To learn how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flowchart from Week 1 and

To learn how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flowchart from Week 1 and

To learn how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flowchart from Week 1 and identify variances within a process. You can find variances from the data identified in Week 1.Complete the Statistical Process Control Methods Worksheet.Submit your assignment.ResourcesStatistical Functions
Excel Functions
Center for Writing Excellence
Reference and Citation Generator
Grammar Assistance

I completed part A of the research paper, but need to complete part B which is t

I completed part A of the research paper, but need to complete part B which is t

I completed part A of the research paper, but need to complete part B which is the “results” part. This is about a research project that’s about Astrology. “Does astrology shape personal identity and social relationships between young adults aged 18-30 years?” The primary data source for this study was a structured questionnaire that was collected, which is attached. For Part B, you’ve to describe raw data and describe the statistical test that was selected (A-D). Please let me know should there be any questions. Thank you!

When conducting or evaluating research, it’s important to understand when it’s a

When conducting or evaluating research, it’s important to understand when it’s a

When conducting or evaluating research, it’s important to understand when it’s appropriate to use numeric or nonnumeric data gathering, analysis, and study.

Many careers require an ability to locate, review, and incorporate data and hypothesis testing into outcome-based projects. This assessment requires you to evaluate a quantitative and a qualitative research study.

Imagine that you are instructing students about the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, and you are asked to present this information to your class.

Use the University of Phoenix Library to research 2 journal articles: one that is based on a quantitative study, and one that is based on a qualitative study.

Note: Refer to Table 2.2, “A List of Psychological Journals by Type of Article Published,” located on p. 71 in Ch. 2 of The Process of Research and Statistical Analysis in Psychology, to help you with your search. This list includes both general psychology journals and journals that specialize in a particular area of psychology.

Create a 10- to 12-slide slide presentation in which you analyze both the qualitative and quantitative studies. Address the following in your presentation:
Describe each study.
Identify the research methods used for each study (e.g., sampling, probability, hypothesis type, testing used to address the problem statement).
Explain the outcomes from each study.
Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research with specific examples from each study.
Discuss any threats to validity or bias that you may have seen.

Include a reference slide with citations formatted according to APA guidelines.
Additionally, please complete the attached worksheet.

Follow these steps for this activity: Create a new document that contains your s

Follow these steps for this activity:
Create a new document that contains your s

Follow these steps for this activity:
Create a new document that contains your solutions.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Save your StatCrunch output file using the same naming convention that includes your first and last name, the activity number, and output in the file name. View the instructions (PDF)Download Instructio on how to create and download the output file.
Submit both the assignment and StatCrunch output document in Canvas. If you do not submit your StatCrunch output file, you will receive zero credit for this assignment. Note: you must download both the assignment submission and the StatCrunch output document for all StatCrunch assignments in this course.

Write a synopsis/abstract that describes your research project. Make sure you co

Write a synopsis/abstract that describes your research project.
Make sure you co

Write a synopsis/abstract that describes your research project.
Make sure you cover the following items in your synopsis:
Research Problem
Research Question
Hypotheses (put in mathematical equation format)
Statistical Test projected to be used
Implications from your results – Why is this research important?
I have attache some research information below.

Important Information: Read all the instructions carefully before you begin! You

Important Information:
Read all the instructions carefully before you begin!

