Coming Down the Ladder 6 exercises Start with 10 reps each Next round do 9, then

Coming Down the Ladder
6 exercises
Start with 10 reps each
Next round do 9, then

Coming Down the Ladder
6 exercises
Start with 10 reps each
Next round do 9, then 8. Keep subtracting one until you reach 1 rep.
1) Burpee with jump 180 (you can look this one up)
2) Up and overs (pretend you are jumping over something)
3) Chest Press with DB or BB, you can be on a bench or on the floor. 4) Spider Mans (from plank position bring knee towards your elbow) This is an oblique exercise.
5) Squat to back lunge both legs with weights or body weight.
6) Shoulder Press with weights or body weight.
-Cool down and stretch-
***When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here! Don’t forget to include the FIIT details and to mention what was your favorite exercise!
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5