Global competition that has reduced jobs and earnings in many U.S. jurisdictions

Global competition that has reduced jobs and earnings in many U.S. jurisdictions

Global competition that has reduced jobs and earnings in many U.S. jurisdictions has impacted a far wider range of industries than automotive. State and local economic development officials, legislators, and administrators must continue to look at the use of economic development tools that address the retention needs of the highly valuable automotive industry along with corporations within all competitive industries well in advance of events that necessitate corporate decisions resulting in unfavorable jobs consequences. But how much is too much because there comes a point in an auction where you don’t want to be the one with your hand in the air. I want to see your research on this topic, laying out the positives and negatives, the benefits and the costs, and the point where offering incentives no longer makes sense. This paper should be not less than 8 pages and not more than 12 pages and be double-spaced (references and title page do not count towards the total pages).
Required Texts / Materials: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, 7th Edition Sunil Chopra. ISBN-13: 9780134731889. Include additional resources.

1. Consider two products with the same cost but different margins. Which product

1. Consider two products with the same cost but different margins. Which product

1. Consider two products with the same cost but different margins. Which product should have a higher level of product availability? Why?
2. Consider two products with the same margin carried by a retail store. Any leftover units of one product are worthless. Leftover units of the other product can be sold to outlet stores. Which product should have a higher level of availability? Why?
3. A firm improves its forecast accuracy using better market intelligence. What impact will this have on supply chain inventories and profitability? Why?
Improved forecast accuracy should result in a closer match between supply and demand, resulting in improved profitability. An improved match will not change the service level but will result in lower levels of unplanned carryover inventory and shortages at the end of planning periods. The improved match will increase profit by lowering the expected costs of having too much or too little inventory.
4. How can postponement of product differentiation be used to improve supply chain profitability?
Required Texts / Materials: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, 7th Edition Sunil Chopra. ISBN-13: 9780134731889. Include additional resources.
The answers should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages. You should properly paraphrase your answers from a reference.

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignment

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignment

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignments. Please be considerate to this.
Textbook for reference: Coyle, J. (2016). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective (10th ed.). Cengage Learning US.
Chapter 6 Case Study
Case 6.1 Hudson Guitars answer questions 1 & 2
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5
Chapter 7 Case Study
Case 7.1 Tires for You question #1
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5
Chapter 8 Case Study
Case 8.1 Telco Corp. Questions 1-2-3
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignment

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignment

No AI to be used for this assignment. School is detecting and failing assignments. Please be considerate to this.
Textbook for reference: Coyle, J. (2016). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective (10th ed.). Cengage Learning US.
Chapter 6 Case Study
Case 6.1 Hudson Guitars answer questions 1 & 2
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5
Chapter 7 Case Study
Case 7.1 Tires for You question #1
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5
Chapter 8 Case Study
Case 8.1 Telco Corp. Questions 1-2-3
Chapter questions 1,2,3,4,5

