Change Agent Exercise: If I could create a bill it would help solve the problem

Change Agent Exercise: If I could create a bill it would help solve the problem

Change Agent Exercise: If I could create a bill it would help solve the problem of __?
Refer to Page 148
Assume that you wanted to try to encourage the state legislature to pass a bill that would help solve the problem you examined in Chapters 1 to 3 (or another problem you choose that negatively affects people in your community).
1. Write down the outcome you strive for the problem of your interest.
• For example, If I could create a bill it would state the requirement of making it a mandate for “children within the foster care system who have aged out be assigned a mentor for a minimum of 1year. The mentor shall assist in areas such as guidance in applying for higher education, housing arrangements, transportation, and serve as support system during the 1-year transition.”
2. Brainstorm a list of groups, agencies, and organizations that you think could be involved in a coalition to work for the bill’s passage. Why do you think each group would be interested in supporting the bill?
3. Can you think of any potential challenges members of these groups might have in working together? How might any of the challenges be addressed by a culturally competent social worker?
4. Discuss how the history of the selected racial or ethnic group in the United States continues to affect their experiences and life chances.
5. Based on your topic selection, describe the barriers to service faced by members of the nondominant group.
6. Compare and contrast cultural competence, multiculturalism and cultural humility. Discuss how each of the key concepts relate to the problem you strive to resolve?