5 Ps that make it up. Is one of the 5 more important than the other 4?
Question 2: What do you feel is the most important functional area of management given in Chapter 2 and why? What do you feel is the most important key skill of management provided in Chapter 2 and why? Text:Principles and Practice of Sport Management: Sixth Edition.Masteralexis, Barr, and Hums (4th or 5th Editions may be available used and will work as well).
Assignments and Paper: The assignments and paper should be APA 7th edition format and include a title page. You may use the link if you do not know how to use APA 7th edition. You are required to have a title page and references for assignments and your paper while you must also include a table of contents and abstract for your paper. All work should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font and double spaced. Assignments should be 2-4 pages not including title and reference pages.

Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world. I want

Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world.
I want

Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world. I want the paper to be about devi
Assignment Description:
Each person will select one aspect topic of personal significance (personally meaningful and professionally relevant) for this final paper. This topic should be an aspect of or issue within sport that you wish to change or reform within your current or future profession.
Your final paper will consist of a description of your selected topic and its current state, a discussion as to why you feel it needs to be changed/reformed, and a proposed plan for how to implement the change, all while integrating relevant literature and credible sources to support your argument. Within your final paper, you should specifically note what the end goal is, and steps to get there (being creative, yet practical!). This assignment is intended for you to reflect on major issues within our current sport world and the role that sport plays in American society.
Part 1: Topic Proposal (10 points)
Draft a short, informal proposal (1-page) about one aspect of or issue within sport that you would like to reform and why you are selecting this topic. Your topic should be personally meaningful, professionally relevant, and practical in nature (i.e., it should be something that could be achieved). Review the below key aspects to consider and future “parts” of this assignment to see how your proposed topic aligns with the overall goals for this final paper.
Key Aspects to Consider:
What personal experiences have you had that you wish could change?
When thinking about course content, are there any topic areas that resonated with you that you’d like to address?
this is my answer ” Sports have always had a level of deviance through aggressive play, goal-bending rules, gambling, etc. But performance enhancing drugs, violence, and criminal acts seem increasingly common.”
What current event issues connect to this topic?
Are you interested in addressing a topic related to youth, high school, college, private sector, or professional sport?
Are you focusing on a particular stakeholder group in sport (i.e., athletes, coaches, athletic administrators, fans, parents, etc.)?
Why does this topic matter to you as a current/future sport manager?
What tangible, practical steps would you suggest to address this issue so it would be “reformed?”
What impact could it make on your current/future athletes, colleagues, or staff?
What sociological concepts relate to your proposed topic? How would you go about describing that within an essay?
How would you go about searching for news articles and peer-reviewed research (i.e., journal articles) for this topic area and its potential reform?

ASSIGNMENT 1 Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8,

Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8,

Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8, and 9.
Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.
Type each case discussion question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences and follow APA formatting.
Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly. Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.(Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.)
Type each question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences. Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly. You may use this Word document template to complete the assignment.
You may use the attached template to complete the assignment. ASSIGNMENT 2. Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12..Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.
Type each case discussion question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences and follow APA formatting.
Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly.

ASSIGNMENT 1 Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8,

Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8,

Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 7, 8, and 9.
Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.
Type each case discussion question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences and follow APA formatting.
Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly. Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.(Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.)
Type each question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences. Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly. You may use this Word document template to complete the assignment.
You may use the attached template to complete the assignment. ASSIGNMENT 2. Answer all discussion questions at the conclusion of Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12..Use Microsoft Word to complete your assignment.Assignments submitted in other formats will not be accepted.
Type each case discussion question, then answer each question.
Use complete sentences and follow APA formatting.
Use 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Answer each question thoroughly.

The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and econom

The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and econom

The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and economics(Youth Sports Financial Challenges) Students will have the opportunity to examine an area of financial or economic in sport that is of interest to them. Students will select a topic from an already approved list that is posted to moodle and get that topic approved by the instructor by the end of week two as no students can do the same topic. Students are required to work independently on this research paper. There are multiple students who have submitted assignments largely, or entirely, generated by AI. If you have done so, or have considered doing so, you need to stop immediately!!!
The overall design is for you to use text, peer-reviewed research, and current news sources to gain knowledge of a current issue in sport finance and economics. The paper must be a minimum of 8 pages long (not counting Title page and Reference section), on the issue, its history, current status, and potential future ramifications. . The paper will be in APA format, 12 point font. You can use either New Times Roman or Calibri font, no other font will be accepted. The paper will also have a minimum of 8 scholarly resources and a maximum of 5 non-scholarly resources. The paper will be graded according to the rubric that is posted in Moodle. A out line of should be included in the Paper is down below with 3 articles you can use If you want to.