In Module 9 of this course, you will produce a brief research document about the

In Module 9 of this course, you will produce a brief research document about the

In Module 9 of this course, you will produce a brief research document about the subject of your data collection and analysis. The resources that you will use include the Hunt Library and/or the following databases in order to gather data that you can analyze for your own hypothesis test. Review these websites and their respective databases at this time for familiarity.
Download RSCH 665 Decision Tree for Statistical Tests (DOCX) I have attached below along with my research along the way
Access the following websites to see what kinds of data are available:
Runway Safety Statistics/FAA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Aviation Accident Database and Synopses/NTSB (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) (Links to an external site.)
Accident and Incident Data/FAA (Links to an external site.)
Airline On-time Statistics and Delay Causes/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Data and Statistics for Airport Program/FAA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Airlines and Airports/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Links to an external site.)
General Aviation Statistics/AOPA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Statistical Databook and Industry Outlook/GAMA (Links to an external site.)
Historical Chart Gallery of Market Indexes/Stock Charts (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities/Bureau of Labor Statistics (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Data and Statistics/OSHA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Data Sources/Health and Safety Executive (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS)/CDC (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Research and Data/NHTSALinks to an external site.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Data and Statistics Gateway/CDCLinks to an external site.
This should just be a brief research document. I have attached the document for my research and topic. Also I will post helpful videos you can watch to help decide what would be the best statical test used for the research

Case Study Final Report For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Examp

Case Study Final Report
For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Examp

Case Study Final Report
For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Example Template for the Frame Work (Attached). This will show you the concept that is expect for the final report of the company that was chosen Samsung.
Provide each of the Week Case Study separately and the combined the information to create the final report.
In order to complete the Final Report for this project you will need to complete the following:
Complete Cover Page (Template Attached)
Complete Week 2 Case Study (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 4 Case Study (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 6 Case Study Trend Analysis (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 8 Case Study Final Report (Part 4) (Instructions Attached & Below)
Complete the Part 4: Summary and Conclusion section of your report.
• Summarize your analysis. Review your comments in the financial analysis section and provide your assessment of the overall status of the firm. Include any recommendations you think are appropriate.
• List any other recommendations you have for the firm in view of your analysis.
Two files required for submission:
1. Your final report using the framework:
You should use your revised previous work based on my feedback for this final report. Do not forget references and the income statement and balance sheet as appendixes. This should be in a single WORD file, where a person can read it from beginning to end without having to reference hidden files, or websites. Display and formatting is part of the grade.
Preview or print your report and see that it is formatted correctly and is easily read and followed by the reader. (Hint: Think of giving this report to your grandparents to show what you did in this class. They should be able to follow your report and analysis with ease.)
2. Please use one Excel file to combine your revised week 4 case study financials overview and week 6 case study trend analysis. Use one tab for week 4’s work and one tab for week 6’s work. And submit this Excel file.

Re/App 6 – Discrete Probability Distributions The data attached is from observat

Re/App 6 – Discrete Probability Distributions
The data attached is from observat

Re/App 6 – Discrete Probability Distributions
The data attached is from observations of a supermarket “self-checkout” line at random times of day for 25 selected days, for a total of 75 observations. A data value of 1 means there was 1 person in line, a data value of 2 means there were 2 people in line, etc.
In a microsoft word document answer the following questions about the data (data is attached as a file):
(REQUIRED) Answer the following questions about the data:.
(a) What type of data is this? That is, is it: Qualitative Nominal, Qualitative Ordinal, Quantitative Discrete, or Quantitative Continuous data?
(b) Explain WHY you say it is that type. (2 points total for Question 1)
What is the probability P(x > 2)? Express the probability as a decimal, rounded to three places. (2 points)
Find P(x is no more than 12). Express the probability as a decimal, rounded to three places. (2 points)
Does the probability in Question 3 indicate that it was an unusual event? Look up the concept of an unusual event in the textbook, if necessary, before answering! Explain your answer in a full sentence. Be sure you are specific about the value of the probability in Question 3 in comparison to the criterion for an unusual event. (2 points)
In your opinion, does the store need more checkout lanes? Cite specific probabilities from your distribution to justify your written answer; do not just answer yes/no. (2 points)

