Click the “Midterm Exam” link above. From there, locate and download the attache

Click the “Midterm Exam” link above. From there, locate and download the attached exam file, complete the exam, and then upload it to this drop box. You can also look at the menu at the top … locate “Course Activities” and click it – then select “Assignments” – then select “Midterm Exam”
Here are some important guidelines:
We have nearly arrived at the halfway point. Well done! Please remember, of course, that your midterm exam is due on October 16 by 11:59 PM. First, a few reminders:
Use only the materials available for the class to complete the exam. I implore you not to try to search for the answers online. That’s not going to lead you to the answers I’m looking for. Look in our course materials (your notes, the textbook, the documents, the videos, your previous discussions, and the other book) instead.
Before the exam, take some time to review the “tips for historical progressions” module on D2L (found under the midterm and final shortcut page). It’s important that you understand completely what you’re supposed to do in that portion.
Carefully read all of the instructions before completing each section. (Lots of people misread the purpose of section 1 … you’re explaining what happened because of the events or issues in that section. You’re not defining the events.)
Do NOT plagiarize. It isn’t worth it. Review the academic integrity module for details regarding plagiarism.
Finally, please don’t wait until Oct. 16 to begin. That’s probably not enough time to figure everything out and do well on this exam. It’s open from the first day, so look at it now!
You’ll need to be in class working on this on the day of the exam. If you’re already finished before then, you’ll have to come by and sign in before you leave.