Chap 9 Terrorism in Israel and Palestine – Chap 10 Revolutionary and Counter R

Chap 9 Terrorism in Israel and Palestine – Chap 10 Revolutionary and Counter R

Chap 9 Terrorism in Israel and Palestine – Chap 10 Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Terrorism
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Chapter 9
Discuss the Zionist terrorist organizations that have existed in Israel.  Looking at some of the prominent Middle Eastern terrorist groups discussed in this chapter, what are some of the techniques used by terrorist organizations to increase recognition, support, and power? What external forces discussed in previous chapters multiplied the strength of these terrorist organizations?  Do you think it is possible to bring religious extremism to an end?
Chapter 10
How did the Tupamaros affect revolution worldwide? If the Tupamaros were so influential, then why did they ultimately fail in their own quest? What are the major issues surrounding Naxilite terrorism? How does this compare to the issues that gave rise to the Tupamaros?Julie Mazzei argues that the conditions giving rise to death squads develop when several factors come together to form a favorable environment. What are these factors? Do you agree or disagree with her argument?