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for yo

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for yo

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for your peer reply post.
Topic 1:
One goal of statistics is to identify relations among variables. What happens to one variable as another variable changes? Does a change in one variable cause a change in another variable? These questions can lead to powerful methods of predicting future values through linear regression.
It is important to note the true meaning and scope of correlation, which is the nature of the relation between two variables. Correlation does not allow us to say that there is any causal link between the two variables. In other words, we cannot say that one variable causes another; however, it is not uncommon to see such use in the news media. An example is shown below.
Here we see that, at least visually, there appears to be a relation between the divorce rate in Maine and the per capita consumption of margarine. Does this data imply that all married couples in Maine should immediately stop using margarine to stave off divorce? Common sense tells us that is probably not true. This is an example of a spurious correlation in which there appears to be a relation between the divorce rate and margarine consumption, but it is not a causal link. The appearance of such a relation could merely be due to coincidence or perhaps another unseen factor.
What is one instance where you have seen correlation misinterpreted as causation? Please describe. This serves as your initial post to the discussion (if you choose topic 1) and is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday. -OR-
Topic 2:
Linear regression is used to predict the value of one variable from another variable. Since it is based on correlation, it cannot provide causation. In addition, the strength of the relationship between the two variables affects the ability to predict one variable from the other variable; that is, the stronger the relationship between the two variables, the better the ability to do prediction.
For example, given this data on literacy and undernourishment, we can create a scatter plot which shows that there seems to be a relationship between the variables.
The graph implies that as literacy (x) increases, the percentage of people who are undernourished (y) decreases.
We can calculate a best-fit line equation and use this to predict that the undernourishment rate we would expect in a country with a percentage literacy rate of 87% would be y = (-0.5539)(87)+55.621 or about 7.43 percent. What is one instance where you think linear regression would be useful to you in your workplace or chosen major? Please describe why and how it would be used. This serves as your initial post to the discussion (if you choose topic 2) and is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday.
At least one substantive peer reply post is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday.

Assignment 2 Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity in research. You will identify and briefly discuss the different types of validity, providing simple examples to illustrate each type.
Format: Write a short essay on the different types of validity in research. This should be one page long, using a 12-point font and single spacing.
Content Requirements:
Introduction (15% of content): Give a simple explanation of what validity is and why it’s important in research.
Main Content (70% of content): Discuss the following types of validity, keeping explanations clear and concise:
Construct Validity
Internal Validity
External Validity
Criterion-related Validity
Content Validity
For each type, provide a simple, relatable example.
Conclusion (15% of content): Summarize the importance of understanding different types of validity in making sure research findings are trustworthy.

These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistica

These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistica

These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistical software package.
You will practice each of the types of analyses discussed in class. For each practice assignment, you
will conduct a set of analyses on a real dataset and report the results of these analyses in APA format.
You will use the dataset titled JASP Data – Personality, Risk, Gambling.
(a) Visualize the distributions of at least two variables;
(b) Visualize the distributions of at least two variables split by a categorical variable (e.g.,
conscientiousness by gender)
(c) Report a table of descriiptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance, std. deviation)
(d) Report a table of descriiptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance, std. deviation) split by a
categorical variable (e.g., gender)
Submission requirements:
• Please submit a single .jasp file containing your analyses and submit to Dropbox


This is a Discussion ONLY link.

This is a Discussion ONLY link.
Do NOT POST your completed Answers here. Post your answers on the ASSIGNMENT link.
Do NOT Post your Answers here!!!!!
Feel Free to discuss any aspect of this hypothetical case. Post questions, ideas, comments, your research findings, even related personal experiences.
I will participate / add my comments where necessary.
Please be courteous / professional if responding to another student’s posting. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Topic of Discussion: Alternative Dispute Resolution This is a Graded Assignment
You own the ABC bicycle manufacturing company.
You entered into a written contract with the XYZ corporation to deliver 1,000 bicycle seats by a certain date. The XYZ corporation failed to deliver the bicycle seats.
Because of the failure of the XYZ Corporation to deliver the seats, you were not able to deliver completed bicycles to your retailers and your company has now lost those sales! You are upset and contemplating suing the XYZ Corporation. You review the written agreement you signed / entered into with the XYZ corporation, in addition to all of the particulars regarding the bicycle seats, date, time of delivery, etc. the agreement also has a BINDING ARBITRATION clause.
You lost a good deal of money because you were unable to deliver the finished bicycles to your customers – now you would like to be compensated for your losses! Answer the following Questions based on the Fact scenario above:
1. You would like to take this matter to court and sue the XYZ corporation for damages! Can you? DISCUSS – Not a simple Yes or No Answer! 20%
2. Assuming you go to Arbitration and the arbitrator rules in favor of the XYZ Corporation. You feel the arbitrator did not listen to you and now you wish to file a court action and / or appeal against the XYZ corporation in court. CAN YOU? What is the legal basis, if any, allowing you to appeal an arbitrator’s ruling? DISCUSS. 50%
3. Briefly discuss the key differences between “Mediation” and “Binding Arbitration.” 30%
Your Answers should be more than a simple “Yes” or “No”. Be Certain to Separately Answer EACH of the QUESTIONS 1, 2, and 3 – separate answers not one run-on paragraph. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Don’t attempt to answer these questions without researching the law first!
You will need to review the material in your textbook – and welcome to research other legal sites for information – relating to “Alternative Dispute Resolution” which was covered in Chapter 3.

