Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditio

Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditio

Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditional class versus in hybrid format
Title- evaluating the impact of transitioning a respiratory care student from a traditional course to a hybrid course. The statistics should show if the hypothesis is rejected or accepted that there is no difference in final grade averages of the students. The file uploaded has the previous three academic years of students in a traditional setting and this past semester in a hybrid format. If there is a graph to support statistics please provide that as well.

The ability to accurately locate, read, and understand research is applicable ac

The ability to accurately locate, read, and understand research is applicable ac

The ability to accurately locate, read, and understand research is applicable across a wide range of careers, including any field with an evidence-based component for potential outcomes. Critically analyzing research beyond the undergraduate level is a skill that carries over this strategy of evidence gathering to practical and research-based levels of employment. In this assessment, you will gain a better understanding of a research study, including its potential ethical considerations and the methodology used to achieve results.

Imagine that you are employed as a research assistant at a pediatric office, and you are asked to analyze a study on child development.

Read “How do you learn to walk? Thousands of steps and dozens of falls per day” from the University of Phoenix Library.

Write a 1,250- to 2,000-word analysis in which you do the following:
Describe the study.
What was the hypothesis?
What methods were used to test the hypothesis?
What were the results?
Provide your opinion on whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
Describe what you would have done differently and what you would have done the same if you were conducting this research.
Provide an analysis of the ethical considerations.

First, please ensure you make assignment decisions using the project guidelines

First, please ensure you make assignment decisions using the project guidelines

First, please ensure you make assignment decisions using the project guidelines in “Data Projects.” Complete both tables provided in this project. Review salaries across Texas online for your dream position. If you do not have one, pick something that sounds interesting to research. Select 15 different cities to research.
Complete the table and then respond to the five questions (do not forget to provide the questions with your response). Include a source to support (either the course textbook or another resource) your thoughts when responding to the question.
What are the salaries?
How many years of experience are required?
Company City Salary Experience
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What is the average salary? [Round to 1 decimal place if needed]
What is the standard deviation? [Round to 1 decimal place if needed]
What are the average years of experience needed? [Round to 1 decimal place if needed]
What is the standard deviation for years of experience?
Write a paragraph explaining what the average and standard deviation mean in the context of the data. Include a source to support your explanation.
Complete the table below by picking five different salaries from your data and change the values into z-scores. [Round to two decimal places]
Salaries Z-Score
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a paragraph explaining what the z-scores tell you about the salaries that you have chosen. Are any of them considered unusual for the industry? Very Unusual? Include a source to support your explanation.
Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at, LibreOffice (download free software at, or other per course requirements. Save your file as a .rtf file or .doc to ensure that it can be opened on any computer. Submit your assignment by selecting the title link, browsing, and attaching your saved file. Make sure to select SUBMIT. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grades (available under Tools).
1. You are required to submit the project under the assignment links located in the Data Projects folder on the Course Menu. Also, please submit them as Microsoft Word and or documents (See Helpful resources in Data Projects for “Free Software” Micr0s0ft Office 365) as noted in the specific date project instructions. If you experience problems with attachments, let me know.
2. Please follow the proper format to include writing the questions, including tables (if applicable), and answering the questions.
3. Answer the questions completely, and use citations from the chapters of the text to support your work, your analysis of the case, and your experience/judgment. If a question has more than one part, ensure you answer all of it. A response should be multiple complete sentences.
4. Be sure to include at least one text citation in MLA format from the course textbook chapters to justify your opinion in response to the questions. You are welcome to include more than one. If you are unsure how to cite, please visit the helpful links below.
5. While this is not an English course, grammar/spelling/punctuation/etc. are important. Write in complete sentences and proofread your work. In the business/professional world, you are often judged by your correct use of the English language. Therefore, I take this into consideration when scoring your case studies. In that regard, don’t let your computer proofread for you. It will let you get away with “rout” when you mean “route”, “to” when you mean “too”, “manger” when you mean “manager”, etc. Be sure to capitalize “I” when referencing yourself.
6. Please ensure that you meet all assignment requirements as noted on the example “Rubric” under Data Projects.
7. My goal is to have projects evaluated and grades posted on Blackboard within a week after the due date.
8. This assignment is being checked by SafeAssign, a tool used to prevent plagiarism. All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. More information can be found at

Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical dat

Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical dat

Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical data relevant to the health issue and population you identified in
Week 1.
Create an annotated bibliography on the articles you find.
Write a 2- to 3-page literature review about the articles.
you will conduct research to identify articles that contain statistical data relevant to the health issue and population you identified in Week 1.
Create an annotated bibliography on the articles you find and write a literature review about the articles. You will revise, improve, and expand your literature review for your final Course Capstone Project submission.
The literature review must include the following:
Compare the sample data sets and statistical models used to analyze the data in each article. In what ways are they similar? Dissimilar?
Are the findings and recommendations offered by each article similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, do the findings and recommendations contradict each other?
Critique the articles. Which data sets, statistical methodologies, and findings seem most valid? Why? Which recommendations are most persuasive? Why?
Cite the articles throughout the literature review to remain grounded in your research.
your literature review must include the following:
Compare the sample data sets and statistical models used to analyze the data in each article. In what ways are they similar? Dissimilar?
Are the findings and recommendations offered by each article similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, do the findings and recommendations contradict each other?
Critique the articles. Which data sets, statistical methodologies, and findings seem most valid? Why? Which recommendations are most persuasive? Why?
Cite the articles throughout the literature review to remain grounded in your research.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Your submission should include an annotated bibliography and a literature review.

Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He ha

Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He ha

Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He had 100 high school athletes shoot 21 free throws in two different conditions. In one condition, a small crowd was present that made negative remarks to heckle the participant. In the other condition, the small crowd cheered for the participant as they attempted the same number of free throws. The participants were counterbalanced so that some went to the cheering condition first and some to the heckling condition. The data set includes the number of free throws the participants made successfully in both conditions. You can download the data in the course files under the file name “FreeThrows”
For the experiment described in the instructions, which of these variables would go in which category?

Question at position 2 What type of analysis would be appropriate for this study?
What type of analysis would be appropriate for this study?
Pearson Correlation
paired samples t-test
independent samples t-test

Question at position 3 Using the data, fill in the blanks with the correct values, number only. Remember to use APA style rounding.
When the participants were heckled, they successfully made an average of Question Blank 1 of 2 (s = Question Blank 2 of 2) free throws.
Question at position 4 It would be expected that a participant would get better simply by doing this task the first time. Would that affect the validity of this experiment?
It would be expected that a participant would get better simply by doing this task the first time. Would that affect the validity of this experiment?
No, since they were counterbalanced across conditions, it should not matter.
Yes, it should be noted in the discussion section as a limitation.
Question at position 5
5 28 points

Question at position 5 Using your analysis of the data, fill in the blanks, numbers only. Remember to use APA style rounding.
t(Question Blank 1 of 4) = Question Blank 2 of 4, p = Question Blank 3 of 4, d = Question Blank 4 of 4
Question at position 6
6 7 points

Question at position 6 During the first day of the experiment, one of the experimenters discovered that ten of the participants were varsity basketball players. What effect could this have on the validity of the experiment?
During the first day of the experiment, one of the experimenters discovered that ten of the participants were varsity basketball players. What effect could this have on the validity of the experiment?
It would reduce validity, those participants should be excluded.
It would increase between group variance and thus it would increase the likelihood of making a type 2 error.
It would no affect validity, because each person is their own control in a within-subjects experiment.
Question at position 7
7 7 points

Question at position 7 Based on your analysis of the data, which one would you choose?
Based on your analysis of the data, which one would you choose?
Reject the null hypothesis
Fail to reject the null hypothesis
Question at position 8
8 9 points

Question at position 8 Based on your analysis of the data. Which one of these statements is accurate?
Based on your analysis of the data. Which one of these statements is accurate?
Participants made more free throws when the crowd cheered.
Hecklers need therapy.
Heckling was effective in reducing the number of free throws made.
Crowd behavior did not affect the participants’ success at shooting free throws.

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do. So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your intervention had been effective in part two you will submit the second A phase for part 3 (your return to baseline condition) and provide a description as to whether or not the data changed as expected (returned to the level of responding seen in the initial baseline data collection or if it remained stable. Regardless of what happens to the behavior during this reversal week, your final phase will be to resume the contingency during part 4.
However, if your initial intervention was not effective during part 2 (the B phase) then you will need to explain why you think it was not effective (i.e. the rate of behavior remained the same during the B phase as it had been during the initial Baseline) and during week three you will need to start a new or modified intervention (contingency) and your week 3 data will be the C phase. You will then re-evaluate if your C phase was effective to determine what you would need to do for Part 4 of your project.
Make sure you include a copy of your graph with all three weeks of data labeled appropriately.
( I have attached project 2 below for context and how the graph should look as well, please make it simple and follow the instructions!)