Assignment 2 Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity in research. You will identify and briefly discuss the different types of validity, providing simple examples to illustrate each type.
Format: Write a short essay on the different types of validity in research. This should be one page long, using a 12-point font and single spacing.
Content Requirements:
Introduction (15% of content): Give a simple explanation of what validity is and why it’s important in research.
Main Content (70% of content): Discuss the following types of validity, keeping explanations clear and concise:
Construct Validity
Internal Validity
External Validity
Criterion-related Validity
Content Validity
For each type, provide a simple, relatable example.
Conclusion (15% of content): Summarize the importance of understanding different types of validity in making sure research findings are trustworthy.

Assignment 2 Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity

Assignment 2
Objective: This assignment aims to simplify the concept of validity in research. You will identify and briefly discuss the different types of validity, providing simple examples to illustrate each type.
Format: Write a short essay on the different types of validity in research. This should be one page long, using a 12-point font and single spacing.
Content Requirements:
Introduction (15% of content): Give a simple explanation of what validity is and why it’s important in research.
Main Content (70% of content): Discuss the following types of validity, keeping explanations clear and concise:
Construct Validity
Internal Validity
External Validity
Criterion-related Validity
Content Validity
For each type, provide a simple, relatable example.
Conclusion (15% of content): Summarize the importance of understanding different types of validity in making sure research findings are trustworthy.

One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not

One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not

One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not explain the underlying reasons for observed trends. Further investigation is needed to understand the intricacies that contribute to observed phenomena. In 2020, Harvard conducted a study on the pay difference among Uber drivers. They found that men tended to make more money than women on Uber. This is interesting because Uber’s compensation is clearly outlined and defined by the number of rides completed, the time of day worked, and the duration of driving, etc. Thus, everyone who drives for Uber has an unambiguously equal opportunity to make the same income.
Given what we’ve learned in class thus far, write a 3 – 5 page paper (double-spaced) describing the differences outlined in the attached research paper on the Uber driver’s pay gap. Reference your observations in your paper by putting the page number of the information you are citing in parentheses from the Uber pay gap research. For example, if you are talking about the figure on page 12, you would write something like “According to figure 1 (12), men made more money than women on Uber from Feb 2015 to Feb 2017.” or another example, “The article suggests this is due to… (13)”
Your paper should:
1.Identify the sample population Uber studied and explain if you think it is a good representation of the larger population it is supposed to represent, and why.
2.Explain the different metrics the researchers evaluated to identify a pay gap and the type of measurement it is, i.e., quantitative, qualitative, ranked, nominal, ordinal, etc.
3.Explain how the pay gap could be reduced given the information provided in the article.

There is a global demand for business professionals who can use business data an

There is a global demand for business professionals who can use business data an

There is a global demand for business professionals who can use business data and analytics to make informed business decisions. Business professionals need to have knowledge in statistical analysis and business analytics for improving profitability and efficiency. A good business analyst will be able to interpret data, conduct data mining, find key values from the data, find relationships between variables, determine the best predictors, and interpret key findings.
Ihotu Printer Company manufactures two models of portable printers: Alpha and Beta. Each model Alpha costs $100 to make, and each model Beta costs $150. The profits are $30 for each model Alpha and $40 for each model Beta portable printer. Over the past few years, the company has been affected by the pandemic and supply chain issues forcing it to make optimization steps in order to maximize its profitability. If the total number of portable printers demanded per month does not exceed 2500 and the company has earmarked no more than $600,000/month for manufacturing costs, how many units of each model should Ihotu Printer Company make each month to maximize its monthly profit? What is the objective? What are the constraints, limitations, or restrictions?
Provide your solution on a graph using Desmos, Desmos Calculator, as well as MS Excel using the Solver Tool. Include your interpretation of the combination of each model that maximizes its monthly profit. Include a recommendation of the company’s financials and how it can stay profitable based on your analysis.
Part 3
For the final submission, provide a report for the company including your analysis of your forecast using moving average as well as exponential smoothing from Parts 1 & 2 as well as your interpretation of the combination of each model that maximizes its monthly profit in Part 3. Include a recommendation of the company’s financials and how it can stay profitable based on your analysis.
Assignment Requirements:
Provide the objective, constraints of the given linear optimization question in Part 3.
Use Excel as well as Desmos to show the units of each unit to maximize the company’s profit. Upload both results and interpret your results.
Submit a recommendation for Ihotu Printer Company to address forecasting results from Part 1 and 2 as well as optimization results from Part 3.
Word Count: 750-1000
APA Formatting

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participat

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participat

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Due Thursday Your neighbor teaches math at your local elementary school. This week, her students are being introduced to the concepts of mean, median, and mode. The students have been asking, “Why do we need to learn these things? We will never use them in real life.” Your neighbor has asked your advice in responding to this complaint.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Without using the word “average” or any mathematical equations, describe how you might respond to the elementary school students.
Due Monday Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.

