Instructions Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Desc

Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Desc

Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Descriptive Techniques module. These resources are provided to study and complete this submission.
A consulting agency has a specialty of supporting global government entities in a public-private partnership to plan and implement infrastructure improvement needs. This consulting agency is evaluating customers to prioritize which countries to target. A major cost on their construction project is cement, so they researched supplier prices per pound for each quarter over the past several years (attached is this data in an Excel file, select title from 1.4 Course Content to obtain attachment and see assessment rubric with performance criteria for this submission):
What are the descriptive statistics for cement prices? Must use Excel Data Analysis Toolpak and submit Excel file in this dropbox.
Summarize in your own words what happened to cement prices over this time period. Each of the descriptive statistics calculated with the Excel Data Analysis Toolpak should be included in this explanation.
Create a scatter plot, line graph, or other chart of the cement prices.
One Excel file with this information is due .
resources that will help:…

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in on

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in on

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in one (1) file Many SC companies attempt to adopt and implement new technologies to advance their operational efficiencies, reduce costs and increase profitability. However, many of them face significant challenges and often fail in these efforts. This assignment contains case studies of the processes and challenges involved.
The assignment is informed by your learning from the first assignment. Having developed a general supply chain digital transformation plan and reflected upon how to go about successfully adopting and implementing new SC technologies in assignment one, you are now required to examine two particular cases of supply chain technology adoption, develop a comprehensive analysis and produce your key findings. Your analysis should identify and examine the motivations, the processes, the outcomes and the various key influencing factors in the technology transformation. You will develop your analysis based on 2 out of the six industry stakeholder interviews provided below. Once you have read and understood each of the interviews, use the following analysis template to present your analysis based on the different themes provided. Each interview analysis must be completed on a separate template so that you submit two separate analysis templates but in one (1) document.
For each of the themes, you must develop a summary detail (column 2) and identify quotes (column 3) to illustrate every point identified under the theme. For example, if there are 3 motivations highlighted in the interview, you should illustrate them with one quote each. At the end, you need to develop a 400 Words Summary of Findings, and submit along with the two separate analysis templates, but all in one (1) file.

Instructions Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Desc

Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Desc

Read and watch the action items in the Week 1, 1.4 Analytics – Descriptive Techniques module. These resources are provided to study and complete this submission.
A consulting agency has a specialty of supporting global government entities in a public-private partnership to plan and implement infrastructure improvement needs. This consulting agency is evaluating customers to prioritize which countries to target. A major cost on their construction project is cement, so they researched supplier prices per pound for each quarter over the past several years (attached is this data in an Excel file, select title from 1.4 Course Content to obtain attachment and see assessment rubric with performance criteria for this submission):
What are the descriptive statistics for cement prices? Must use Excel Data Analysis Toolpak and submit Excel file in this dropbox.
Summarize in your own words what happened to cement prices over this time period. Each of the descriptive statistics calculated with the Excel Data Analysis Toolpak should be included in this explanation.
Create a scatter plot, line graph, or other chart of the cement prices.
One Excel file with this information is due .
resources that will help:…

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in on

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in on

Analysis (using template provided) plus 400 Words Summary of Findings, all in one (1) file Many SC companies attempt to adopt and implement new technologies to advance their operational efficiencies, reduce costs and increase profitability. However, many of them face significant challenges and often fail in these efforts. This assignment contains case studies of the processes and challenges involved.
The assignment is informed by your learning from the first assignment. Having developed a general supply chain digital transformation plan and reflected upon how to go about successfully adopting and implementing new SC technologies in assignment one, you are now required to examine two particular cases of supply chain technology adoption, develop a comprehensive analysis and produce your key findings. Your analysis should identify and examine the motivations, the processes, the outcomes and the various key influencing factors in the technology transformation. You will develop your analysis based on 2 out of the six industry stakeholder interviews provided below. Once you have read and understood each of the interviews, use the following analysis template to present your analysis based on the different themes provided. Each interview analysis must be completed on a separate template so that you submit two separate analysis templates but in one (1) document.
For each of the themes, you must develop a summary detail (column 2) and identify quotes (column 3) to illustrate every point identified under the theme. For example, if there are 3 motivations highlighted in the interview, you should illustrate them with one quote each. At the end, you need to develop a 400 Words Summary of Findings, and submit along with the two separate analysis templates, but all in one (1) file.

Find a recent article (2022 – present) that covers a current issue in the air ca

Find a recent article (2022 – present) that covers a current issue in the air ca

Find a recent article (2022 – present) that covers a current issue in the air cargo industry.
Write a summary of the article that at a minimum, describes what the issue is, what are the causes, and what appears to be happening in the industry as a response.
The summary must be a minimum of 400 words.
Make sure to include your name at the top of the page as well as the title, source, author and a link to the article in your write-up.
Upload the document as a Word or PDF file and be prepared to lead a discussion on your topic in class.
Note: We will be using a tool in Canvas to check for plagiarism and AI written summaries.

