Comparative Analysis (3 minutes): Identify specific elements from “1984” (e.g.,

Comparative Analysis (3 minutes):
Identify specific elements from “1984” (e.g.,

Comparative Analysis (3 minutes):
Identify specific elements from “1984” (e.g., surveillance, censorship, propaganda, authoritarianism) and draw parallels with current events.
Discuss how technology, media, and government practices today may reflect or differ from those in the novel.
Case Studies (3 minutes):
Select two real-world examples or case studies that exemplify similarities to “1984.”
Provide concise analyses of these examples, emphasizing their impact on individual freedoms, privacy, and societal dynamics.
Media Integration (1 minute):
Incorporate relevant images, videos, and audio clips to enhance key points.
Ensure that multimedia elements effectively support your arguments and engage the audience.
Critical Reflection (1.5 minutes):
Reflect on the implications of the connections between “1984” and current events.
Discuss concerns raised by these parallels and propose brief potential solutions or actions.
Q&A Session (0.5 minutes):
Anticipate potential questions and briefly address inquiries from your classmates or the instructor.
Conclusion (0.5 minutes):
Summarize the main findings and insights from your presentation.
Emphasize the enduring relevance of “1984” and its lessons for contemporary society.
Provide concise citations for “1984” and any external sources or case studies.
Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., MLA, APA) throughout.