Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world. I want

Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world.
I want

Critically analyze and evaluate one major issue in today’s sports world. I want the paper to be about devi
Assignment Description:
Each person will select one aspect topic of personal significance (personally meaningful and professionally relevant) for this final paper. This topic should be an aspect of or issue within sport that you wish to change or reform within your current or future profession.
Your final paper will consist of a description of your selected topic and its current state, a discussion as to why you feel it needs to be changed/reformed, and a proposed plan for how to implement the change, all while integrating relevant literature and credible sources to support your argument. Within your final paper, you should specifically note what the end goal is, and steps to get there (being creative, yet practical!). This assignment is intended for you to reflect on major issues within our current sport world and the role that sport plays in American society.
Part 1: Topic Proposal (10 points)
Draft a short, informal proposal (1-page) about one aspect of or issue within sport that you would like to reform and why you are selecting this topic. Your topic should be personally meaningful, professionally relevant, and practical in nature (i.e., it should be something that could be achieved). Review the below key aspects to consider and future “parts” of this assignment to see how your proposed topic aligns with the overall goals for this final paper.
Key Aspects to Consider:
What personal experiences have you had that you wish could change?
When thinking about course content, are there any topic areas that resonated with you that you’d like to address?
this is my answer ” Sports have always had a level of deviance through aggressive play, goal-bending rules, gambling, etc. But performance enhancing drugs, violence, and criminal acts seem increasingly common.”
What current event issues connect to this topic?
Are you interested in addressing a topic related to youth, high school, college, private sector, or professional sport?
Are you focusing on a particular stakeholder group in sport (i.e., athletes, coaches, athletic administrators, fans, parents, etc.)?
Why does this topic matter to you as a current/future sport manager?
What tangible, practical steps would you suggest to address this issue so it would be “reformed?”
What impact could it make on your current/future athletes, colleagues, or staff?
What sociological concepts relate to your proposed topic? How would you go about describing that within an essay?
How would you go about searching for news articles and peer-reviewed research (i.e., journal articles) for this topic area and its potential reform?