Assignment must include: The project must be indexed and page numbering Cover pa

Assignment must include:
The project must be indexed and page numbering
Cover pa

Assignment must include:
The project must be indexed and page numbering
Cover page and make sure to include the cover page with all information required. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page.
A title that well represents the content of your report.
Table of contents.
An opening paragraph.
The main body of your report, which required analyzing a company’s use of social media [All points must be related to the concepts raised throughout the course].
A “References” section listing all sources included. And ensure that you follow the APA style in your report.
The minimum number of required references is 5.
Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line space and adjusted text.
A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
Your report length should be between 2000 to 2500 words.
Assignment must be in word format only no PDF.
Your file should be saved as: Group # – CRN – ECOM322-Project Assignment – Part 1.doc
You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.

Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States. Su

Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States. Su

Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States. Supermarkets such
as Kroger Company (KC) and Albertsons (AL) are managing food supply chains, labor
shortages, and inflation challenges. In addition, KC has made an offer to acquire AL.
Article 1: “Closing of Kroger, Albertsons, C&S Deal Postponed,” Link:
Article 2: “Kroger and Albertsons Plan to Sell 413 Stores, Kroger Gains Supply Chain
Efficiencies,” Link:…
Article 3: “Kroger Says Supermarket Sales Are Under Pressure as Shoppers Pull Back” Link:… Article 4: “How Kroger Beat the Supply Chain Crisis,” Link:…
Overview of Kroger:
Overview of Albertsons:
For this assignment, please focus on the potential merger of KC and AL.
• Discuss how KC could use the Supply Chain Umbrella to complete a successful merger
with AL.
• Discuss how new purchasing policies could be implemented to improve supplier
performance if the KCAL merger is approved.
• Describe how KC could improve the effectiveness of the sourcing team if the merger
with AL is approved.
• Discuss how KCAL could use supply chain integration to gain a competitive advantage
in 2024. The report should be developed in APA format. Please use the sources provided above.

tutor will need to download bookshelf app and will then recieve qr code for text

tutor will need to download bookshelf app and will then recieve qr code for text

tutor will need to download bookshelf app and will then recieve qr code for textbook access
You are to work alone to analyze and prepare answers/solutions for the following questions and/or case studies.The text should be your primary source of information for this assignment. Note: Do not copy answers from other internet sites. It is plagiarism when you use another person’s answers rather than preparing your own submission. Consolidate your response into one file for submission. You will have to import Excel spread sheets and graphs into your Word documents. Questions and Problems
Chapter 12: Case: Pro Fishing Boats (page 432). Answer all 3 questions. Chapter 12: Discussion Questions 3 (page 427). Chapter 12: Discussion Question 16 (page 427). Total 5 questions answered

Supply chain : CASE 1? Describe the scenario you propose to analyze. Clarify yo

Supply chain :
Describe the scenario you propose to analyze. Clarify yo

Supply chain : CASE 1?
Describe the scenario you propose to analyze. Clarify your creativity in this example.
Develop a model in Arena that reflects your scenario. There are no limits on how you choose to model the system. The model must have at least one of each of the following components (you may have more of each component): o Arrivals
o Decision node or nodes
o Process
o Assign
o A schedule
o Optional1 components are not required, but are worth 0.5 points each  A variable
 A Record module
Explain metrics used to evaluate the system. These could be the default metrics from Arena, or new metrics. You should discuss at least 4 metrics.
You may (but are NOT required to) develop a creative metric. This can be a combination of current metrics from Arena, or something else you measure in the simulation.
Run the model for the base case, with at least 100 trials. Discuss key results from the Arena analysis. Make sure to highlight the metrics you proposed earlier.
Suggest a recommendation for improving performance of the system. This recommendation must involve a policy class related to a key parameter or input of the model. Explain the rationale for using this policy class. The purpose of this policy class is to identify the relationship between one aspect of the model and various performance metrics you suggested earlier. (As an example, the policy class might be to change the arrival rate. The levels of the policy are the different arrival rates. This is probably a bad example, because arrival rates are not under your control.)
Analyze this policy class using the Arena PAN tool. The policy class must have at least 10 levels for the policy parameter. (This is called a Control in PAN.)
Develop a table to clearly identify the relationship between different levels of the policy class and the metrics proposed earlier.
Present at least 3 trade-off curves between important metrics of the model.
Make a recommendation to management. Provide arguments justifying the recommendation.
Activities A and B start immediately. The time for each activity follows a Normal distribution with mean 50 days, and standard deviation 10 days. o The completion time for activities A and B is correlated, and the correlation parameter is . We will investigate how varying the correlation between these activities affects completion time of the project. Activity C begins only after both Activities A and B are completed. The time to complete Activity C follows a Uniform distribution between 20 and 40 days. Time for Activity C is not correlated with the other activities.
 Formally, we have:
o Time-A ~ N(50 , 102)
o Time-B ~ N(50 , 102)
o Time-C ~ U[20 , 40]
o Corr(Time-A , Time-B) =  Develop the analysis in Crystal Ball (or @Risk or Python)
 Evaluate completion time for the project, as a function of different levels of correlation between times of Activities A and B. Remember that correlation can be between -1 and +1. Include a printout of the completion times.
 If the objective is shortest completion time, what’s the best form of correlation between activities? Explain this result.