These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistica

These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistica

These hands-on practice assignments will familiarize you with JASP, a statistical software package.
You will practice each of the types of analyses discussed in class. For each practice assignment, you
will conduct a set of analyses on a real dataset and report the results of these analyses in APA format.
You will use the dataset titled JASP Data – Personality, Risk, Gambling.
(a) Visualize the distributions of at least two variables;
(b) Visualize the distributions of at least two variables split by a categorical variable (e.g.,
conscientiousness by gender)
(c) Report a table of descriiptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance, std. deviation)
(d) Report a table of descriiptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance, std. deviation) split by a
categorical variable (e.g., gender)
Submission requirements:
• Please submit a single .jasp file containing your analyses and submit to Dropbox