The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and econom

The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and econom

The research paper for this class will be on a topic in sport finance and economics(Youth Sports Financial Challenges) Students will have the opportunity to examine an area of financial or economic in sport that is of interest to them. Students will select a topic from an already approved list that is posted to moodle and get that topic approved by the instructor by the end of week two as no students can do the same topic. Students are required to work independently on this research paper. There are multiple students who have submitted assignments largely, or entirely, generated by AI. If you have done so, or have considered doing so, you need to stop immediately!!!
The overall design is for you to use text, peer-reviewed research, and current news sources to gain knowledge of a current issue in sport finance and economics. The paper must be a minimum of 8 pages long (not counting Title page and Reference section), on the issue, its history, current status, and potential future ramifications. . The paper will be in APA format, 12 point font. You can use either New Times Roman or Calibri font, no other font will be accepted. The paper will also have a minimum of 8 scholarly resources and a maximum of 5 non-scholarly resources. The paper will be graded according to the rubric that is posted in Moodle. A out line of should be included in the Paper is down below with 3 articles you can use If you want to.