Continue working on your project. You will now test your hypotheses using boots

Continue working on your project. You will now test your hypotheses using boots

Continue working on your project. You will now test your hypotheses using bootstrapping. You should preform two bootstraps one on the categorical and the quantitative. Be sure to include and edits suggested in your instructor’s review or the peer review. Due Monday at Noon.
Please use the data you originally collected for part 1. You will add these new parts to report part 2, 3, and 4.
1. For this project, you must nd some published or existing data. Possible sources include: almanacs, magazines and journal articles, textbooks, web resources, athletic teams, newspapers, professors with experimental data, campus organizations, electronic data repositories, etc. Your dataset must have at least 25 cases, two categorical variables and two quantitative variables. It is also recommended that you are interested in the material included in the dataset.
2. Use bootstrapping to do the analysis.
(a) Compute the standard error for the quantitative variable that you set up the hypothesis test for in part 4 using bootstrapping. Report a 95% confidence interval and decide if you are able to reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis. Create a histogram for your bootstrap distribution.
(b) Compute the standard error for the categorical variable that you set up the hypothesis test for in part 4 using bootstrapping. Report a 95% confidence interval and decide if you are able to reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis. Create a histogram for your bootstrap distribution.2. Use the techniques of the text to repeat your hypothesis test.
3.Use bootstrapping to do the analysis.
(a) Repeat your hypothesis test on the categorical variable utilizing the appropriate formulas for your situation. Compute 95% con dence interval and compare to results from bootstrapping.
4. Add to your report!
(a) Include all items requested above. Include text and graphics describing the processes you have completed.