Case 4—Ford Motor Company Helpful questions to consider How strong are the compe

Case 4—Ford Motor Company
Helpful questions to consider
How strong are the compe

Case 4—Ford Motor Company
Helpful questions to consider
How strong are the competitive forces in the global automobile industry? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. What are the key drivers in this industry?
How have Ford’s strategy choices strengthened or weakened its position in the global automobile industry? What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Ford’s overall situation in 2020?
What are the primary components of Ford’s value chain?
What is your assessment of Ford’s financial performance over the 2017 – 2019 period? (You could use the financial ratios in the Appendix of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis.)
What do you see as the 3–4 top priority issues for CEO Jim Hackett and his management team to address?
Conduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template. Prepare and submit a three-page executive summary that discusses what strategic alternatives are available and provide a recommended strategy. You have been asked to prepare an analysis of Ford’s competitive position in the automobile and truck industry. Your report should contain 2–3 pages of recommendations for continuing the company’s success in assembling a diversified portfolio of retail brands, improving its financial position, and a recommendation about potential new areas for diversification or divestment. Write an executive summary of recommendations of no more than 2–3 pages, accompanied by supporting exhibits. These exhibits may include an overview of Ford’s strategy, an assessment of industry forces and drivers, and a financial analysis.
You are to work alone to analyze and prepare the Executive Summary for the case. NOTE: Click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to turn in your Executive Summary no later than Sunday, midnight CT. Name your file with your name and the unit number, i.e. Jones1 or Brown1. Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format.
The following information will be required for the Executive Summary. TEXTBOOK CASE ANALYSIS GUIDANCE(CAG) Download TEXTBOOK CASE ANALYSIS GUIDANCE(CAG) and the TEXTBOOK BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TEMPLATE Download TEXTBOOK BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TEMPLATE These files are required for the unit textbook case studies.
Synopsis of the Case: The content of the synopsis should present relevant background facts about the case under examination.
Relevant Factual Information about the Problem or Decision the Organization Faced: State the precise problem or decision the organization faced. The section should include information that addressed the business issue under examination. This section should be no longer than a single paragraph.
Explanation of Relevant Concepts, Theories and Applications Derived from Course Materials: This section should be the bulk of your paper. Analysis of the business problem or decision in light of the course concepts must be presented, as well as the business lesson another organization could learn from this situation. Besides citation to the text, learners must conduct research in the University library related to the top. Citing the textbook only is not enough to demonstrate you understand and can apply the course objectives. Here is where comparative and contrasting positions should be considered and examples and illustrations provided.
Recommendations: Provide logical recommendations to address the business lesson identified above. The recommendations need not to be specific to the organization examined, but should consider how other organizations, if similarly situated, could lessen the impact of the problem or decision identified. Recall, that the organization under examination has already moved pasted this problem so any recommendations made, at this point, are fruitless. The focus of this section should be on what other companies should be aware of to address similar problems or decisions. Citation to the textbook alone is insufficient for analysis in this section. Learners should conduct research in the University’s library to support their positions. Depth of scholarship is not demonstrated by providing personal opinions alone, but by using examples, analogies, comparison and illustrations from the academic literature. Not only does this synthesize the material to assist the reader’s understanding, it is an effective way to present the academic sources and extend the discussion of your ideas. This section should be a paragraph or two.
Alternative Recommendations: This section is not a continuation of the prior. Provide suggestions for how to avoid the problem or decision the examined organization faced. Analysis here should be may be forward- thinking, predictive or, most likely, preventative in nature but tied to the thesis statement. Again, opinion is insufficient to provide the required academic analysis. Sources, other than the text, must be provided to sustain the statements made. This section should be a paragraph, at most.
Conclusion: End the assignment with a summary of the important points made in the document. No new information may be presented. Writing a conclusion can be done by rewording the opening or reformulation the topic sentences of each paragraph to make a summary for the reader. This section should be a paragraph, at most.

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle.

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle.

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle. (2) Discuss and illustrate how COVID-19 has affected the logistics and transportation industry.
In your own words (75-125 words), provide a well-written initial post, using proper English grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure to the above discussion point(s).

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle.

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle.

Discuss uncertainty as it relates to the overall logistical performance cycle. (2) Discuss and illustrate how COVID-19 has affected the logistics and transportation industry.
In your own words (75-125 words), provide a well-written initial post, using proper English grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure to the above discussion point(s).

This assignment is an individual assignment. Due date for Assignment 2 is 04/05/

This assignment is an individual assignment.
Due date for Assignment 2 is 04/05/

This assignment is an individual assignment.
Due date for Assignment 2 is 04/05/2024
The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Logistics Management
Submission Date by students:Before 4/5/24
Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre
Weight: 10 Marks
Learning Outcome:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice.
2. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.
3. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.
Assignment Workload:
This assignment is an individual assignment.

Critical Thinking
In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable, and dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and the difference between what firms want to achieve and what they can do in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes more interesting than doing everything. Accordingly, they become better focused and more specialized by outsourcing and offshoring activities that are far from their core businesses. In many cases, firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or third-party logistics firms.
Using this concept of offshoring and outsourcing answer the following questions by conceding any Saudi Local company or any Multinational company.

1.What are the roles of Third-party logistics firms in the smooth running of Supply chain process of a multinational organization? (3 Mark)
2.What are the motivational factors for companies going internationally? (3 Mark)
3.On what ground do companies choose developing countries’ locations for offshoring? Use examples. (Mention the country and decisive factors) (3 Mark)
4.References (Use APA style of referencing (1 Mark)
The Answer must follow the Keyword/ outline points below:
Each answer should be 300 to 400 range of word counts.
Outsourcing, offshoring, Third Party Logistics
Their Main functions
Motivational Factors /Drivers
Reasons with suitable Examples
Note: You can support your answer by reading your book.
You can use secondary source available on internet.