One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not

One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not

One of the challenges with statistics is that they only describe data and do not explain the underlying reasons for observed trends. Further investigation is needed to understand the intricacies that contribute to observed phenomena. In 2020, Harvard conducted a study on the pay difference among Uber drivers. They found that men tended to make more money than women on Uber. This is interesting because Uber’s compensation is clearly outlined and defined by the number of rides completed, the time of day worked, and the duration of driving, etc. Thus, everyone who drives for Uber has an unambiguously equal opportunity to make the same income.
Given what we’ve learned in class thus far, write a 3 – 5 page paper (double-spaced) describing the differences outlined in the attached research paper on the Uber driver’s pay gap. Reference your observations in your paper by putting the page number of the information you are citing in parentheses from the Uber pay gap research. For example, if you are talking about the figure on page 12, you would write something like “According to figure 1 (12), men made more money than women on Uber from Feb 2015 to Feb 2017.” or another example, “The article suggests this is due to… (13)”
Your paper should:
1.Identify the sample population Uber studied and explain if you think it is a good representation of the larger population it is supposed to represent, and why.
2.Explain the different metrics the researchers evaluated to identify a pay gap and the type of measurement it is, i.e., quantitative, qualitative, ranked, nominal, ordinal, etc.
3.Explain how the pay gap could be reduced given the information provided in the article.