Consider the Case Study of the Elderly Driver outlined in Section 2, page 126 of

Consider the Case Study of the Elderly Driver outlined in Section 2, page 126 of

Consider the Case Study of the Elderly Driver outlined in Section 2, page 126 of the text. Then address the 3 questions below:
How does the case specifically reflect the important issue of balancing the legal rights of the individual and the rights of society as a whole?
What role do you believe healthcare providers should play in helping to develop driving laws and regulations?
Identify any changes you would make to prevent the types of outcomes that occurred in this case. Consider this for the individual, the health care provider and in relation to actual policy/ regulations.
Your assignment should be at least 500 words (2 pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font. Use supporting resources and make sure to substantiate your response to each question listed above. Proper text citations is required. Each assignment will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin similarity report. The similarity index for your assignment should be no more than 30%. If it is higher, you will need to address the areas of concern by paraphrasing better and resubmitting your work. Don’t use quotes.