Important Information:
Read all the instructions carefully before you begin!
You will need to save the (.ipynb) file as a searchable PDF (NOT as a picture), and submit it as the primary resource. Pictures or snapshots of your work will NOT be accepted.
The generated CSV file and .ipynb file must be submitted in a zip-folder as the secondary source.
You may use Jupyter Notebook or Colab as per your convenience.
Non-compliance with the above instructions will result in a 0 grade on the relevant portions of the assignment. Your instructor will grade your assignment based on what you submitted. Failure to submit the assignment or submitting an assignment intended for another class will result in a 0 grade, and resubmission will not be allowed. Make sure that you submit your original work. Suspected cases of plagiarism will be treated as potential academic misconduct and will be reported to the College Academic Integrity Committee for a formal investigation. As part of this procedure, your instructor may require you to meet with them for an oral exam on the assignment.
Important First Steps:
You can use either Anaconda or Colab to work on the Jupyter notebook that you will submit as your final project on Forum:
Start by downloading this Jupyter Notebook to your local machine.
Open a tab in your browser and type
This will open a small window. Choose the last option Show notebooks in Drive on the upper menu, “Upload”. Then choose the Jupyter notebook you have saved in step 1.
You can start working on your assignment by answering the questions in the corresponding cells.
A sample code is provided for tasks 3 to 6. Remember these are only sample codes, and you will need to make minor revisions to the codes to be able to complete the tasks.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructors and the CIS tutors.
Imagine that you have graduated CIS and now work as a consultant.
You are hired by a health and fitness company.
They have collected detailed data from 507 physically active participants. This data includes information about the participant’s body measurements as well as personal attributes such as age, weight, height, and gender.
The company wants you to analyze this data in ways that can help them design personalized fitness evaluations and training regimens for their users.
Note: The entire dataset (and descriptions of each of the variables) can be found [here] (
In Assignment 1 you will take a random sample of 100 participants from the 507 individuals who were studied, and analyze the data for these 100 individuals.
Task 1.
As mentioned above, you will select a random sample of 100 individuals from the company’s data set.
You will then conduct analyses on this random sample.
Look at the code below. To select a random sample from the data, you should replace Name with your own name in the code.
After you have done so run the code. The code will generate a CSV file with a random sample of 100 participants. It will also be labeled with your name.
REMEMBER: you need to add this CSV file to a zip file along with your .ipynb. file when submitting your assignment.
Task 2.
Now that you have your data set you are ready to start analyzing it!
The first step is to explore your dataset.
Look at the variables that make up the data set.
Once you’ve done so, imagine you are writing a report for the fitness company that hired you.
Start with a brief introduction to the research question you are exploring, then the dataset you are analyzing (e.g., what is the sample you are analyzing? What are the variables?)
Assume that your audience is the company’s leadership. They will be with what you are reporting.
Task 3.
Run the code to randomly select 4 variables from your dataset.
It will then print the names of the four variables that were randomly selected.
REMEMBER: Check the full name of each of your variables, you can find it here.
Your task is to do the following:
You should create a histogram and generate descriptive statistics for each of the four variables that were randomly selected above. You can use the code below to help you do so.
For each variable you need to describe the following: shape,** center**,** spread**, and the presence of any outliers.
Task 4.
Now that you have described and plotted data, let’s explore if the data differ for male and female participants.
Generate grouped box plots for each of the 4 variables in Task 3.
Your boxplot should compare the distributions for males and females in your dataset.
Afterwards, you should describe what you observe in each case.
Make sure you mention the five-number summaries for both genders.
Task 5
Part A
Select TWO variables from Task 3. Treat these as an independent variable.
Now create a scatterplot for each variable.
In each case, the plot should visualize the relationship between the variable and weight (dependent variable).
Describe each scatterplot in terms of the form,** strength**, and direction of the relationship between the variables.
Part B
Examine if the relationship explored in each scatterplot varies by gender.
Hint: You will need to create scatterplots separately for each gender to answer this question.
Task 6.
Finally, for each of the variables you focused on in Task 5:
Fit a simple linear regression model that predicts a participant’s Weight based on the variable you selected.
Make sure you generate, interpret, and use the residual plot, the standard error, and the R^2 to assess the fit of each linear model.
If the model is a good fit, interpret the slope and the y-intercept.
If you found that the relationship between weight and the variable you selected differed for males and females in Task 5 (Part B) then:
Run the regression model for each gender separately and interpret your findings accordingly.
Assignment Information
Learning Outcomes Added
CompProgramDesign: Generate working programs in a computer language that can solve computational problems; find and fix bugs that appear in them.
Variables: Identify and classify the relevant variables of a system, problem, or model.
DescriptiveStats: Calculate and interpret descriptive statistics appropriately.
Correlation: Apply and interpret measures of correlation; distinguish correlation and causation.
Visualizations: Interpret, analyze, and create data visualizations.