Recall the car data set you identified in Week 2. We know that this data set is

Recall the car data set you identified in Week 2. We know that this data set is

Recall the car data set you identified in Week 2. We know that this data set is normally distributed using the mean and SD you calculated. (Be sure you use the numbers without the supercar outlier)
For the next 4 cars that are sampled, what is the probability that the price will be less than $500 dollars below the mean? Make sure you interpret your results.
Please note: we are given a new sample size, we will need to calculate a new SD. Then, to find the value that is $500 below the mean you will need to take the mean and subtract $500 from it. For example, if the mean is $15,000 then $500 below this would be $14,500. Thus the probability you would want to find is P(x < 14,500). For the next 4 cars that are sampled, what is the probability that the price will be higher than $1000 dollars above the mean? Make sure you interpret your results. Use the same logic as above. If your mean is $15,000 then $1,000 above is 15,000 + 1,000 = $16,000. Thus the probability you would want to find is P(x > 16,000).
For the next 4 cars that are sampled, what is the probability that the price will be equal to the mean? Make sure you interpret your results. Use the same logic as above.
For the next 4 cars that are sampled, what is the probability that the price will be $1500 within the mean? Make sure you interpret your results. Use the same logic as above.
I encourage you to review the Week 4 normal probabilities PDF at the bottom of the discussion. This will give you a step by step example to follow and show you how to find probabilities using Excel. I also encourage you to review the Week 4 Empirical Rule PDF. This will give you a better understanding on how to utilize the empirical rule. You can also use this PDF in the Quizzes section.


This is a Discussion ONLY link.

This is a Discussion ONLY link.
Do NOT POST your completed Answers here. Post your answers on the ASSIGNMENT link.
Do NOT Post your Answers here!!!!!
Feel Free to discuss any aspect of this hypothetical case. Post questions, ideas, comments, your research findings, even related personal experiences.
I will participate / add my comments where necessary.
Please be courteous / professional if responding to another student’s posting. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Topic of Discussion: Alternative Dispute Resolution This is a Graded Assignment
You own the ABC bicycle manufacturing company.
You entered into a written contract with the XYZ corporation to deliver 1,000 bicycle seats by a certain date. The XYZ corporation failed to deliver the bicycle seats.
Because of the failure of the XYZ Corporation to deliver the seats, you were not able to deliver completed bicycles to your retailers and your company has now lost those sales! You are upset and contemplating suing the XYZ Corporation. You review the written agreement you signed / entered into with the XYZ corporation, in addition to all of the particulars regarding the bicycle seats, date, time of delivery, etc. the agreement also has a BINDING ARBITRATION clause.
You lost a good deal of money because you were unable to deliver the finished bicycles to your customers – now you would like to be compensated for your losses! Answer the following Questions based on the Fact scenario above:
1. You would like to take this matter to court and sue the XYZ corporation for damages! Can you? DISCUSS – Not a simple Yes or No Answer! 20%
2. Assuming you go to Arbitration and the arbitrator rules in favor of the XYZ Corporation. You feel the arbitrator did not listen to you and now you wish to file a court action and / or appeal against the XYZ corporation in court. CAN YOU? What is the legal basis, if any, allowing you to appeal an arbitrator’s ruling? DISCUSS. 50%
3. Briefly discuss the key differences between “Mediation” and “Binding Arbitration.” 30%
Your Answers should be more than a simple “Yes” or “No”. Be Certain to Separately Answer EACH of the QUESTIONS 1, 2, and 3 – separate answers not one run-on paragraph. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Don’t attempt to answer these questions without researching the law first!
You will need to review the material in your textbook – and welcome to research other legal sites for information – relating to “Alternative Dispute Resolution” which was covered in Chapter 3.