Click on #2 to add attachments, and attach all your images, labeled below. Be su

Click on #2 to add attachments, and attach all your images, labeled below. Be su

Click on #2 to add attachments, and attach all your images, labeled below. Be sure and show a before and after for each technique. It you are reflecting light then take the image with no reflector used then take again with the reflector. If an editing technique, then show the original image and then the edited image.
Choose any 5 techniques below:
Reflected light that fills shadows.
Reflected light adds to the background.
Reflected light that creates a rim light or back lighting.
Reflected light only; diffuse or soften harsh light
Using adjustment brush, highlight facial features.
Using Graduated Filter, add light coming from a direction and/or a shadow region.
Use the spot healing brush to take away any blemishes.