Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical dat

Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical dat

Conduct research to identify at least five articles that contain statistical data relevant to the health issue and population you identified in
Week 1.
Create an annotated bibliography on the articles you find.
Write a 2- to 3-page literature review about the articles.
you will conduct research to identify articles that contain statistical data relevant to the health issue and population you identified in Week 1.
Create an annotated bibliography on the articles you find and write a literature review about the articles. You will revise, improve, and expand your literature review for your final Course Capstone Project submission.
The literature review must include the following:
Compare the sample data sets and statistical models used to analyze the data in each article. In what ways are they similar? Dissimilar?
Are the findings and recommendations offered by each article similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, do the findings and recommendations contradict each other?
Critique the articles. Which data sets, statistical methodologies, and findings seem most valid? Why? Which recommendations are most persuasive? Why?
Cite the articles throughout the literature review to remain grounded in your research.
your literature review must include the following:
Compare the sample data sets and statistical models used to analyze the data in each article. In what ways are they similar? Dissimilar?
Are the findings and recommendations offered by each article similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, do the findings and recommendations contradict each other?
Critique the articles. Which data sets, statistical methodologies, and findings seem most valid? Why? Which recommendations are most persuasive? Why?
Cite the articles throughout the literature review to remain grounded in your research.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Your submission should include an annotated bibliography and a literature review.