Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs an

Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. Research regulatory or professional organizations that serve the profession you chose, and describe an area in which the profession seeks to improve or expand. In what other ways might the profession grow to better serve the ever-changing health care population?

Develop a teaching aid that helps explain to a 10-year-old child how messages ar

Develop a teaching aid that helps explain to a 10-year-old child how messages are transmitted in the brain.
Biopsychology is the study of how the human brain and body work, specifically: How do the cells in our brain lead to our thoughts and actions? That’s the essence of the mind-body problem—what role does biology play?
There’s an old saying that the best way to learn is to teach someone else. For this assessment, you are asked to develop a teaching aid that helps explain to a 10-year-old child how messages are transmitted in the brain. The objective of this assessment is to help you understand the basic actions of the brain by explaining it to the hypothetical 10-year-old child (feel free to test out your fine work on a child you know).Select one brain structure from the list below to focus on in your teaching aid:
Broca’s area.
Wernicke’s area.
Reticular formation.
Combine text and visual images to explain to a 10-year-old child the way the brain communicates. You can use either MS Word or MS PowerPoint. Be sure to cite your sources (including any visuals you don’t create).
The final product should answer the following questions:
Explain how neurons communicate. How do neurons work? How do they talk to each other? What happens to leftover transmitters?Consider including the following:Resting potential, graded potential, action potential.
Neurotransmission release.
Excitatory postsynaptic potential or inhibitory neuron potential.
Explain the functions of the area of the brain you chose from the list above.
Helpful tip: Start by reviewing the textbook and creating bullet points for each step. Then reword your bullet points in different ways until you find one that is clear, simple, and easy to understand. You might consider using metaphors if it helps. Lastly, create or find visuals that will help make the explanation easier to understand.
Optional WebAR Experience
Throughout this course, you will find QR Codes that will allow you to interact with integrated Augmented Reality content and experiences. Please use your mobile device to access the tutorial using this QR code.

Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs an

Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. Research regulatory or professional organizations that serve the profession you chose, and describe an area in which the profession seeks to improve or expand. In what other ways might the profession grow to better serve the ever-changing health care population?


Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.
For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?
In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.
To Prepare:
Review the Resources and think about the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously selected for study in Module 1.
Reflect on the competing needs in healthcare delivery as they pertain to the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously examined.
Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.
Provided resources
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statementsLinks to an external site.. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Retrieved from Review all, with special attention to “Provision 6” (pp. 23–26).
Kelly, P., & Porr, C. (2018). Ethical nursing care versus cost containment: Considerations to enhance RN practiceLinks to an external site.. OJIN: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1), Manuscript 6. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No01Man06. Retrieved from…
Milliken, A. (2018). Ethical awareness: What it is and why it mattersLinks to an external site.. OJIN: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1), Manuscript 1. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No01Man01. Retrieved from…


2—If you haven’t yet, please review at least one of my critiques of your colleague’s initial discussion for this week. My critiques are in the Discussion area as Elam’s review. Thank you, David, for volunteering to be part of the volunteer group.
3- Please have your two replies completed by Saturday evening.
4- Be sure your comments revolve around Eightfold Path principles or Weimer and Vining, referencing the page number
5- Your comments are to be in a critique format. You want to provide the strengths and weaknesses of Bardach’s and Patashnik’s or Weimer and Vining’s principles were applied.
6- You should not be suggesting additional content unless it is related to one of Bardach and Patashnik’s or Weimer and Vining’s principles
7- Each reply must contain at least 150 words, at least 1 in-text citation (a principle from Bardach and Patashnik or Weimer and Vining that would strengthen your colleague’s argument) from at least 1 authoritative source (The Eightfold Path guide or Weimer and Vining), and follow the current APA formatting requirements for all in-text citations and Sources section.

For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries,

For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 3 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch:
Gabriel Fernandez
ReflectionsIf your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?
If you were assigned Gabriel/Kalief to your caseload what would you do to support his health and well-being?
What areas of Gabriel/Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?
AssessmentWhat did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…
Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?
What did you learn about yourself?
Kalief Browder
ReflectionsIf your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?
If you were assigned Kalief Browder to your caseload when he was released from prison, what would you do to support his reintegration into society?
What areas of Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?
AssessmentWhat did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…
Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?
What did you learn about yourself?

Length: 500 words Freire identifies a number of specific goals for education—wha

Length: 500 words
Freire identifies a number of specific goals for education—what he thinks education should do for people. Among these goals, he suggests that education can help people “to become fully human” (166). In the context of his essay, what does Freire seem to mean by this phrase? How well has your experience at UC addressed this goal? To what extent have problem posing and banking methods of education played a part in this? Be sure to support your claims with specific, detailed evidence.

Would a disciplined approach related to the project charter help improve how org

Would a disciplined approach related to the project charter help improve how organizations handle projects? Please explain why or why not.
Think about the organization you are currently employed with or have been employed with in the past. What sociocultural factors do you believe your organization has to understand to ensure the effectiveness of the business case or project charter for any project?

Course Project Paper: Part II (115 points) Your second project deliverable shoul

Course Project Paper: Part II (115 points)
Your second project deliverable should include the following topics. Your paper should be in APA format. See the APA format and paper tab for details and assignment instructions.
Explore team dynamics and analyze the impact of different structures and lines of authority on organizational strategy and culture.
Evaluate methods for managing conflict in the workplace.
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of how enterprise-wide functions are relevant in the global economy.