After completing the preliminary reading found in the Discussion Assignment Inst

After completing the preliminary reading found in the Discussion Assignment Inst

After completing the preliminary reading found in the Discussion Assignment Instructions, choose one of the three professional scenarios described below and answer the following prompts in your original thread:
Analysis: State which scenario you chose and explain how the behavior in this scenario violates professional ethics, using specific support from both the ASA and APA ethical guidelines.
Action: How would you handle this situation as a professional counselor or psychologist? What approach would you take with your colleague/supervisor? Note that there are no right or wrong answers—this is a personal reflection on how you might handle such a situation in a professional manner.
Reflection: The Bible is full of stories of people who had to make difficult decisions or confront someone who was doing wrong. Choose a story that resonates with you and describe how the lesson(s) could apply to your specific scenario.
References: Include references in current APA style for the ethical guidelines, the Bible, and any other sources used.
Scenario 1:
You are a counseling supervisor at a local clinic that is taking part in a multi-site study of treatments for severe clinical depression among teenagers. You and your colleague are responsible for conducting assessments, recording data, and reporting the results to the academic team in charge of the study. Your colleague continues to mention that the outcome of the study could determine the level of future support for his preferred method of treatment. One day, you discover that your colleague has been slightly altering the scores in the outcome records in order to make his preferred treatment look superior to the other treatments in the study. When you ask him about it, he says he’s only making “small changes here and there, nothing too serious or too obvious.”
Scenario 2:
You are a school psychologist at a middle school, and part of your job is supervising the spring round of testing and evaluation that helps determine your school’s performance compared to other schools. The principal is excellent at her job and a good friend of yours. After an after-school event one evening, the two of you are chatting on your own when she mentions that she’s worried about the school’s performance ratings for the year. She has seen the preliminary data, and there is a small group of students in seventh grade who have extremely low scores that are pulling the average down for the rest of the group. She says that she plans to drop these very low scores when she sends the score sheets to the state. When you ask her why, she says that “they are not representative of the rest of the students’ abilities so shouldn’t be counted.”
Scenario 3:
You are a member of a team of social workers studying the relationship between social media use and depression among women. The study is funded by both government and industry organizations, including some social media companies. The supervising researcher of your team has been meeting often with representatives from one of these social media companies. When asked, she says that they are just discussing general study guidelines that everyone knows about. However, you later overhear that the company has offered your supervisor stock options and a paid position on an advisory board when the study is concluded, which she has accepted. You ask her to disclose this connection in the author notes of the paper that will soon be published, but she refuses, saying “it’s not a big deal and there’s no point raising a fuss.”
For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 citations in
current APA format. Required sources include the APA and ASA Ethical guidelines and the
Bible. Other acceptable sources include scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or book chapters, and
the textbook.
The discipline of statistics is governed by ethical guidelines that cover other areas including data
analysis, interpretation, and reporting. Under the Learn section read the following sources
concerning ethics in working with data and statistics:
1. Read: Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
The ASA’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice. Required sections: “Purpose” and
Sections A, C, E, F, and G. These sections are lettered in the “PDF download” indicated
at the top of the page.
Reference: American Statistical Association. (2022). Ethical guidelines for statistical
2. Read: Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
The APA’s Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Required sections:
Standard 5.01 and Standards 8.10 through 8.15 only.
Reference: American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of
psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1,

Assignment Content Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities

Assignment Content
Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities

Assignment Content
Review the following resource in the Wk 1 Learning Activities folder to help you with this assignment:
LinkedIn Learning video: “Differentiating Data Types”(Link at bottom of page)
Scenario: Your company is thinking about initiating a new training/professional development program. The organization has investigated these programs in the past and has collected some data regarding the cost of the training programs, types of programs employees are interested in, and survey results. You were provided information and data to make sense of the situation so that you can provide a recommendation to your leadership.
View the Training/Professional Development Program Data in the Wk1 Assignment Data Set workbook for the following:(attachment attached)
Information about the survey that was deployed to employees to gather information about their desire to obtain professional development
A descriiption of the cost of professional development per employee
Information about the survey that was deployed to employees to gather information about how they would prefer to attend professional development
Complete the Data Source and Data Type Worksheet based on the information in the workbook. (attachment attached)
*********Rubric Details below.
1. Identify the type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for each data source.
20% of total grade
2. Write a definition for each type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio).
25% of total grade
3. Write an explanation describing how you know which type of data is presented from each data source.
25% of total grade
4. Write a descriiption of an additional example of each data type from your everyday life.
25% of total grade
5. Mechanics
2% of total grade
6. Use of Language
3% of total grade

Due Thursday Data is shared with us every day, and we encounter it wherever we

Due Thursday
Data is shared with us every day, and we encounter it wherever we

Due Thursday
Data is shared with us every day, and we encounter it wherever we go. This week is about different types of data from a variety of data sources.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Identify 4 different types of data you have encountered today or this week. Maybe it’s data you read, heard, or saw on television. For each identified data type, do the following:
1.Discuss where it came from. What was the context?
2.Summarize the meaning that was communicated.
3.Identify 1 question you could ask about the data.