Continuing with the theme of hypothesis testing, this week, we turn our attentio

Continuing with the theme of hypothesis testing, this week, we turn our attentio

Continuing with the theme of hypothesis testing, this week, we turn our attention to conducting tests for one sample, two paired samples, and two independent samples. To further develop our understanding of these tests, this assignment will focus on the application of these statistical techniques. You will select a dataset, conduct the appropriate tests, and share your findings.Assignment Requirements: Dataset Selection: Choose a dataset that allows for one sample, two paired samples, and two independent sample tests. Briefly explain why you have chosen this dataset.
Hypothesis Formulation: Formulate hypotheses appropriate for one sample, two paired samples, and two independent sample tests. Describe the hypotheses for each test clearly.
Execution of Tests: Perform the tests using Python or R, and document the steps you have taken. Be sure to include your code in your initial post.
Results Interpretation: Interpret the results of your tests. What do the results tell you about your dataset and the hypotheses you formulated?
Conclusions and Applications: Summarize your findings and discuss potential real-world applications of your conclusions. Submission Format: Your submission should be a maximum of 500-600 words (excluding Python/R code). Submit your assignment in APA format as a Word document or a PDF file. Include your written analysis and any tables or visualizations that support your findings. If you used any software for your calculations (like R, Python, Excel), please include your code or formulas as well. Include an APA-formatted reference list for any external resources used.

Posted in R