Please refer to the PDF file to see the case study. Please answer questions 2 an

Please refer to the PDF file to see the case study. Please answer questions 2 an

Please refer to the PDF file to see the case study. Please answer questions 2 and 5, using the provided Excel File and the analysis writeup (the word doc is still a work in progress as I am writing up the discussions on the last 4 restaurants for question 1).
Please run the appropriate tests in Excel where needed to answer the questions. Screenshot the Excel screens and attach the screenshots in the analysis writeups for the questions. Please also send me the Excel file with testings you will have conducted.
Please be specific with your responses and showcase critical thinking as well as your critique where appropriate. State your assumptions where needed with explanations/rationale.

Assignment 2 Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity in research. You will identify and briefly discuss the different types of validity, providing simple examples to illustrate each type.
Format: Write a short essay on the different types of validity in research. This should be one page long, using a 12-point font and single spacing.
Content Requirements:
Introduction (15% of content): Give a simple explanation of what validity is and why it’s important in research.
Main Content (70% of content): Discuss the following types of validity, keeping explanations clear and concise:
Construct Validity
Internal Validity
External Validity
Criterion-related Validity
Content Validity
For each type, provide a simple, relatable example.
Conclusion (15% of content): Summarize the importance of understanding different types of validity in making sure research findings are trustworthy.

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for yo

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for yo

Choose either topic 1 or topic 2 for your initial post. Respond to either for your peer reply post.
Topic 1:
One goal of statistics is to identify relations among variables. What happens to one variable as another variable changes? Does a change in one variable cause a change in another variable? These questions can lead to powerful methods of predicting future values through linear regression.
It is important to note the true meaning and scope of correlation, which is the nature of the relation between two variables. Correlation does not allow us to say that there is any causal link between the two variables. In other words, we cannot say that one variable causes another; however, it is not uncommon to see such use in the news media. An example is shown below.
Here we see that, at least visually, there appears to be a relation between the divorce rate in Maine and the per capita consumption of margarine. Does this data imply that all married couples in Maine should immediately stop using margarine to stave off divorce? Common sense tells us that is probably not true. This is an example of a spurious correlation in which there appears to be a relation between the divorce rate and margarine consumption, but it is not a causal link. The appearance of such a relation could merely be due to coincidence or perhaps another unseen factor.
What is one instance where you have seen correlation misinterpreted as causation? Please describe. This serves as your initial post to the discussion (if you choose topic 1) and is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday. -OR-
Topic 2:
Linear regression is used to predict the value of one variable from another variable. Since it is based on correlation, it cannot provide causation. In addition, the strength of the relationship between the two variables affects the ability to predict one variable from the other variable; that is, the stronger the relationship between the two variables, the better the ability to do prediction.
For example, given this data on literacy and undernourishment, we can create a scatter plot which shows that there seems to be a relationship between the variables.
The graph implies that as literacy (x) increases, the percentage of people who are undernourished (y) decreases.
We can calculate a best-fit line equation and use this to predict that the undernourishment rate we would expect in a country with a percentage literacy rate of 87% would be y = (-0.5539)(87)+55.621 or about 7.43 percent. What is one instance where you think linear regression would be useful to you in your workplace or chosen major? Please describe why and how it would be used. This serves as your initial post to the discussion (if you choose topic 2) and is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday.
At least one substantive peer reply post is due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday.